A/N: this is my first Vampire Academy fic, it is the alternate ending to Spirit Bound and then it will become my version of Last Sacrifice. I don't tend to write long chapters so I hope this can hold you over, I will post Chapter 2 tomorrow. Reviews and Constructive criticism are welcome!

Disclaimer: Unfortunately for me I do not own a single thing associated with VA. However Richelle if you see this, I'd love to own Dimitri. The Title Grenade belongs to Bruno Mars, and also the title of the chapter belongs to him. (I suggest you go find his music right now, you wont regret it)

I didn't take my eyes off of Dimitri as we sat in the cafe at a table together, it felt as if it were a dream, all my hard work had paid off and there he was sitting in front of me, a Dhampir. He was no longer a Strigoi, he was just a Dhampir. I still couldn't believe it. His beautiful brown eyes were no longer red ringed, no longer did a sadistic smile sit on his face and I knew there never would be again, his face was stoic and free of any emotion. However his eyes betrayed him; the fear, pain and guilt shone through. Why was it so hard for him to forgive himself? I had already forgiven him, how could he continue to punish himself and intern me for what he had done?

"Come on comrade put a smile on that dial" my attempt to get a smile out of him had clearly failed as his expression didn't change "I know you're lying…" I continued uneasy as to what I was about to get myself into, common sense told me to leave him alone (as did Lissa) but I couldn't leave this… him alone.

"Do you really, Roza?" the pain was evident in his voice, his accent was thicker than usual. The use of his nickname for me was proof enough that he still cared as my heart beat grew increasingly fast.

"I really do know Dimitri; I can see it in your eyes." I spoke clearly and thoughtfully attempting push my own emotions aside. "You're lying about us. About how you feel about me"

"I can't be with you Roza not after everything I've done"

"Well what about everything I've done to get you back," I hissed at him weary of his guardians listening ears.

"Does it really matter, Rose?" He responded as his eyes locked with mine. "It doesn't change anything I did, to you and to those innocent people."

"I've forgiven you Dimitri," I didn't break the eye contact as a million and one messages passed between us. I hoped my eyes conveyed the love and forgiveness I was feeling. I watched as his expression softened slightly and the guilt in his eyes faded slightly.

Maybe there was hope.

"ROSE," a familiar voice yelled angrily.

"I told you to stay away from Dimitri." Lissa was still yelling. "He doesn't want to see you." She started and grabbed at my arm trying to pull me away like a protective mother, except she wasn't showing any concern for my feelings; she was focused on Dimitri, and her anger clearly showed.

"You know what Lissa, just shut up and let me go," I snapped. "I just wanted to talk to him, I love him." I snatched my arm away from her as my own anger began to take over. "The two of you act as if I had no part in saving him, after everything we've been through together; you're so busy protecting him. What about me? Don't I matter to either of you anymore?" I was screaming at this point and I knew I sounded like a raving lunatic but I didn't care, I was sick of Lissa being so hard on me.

"Rose…" Lissa was now staring at me her was mouth wide open. "No, it's not like that," her thoughts reflected her shock.

"Vasilisa Dragomir?" a serious looking guardian questioned interrupting our 'discussion'

"That's me," she responded with a confused look.

"You need to come with us right now," his tone was menacing. I really didn't like it the sound of it.

"What the hell for?" I questioned, stepping in front of her as Dimitri left his seat taking his spot beside me, and the guardians behind the man began to approach slowly.

"Touch her and you'll regret it." I narrowed my eyes scanning the room, there were at least 15 guardians waiting behind the ones already approaching.

"Dimitri, do you think we can take them all?" I didn't take my eyes off of the people in front of us.

"Yes," he answered just as a few of the guardians decided it was time for action, I took a few blows but managed to subdue the first set of attackers when Lissa screamed "STOP IT!"

I could feel her slowly calming me through the bond.

"I'll be okay Rose" she took my hand in hers as our thoughts seemed find a meeting place

"Don't worry Rose, I know I did nothing wrong, they have no proof of whatever it is…"

"Can you hear my thoughts?" I asked in my mind as Lissa's eyes widened and she nodded.

"Are you sure you about this? Dimitri and I will keep fighting for you…" I asked through our bond, this was the strangest experience I'd ever had in regards to the bond; we'd never been able to communicate both ways.

"I'm sure Rose, I don't want either of you getting into trouble" she replied. She let go of my hand and stepped past Dimitri and I "okay, I'll go…but what is this about?" she asked rather meekly as fear began to fill her again.

"Liss, don't let them take you…" I tried to stop her.

"NO Rose." Her tone was firm and I could tell she meant it. "I have to go."

"Is this over then?" the Guardian asked. His face showed no emotion, he had his Guardian mask on.

Lissa nodded and stood with her arms out. "Vasilisa Dragomir, you are under arrest for high treason," he said as he cuffed her.

"High treason of what kind?" Dimitri spoke up this time.

"The murder of her Royal Majesty Queen Tatiana" the guardian answered. "Also, you two are under arrest for obstruction of Justice." He led Lissa away; we found ourselves being cuffed by the other guardians and led in the same direction.

I sat in the cell with Dimitri, thinking about how ridiculous this predicament was. We were supposed to be Lissa's guardians but here we were, we both failed to protect her and now she had been arrested for a crime that I knew without a doubt she hadn't committed. If she'd done something like murdering that sanctimonious bitch, it would have involved such strong emotion, I would have been there with her committing the crime with her. Lissa wouldn't even hurt a fly let alone kill the queen. Even I wouldn't dream of doing something like that and I hated the bitch just as much as she hated me.

I soon found myself laughing at the ironic fact that I was locked up in a cell with Dimitri.

"What's so funny, Roza?" His question startled me.

"At the fact that you can't really get away from me now," I dared him to deny it but we both knew he couldn't run away anymore. "Not even Lissa can stop me from talking to you."

"I guess I better stop trying to run away," he smiled a small but still dazzling smile that took my breath away. As we began to talk, a guardian approached our cell.

"Rose Hathaway, there is a visitor waiting to see you."

A/n: Well what do you think?