Too Beautiful.

Warning: this chapter contains violence and abuse of a man hitting a woman he supposedly loves.

What kind of men lays his hand on the woman he loves,

calls her angel and shows no remorse,

and the blood

he covers her body in bruises and scars.

You don't understand just how beautiful you are.

Emily Prentiss opens her apartment door and throws her keys on the hallway table. She drags her weekend bag a little further but drops is just as quickly as the keys when she starts to feel her muscles burn worse. The team just got back from Missouri after a weeklong during case and Emily felt exhausted, all she wanted was to take a long both and then curl up in bed with her boyfriend. That is, if he wasn't having one his moods.

"Rick?" She calls out, walking into the living room where she expects him to be. But it was empty. "Rick?" she calls out again, making her way to the kitchen now. That's where she sees him, leaning against the counter and staring out of the window. His posture seemed tense; he was indeed having one of his moods. "Hey," Emily whispers, hoping to calm him down a little.

He turns away from the window and looks at her, the anger clearly evident in his eyes.

"My angel." He makes an attempt on a smile, "You didn't call yesterday." Emily cringes; she hates it when he smiles at her like that.

"We got a breakthrough in the case" she tries to explain. "We searched for our unsub all day, I couldn't find time to call. I'm sorry."

Emily saw Rick clench his fists. "You could've called this morning" he says, raising his voice.

"I'm sorry, Rick." She tried to smile. "We left early and I was really tired, I should've called."

"Yes," his voice went harsher "you should have." He closed in on her until he was just in front of her, his eyes lighting dangerously. "But you didn't." He raises his hands and Emily ducks, her eyes widening.

She dodges his hand on the last second. "Rick" she whispers in a warning tone. "You're doing it again." She'd promised to warn him when he got angry again, when he didn't seem to be in control of himself anymore. But his eyes stayed angry and her words didn't seem to get through to him. He stepped closer to her again and she backed away, trying to stand up. But before she knew what was happening his hand had connected with her face and she went crashing to the floor again. "Shit," she yelled. "Rick, stop it." But her words didn't matter anymore and neither did her pleading looks. She watched his hands closely to not miss another move, but doing so while trying to stand up with a dizzy head turned out to be quit the challenge.

Rick moved one hand to her face but Emily saw it coming, what she didn't saw though was his other fist. He slammed it into her stomach and Emily cringed in pain. "Rick," she whispered in a last try, "please." But she knew it wouldn't help, and it killed her. She loved the man in front of her, she couldn't help it. He'd been the sweetest man on the planet when they'd just started dating, and the more time she spend with him the deeper she fell. It wasn't like anything she'd felt before. She dodged another one of his hands but knew she couldn't keep this up forever. Rick was a large and strong man and though Emily knew how to defend herself, she also knew she had no chance against him.

You are too beautiful,

your heart, it wants something more.

Those shades of blue on that face of yours

hide the smile that beats in your chest.

For every hit she dodged she got hit twice as hard in return and after a few minutes she already felt herself slipping away, tears uncontrollably sliding down her face.

She was going to leave. The thought flashed through her mind and it shocked her. Where would she go? It didn't matter; she wanted to go away from all the pain. The beating had never before been this bad; always in a way that wouldn't be noticed to anyone else. And as much as she loved Rick, she wasn't going to let herself stay in this situation. She wasn't going to accept all this pain, she needed something more. Her heart needed something more; it needed love and a connection to another heart. She didn't accept all the beating and screaming, no woman should ever accept that.

And despite all the beating, she felt like smiling. A smile inside, hidden by bruises and scars. Things were going to change from now on, and she was going to make it happen.

When he's done with her beating

he just steps aside,

wipes the sweat from his brow and yells over her cries.

'you don't know what I've been through,'

he yells and he says

'you don't know what I've done for you.'

And he hits her again.

Emily feels the beating slow down and eventually stop. She feels weak and with difficulty she makes herself smaller, carefully opening one eye. She's lucky; it still will. But feeling the pain in her other eye, she knows that one will swell.

Rick is hovering above her; one hand ready to hit again and the other hand wiping little drops of sweat from his brow. Her mind tells her to move away while she still can but her body protest heavily, not being able to move even the slightest bit. She still wants to leave, that's still her plan, the only thing she missed while coming up with that plan was the fact that that meant she actually needed to move.

She tried to ignore her former boyfriends yelling, the sound hurting in her head. How was she going to drive with a concussion? Who cared, as long as she would get away? She carefully tried to move, but pain ripped through her entire body. It was painful, but she could take it. Just like she could take everything else.

"Do you know what I've been through?" Emily heard Ricks rough whisper. "No, no you don't."It didn't matter how he whispered. Everything coming out of his mouth sounded too loud, too harsh. It still hurt too much.

"You don't understand what I've done for you." The hand he'd had ready to hit, the hand that had lowered just a little during his yelling, it was the hand he raised again. "You don't know anything." It was the hand that collided with her face, again and again and again…

And she stands in the mirror

she looks less alive,

she lifts up her shirt to see she has five

branded fingers on her side.

She's feeling it all now

but she doesn't cry,

she doesn't cry.

She takes a final look around her room, her bag all packed beside her.

The beating had finally stopped and Rick had stormed out of the room, leaving her unconscious on the floor. She wished he'd been drunk, that way she would at least have an explanation for the pain he'd inflicted on her, but he hadn't had one sip of alcohol and she didn't have her explanation. She'd been on the verge of sleep and awake and she waited for a hand colliding with her body, but it never came. She couldn't remember how long she'd laid there but after what seemed like a lifetime, she finally found a little strength to stand up.

And now she was ready to leave, to drive away and never look back. But with pain in her heart she knew, she would have to look back many times if she wanted to make this man pay for what he did to her.

Her eyes fell on the mirror in the corner, the mirror they'd bought together when Emily had moved in here. She'd said it was the only thing she wanted to change in the bedroom, add a mirror. She walked towards it, her eyes locking with the ones staring back at her. She didn't like the empty globes, the energy and strength that had once been showed in them was long gone. Her eyes slowly drift down as she lifts the hem of her shirt. She sees a hand, five fingers branded on her side. She doesn't want to feel anything and until now she hadn't, but seeing the evidence of violence provoked all pains to make it known. And she wanted to cry, she wanted to collapse on the ground and die. But she didn't, she didn't and she wouldn't cry. She wanted to be that strong woman again, the woman she'd once been.

She drops her shirt back down and turns around, carefully grabbing her bag and walking to the door with a solid step. And she doesn't cry, not once.

You are too beautiful,

your heart, it wants something more.

Those shades of blue on that face of yours

hide the smile that beats in your chest.

AN: Hello all, thank you for reading and let me know what you thought about it. I put a lot of effort into this one, simply because this is a phenomenal song. It's Too Beautiful by He is we; I definitely recommend checking this song out. This will be a Two shot so the next chapter will be the final one, I still have to write it but it should be up by the end of this week (and if I suddenly find a burst of inspiration don't be shocked when it's up earlier!) This story will remain H/P Friendship.

Disclaimer: I don't own Emily Prentiss or any other content of Criminal Minds. I also, sadly, don't own the lyrics to the song Too Beautiful.

EN: Ok wow. That was just wow! Amazing job babe! I loved it! Great work, can't wait for the next chapter!