And we've have come to the end of this epic journey called 'Rough Peril'. I wanna thank you all so much for taking the time to read and gave me your thoughts about this story. This is by far my longest wrestling story to date and my highest reviewed story as well; until 'Tug of War' surpasses it, I'm gonna continue relishing this one as my most successful. Now, with that being said, here's the epilogue so many of you have been waiting for.

Enjoy and happy reading!

Lots of love, hugs and kisses from your resident writer and friend, Nina!


Cena residence

Tampa, Florida

July 4, 2012 (Independence Day)

The weather outside was hot and humid, which suited many people in the town of Tampa just fine; especially for the holiday. Many flocked to the beach for some fun in the sun while others went to their neighborhood pools to cool off. Independence day with filled with fun activities and what else can you go to have some fun and not have to worry about getting in trouble?

At the Cena household.

John was firing up the grill while Jalen was too busy chasing around her twin girls; laughing, tickling and showering them with love. Treasure and Eternity, who are now one, were a breathing, living replica of their mother, who never thought in a million years that she could be so happy having them in her life. That, and having her now husband by her side makes her life worth living.

Six months after the twins were born, John and Jalen were married in an intimate ceremony; only inviting 40 of their friends and family, including Kylie and Nathan, who served as their witnesses. Then, they newlyweds jetted off to Paris, France for a two week long honeymoon, where they purchased a beautiful little cottage they can go to whenever they want some alone time with one another.

When they got back home, Jalen sold her Houston home and decided that living in Tampa would be good for her. She's currently back in school, majoring in psychology and also volunteer at several shelters; counseling domestic violence victims and survivors on how it's never too late to get out before their lives takes a deadly turn. Furthermore, she also encourages women to make amends with their families before it's too late.

John continues to flourish in his WWE career, but he's been cutting back on his traveling because of his newfound family. He gained new respect as being a mentor to up and coming superstars who wanna make it big with Vince McMahon and company.

While John continued to fire up the grill, Jalen and Kylie were now soaking their feet in the pool; Jalen holding Treasure and Kylie holding Eternity.

"Mom, I still can't believe how happy I am with my life," Jalen beamed, dropping a kiss on Treasure's head.

"I know. I can't believe it, either. I thought I would never be happy again, but Nate has shown me otherwise," Kylie said, looking over her shoulder and smiling at her new husband. She and Nate recently got married and they just came back after a month long honeymoon in Perth, Australia, Nate's native country. They came back home long enough to put Kylie's home up for sale because while in Perth, Kylie was offered a job working at a private treatment facility with a higher pay raise and more benefits. She decided to take the job since her husband got a huge promotion at his job, which would enable him to relocate back to his home country.

"Mom, I can't believe you're moving to Australia," Jalen said. She started to tear at the thought of her mother living down under.

"I know, honey. But this job is a perfect opportunity for me to be able to explore new options. Nate's so happy to be heading back home. And, besides, I've always wanted to go to Australia. Now, I'm going to live in Perth," Kylie beamed.

"I know, Mom, but it's gonna be so weird not seeing you every single day," Jalen said, feeling tears forming in her eyes.

"Honey, it's not like I'm leaving you again. I love you and I'm so happy that I was able to find you again. I'll be back before you know it and you can come visit me anytime you want. Don't say goodbye, baby. It's more like see you later," Kylie sated, leaned over and kissed her daughter's forehead gently.

"I know, Mama. I love you," Jalen said, smiling.

Kylie smiled right back. "I love you, too, darling."

Throughout the rest of the day, the family sat down at the patio table and ate the fabulous dinner John cooked. When the sun began to set, Kylie and Nate headed for bed while John and Jalen continued to sit out in the backyard, laying on a hammock with their arms around each other. Kylie made sure that the twins were tucked into bed a while ago.

Fireworks started going off in the air as the couple just looked up at the sky and admired the stars illuminating the crystal clear pool dancing in their eyes. Jalen looked up at her husband and noticed he has the biggest grin on his face. That let her know that he was just as happy as she is.

"I love you," she blurted out.

He leaned over and kissed the side of her head gently. "I love you, too, baby."

"If this is a dream, I never wanna wake up," she beamed, snuggling close to his side.

"Well, you're not the only one. I never thought in a million years that I could be this happy with someone; especially with someone like you," he confessed, grinning.

"I know how you feel. I never thought I'd be happy as well. After all the bad things that have been happening to me, I never thought I'd be able to have a family of my own. Not only that I have you, but I got my babies and I got my mother back in my life. And she's happy with her man. I'm just so happy," she replied, smiling at her husband.

He leaned down and planted a searing kiss on her lips. She responded by wrapping her arms around his neck and pressed herself against him even more. Before long, they began removing each other's clothing as the fireworks continued to go off in the crystal clear sky.

Jalen never felt so alive in her life. As John was making sweet, passionate love to her, she reflected on how her life came to be. Sure, she had a lot of rough perils but she got through them with the love and support of the people who matter most to her. Her heart has been broke so many times and her life seemed to be a one big giant mess, but she was able to rise above from a dangerous situation and ended up with a brand new life with her husband, her twin daughters, her mother and a brand new beginning of a beautiful new life.

And she wouldn't have it any other way.

The End!

I hope you enjoy this story! And please take the time to read 'Tug of War' and any of my old stories. Thanks and God bless!

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