
He is one of those people whose presence can fill a room. He is bright, bubbly and loud. Sometimes too loud. He is eternally loyal to his friends and a person will help and defend a person to the bitter end. He doesn't see a lost cause in someone and he is willing to forgive a person's transgressions. He never gives in to defeat and will battle on even if he is hurting.

His name is Tyson Granger.

Sure he is no angel. He has faults like anyone else. But to me – those faults just make him a better person. Perfect…

I was one of those lost causes… a person who had hurt him. A person he forgave and offered his friendship to. I count myself lucky to be considered a friend. I have always been different and he has willingly accepted this.

Over the years I have slowly but surely fallen for this young man.

My name is Tala. Tala Valkov.

There is just one problem. Tyson is madly in love with my best friend and rival, Kai Hiwatari.


Hi guys. This is my latest and it's only a little teaser of what is to come. Please review and let me know what you think. xox