A/N: This story takes place, well technically 10 years after my previous story, "My Best Friend's Girl." I highly suggest you read that first if you haven't already or you might be a bit lost.

I just can't let them go yet, especially on the sad note of the end of MBFG. So here's your sequel. : )

Just to clear up any confusion, they call baby Eliza (who just turned 10), Noelle. She will tell you why next chapter but I want to be clear; it's the SAME adorable little baby/girl.


I heard a knock on the door and hurried to answer it before my overly exuberant daughter. Unfortunately she beat me there, throwing it open wide and launching herself at the people who stood in the door.

"Auntie Quinn! Nana Shelby! Beth!"

"Eliza Noelle! How many times do I have to tell you to let me answer the door! You can't just fling it open willy-nilly. There could be a seriously messed up person on the other side!"

"Yes mama." She said meekly, quickly pulling Beth towards her room. I laughed as Beth looked at me, mouthing 'help me' as she was dragged away. Suddenly, Noelle came bounding back. "Why did you just get here? Yesterday was my birthday!"

"You know princess; everything is not always about you." Quinn told her, holding back a laugh. At the dejected look on her face, Quinn relented. "Our flight got delayed. You don't think I would willingly miss my favorite goddaughter's tenth birthday? Did you?" She picked her up, sighing slightly under the weight and kissed her cheek, before giving her a little push and sending her running off to her room.

"Come sit down." I told Shelby and Quinn. "The rest will be here in a little bit." We sat in comfortable silence in the living room for a while, the CD of 'New Direction's Greatest Hits' Mr. Schue had given us senior year playing from my IPod. As the song changed to a familiar soft and slow melody Quinn got up abruptly, walking towards the speaker.

Beth I hear you calling, but I can't come home right now.

"Why do you do this to yourself Rachel?" She asked with a hint of anger in her voice. I didn't know how to respond. She hit skip quickly, grimacing when a familiar version of 'Good Vibrations began playing. She finally just shut it off. "Do you have a playlist to torment yourself with?"

A knock at the door, followed by the turn of a key and Kurt's loud entrance, saved me from having to respond. As I got up to go greet Kurt, I could see Quinn shake her head at me sadly. I pushed it out of mind. I only listened to it once in a while. Especially on this day every year.



I kept a watchful eye on Rachel all through our early dinner. I knew what was coming tonight. Every year, the day after Noelle's birthday, the day he left, we all came back to support her. It was the same pattern every year. After her show, we'd all go out to a bar or something, she wouldn't talk about it, but we all knew the reason why it was the one day of the year that Rachel Berry would really get drunk. I could see Finn watching her anxiously too, she was always so edgy; screaming at the slightest thing and her poor husband usually bore the brunt of it. I wondered if she'd gone off yet today.

As Finn and the kids finished demolishing the remains of Noelle's birthday cake, she stood up dramatically, tapping a glass to get the attention. My goodness, she was Rachel's daughter.

"So as many of you know, and some of you may regrettably not know, I have recently begun learning to play the guitar. I just learned a new song and I would like to debut it for you. Mama and Daddy haven't even heard it yet." She ran off quickly to her room, returning with a guitar and a piece of sheet music. She began to slowly pick out a very very familiar melody and I gasped as I fully realized what this was. I looked across the table at Finn in horror. He met my glance for a second, his face a mirror of my fear, before turning to stare intently at his wife. I turned towards Rachel too, noticing as I did so that Kurt's eyes were trained on her and most of the rest of the group was flickering between Noelle and Rachel

Where it began, I can't begin to know when
But then I know it's growing strong
Oh, wasn't the spring, whooo
And spring became the summer
Who'd believe you'd come along

I watched Rachel's face freeze in an undefinable expression as she stared at her daughter like she was a ghost. There was no denying that Noelle was Rachel's daughter, but listening to her play and sing THAT song, I was transported back to the choir room at WMHS. I felt like I was sixteen again, struggling with my ever down spiraling life and watching the boy responsible for it all, who I was still somehow drawn to, serenading the girl I hated.

Hands, touching hands, reaching out
Touching me, touching you
Oh, sweet Caroline
Good times never seem so good
I've been inclined to believe it never would

I sneaked a look at Noelle, seeing her smiling excitedly as she concentrated on playing each note perfectly and all I could see was the father who'd disappeared ten years ago shining out of her eyes, his eyes. I peeked over at Beth before returning my eyes to Rachel. Beth was staring at her half-sister with those same darn eyes shining from her face. Rachel was completely white faced and she was gripping the table like a life line.

Hands, touching hands, reaching out
Touching me, touching you
Oh, sweet Caroline
Good times never seem so good
I've been inclined to believe it never would Ohh No no no

As Noelle finished the song, she looked around obviously waiting for praise. Kurt leapt to his feet clapping and the rest of us quickly followed his example.

"That was lovely baby, I've got to go get ready for my show now." Rachel choked out, stumbling to her room. Noelle looked after her uncertainly as Finn got up to follow her. I laid a hand on his arm.

"Let me go. You won't be any help to her right now." He nodded regretfully, turning to Noelle as I walked slowly towards Rachel's door. I knocked on the door then opened it slowly, ignoring Rachel's muffled,

"Go away."

"No." I sat down on the edge of the bed where she was laying facedown. "I'm not leaving you here to wallow in self-pity." She turned to look at me in shock. "Rachel this is crap, why do you still let him do this to you? He's gone! There's nothing you can do about it, move on!"

"I just miss him so much!" She sobbed suddenly. "I'm just haunted by 'what ifs.' What if there was something I could have done differently? Something that would have made him stay. Or at least be in her life. Quinn, she looks so much like him and seeing her singing that song, it just ripped my heart to shreds all over again."

"I know Rach." I stroked her hair comfortingly. "It's okay, really. Now finish crying and clean yourself up. You've got a show to do." She smiled at me weakly, nodding determinedly. I stood up and walked back out into the other room. Finn looked at me questioningly and I smiled at him. She was going to be just fine.

A/N: Okay, this was just set up really but I hope you liked it.

One question for you guys, pairings and children: how many and names etc, esp. for Finn and Rach.


So? Thoughts? Suggestions? Rotten Tomatoes? Let me know!