Carlos POV

"MR. GARCIA GET THAT FROG OUT OF MY CLASS ROOM!" the teacher yelled as I threw a frog in the air and it began to hop all over the classroom. The class erupted with laughter and some squeals.

"Pshh girl whatchoo talkin 'bout I don't have a frog!" I said laughing uncontrollably. I was always the class clown of every class or school I went to. I had even been kicked out of a school for accidently setting my teacher's skirt on fire. But I guess everything happens for a reason. If I hadn't been moved to this new school I would've never met my buds Kendall and James. You see although I made everyone laugh, they still saw me as trouble and they all knew about me being gay so they didn't want to get involved with me, so I never really had any friends. I secretly would cry when I was at home alone. I envied all the groups of friends that I would see at school. Always laughing or high fiving each other. But now at this new school, people seemed to like me and they didn't know about my liking for guys and it had totally turned my life around.

"CARLOS I AM NOT GOING TO TELL YOU AGAIN!" the teacher lady yelled.

"Okay okay sorry!" I said still giggling. "Here Sparky!" I said while whistling at the frog. The class giggled and I went and scooped the frog up and put it outside the window.

"Now, that we don't have any more distractions, I'd like to introduce our new student, Logan Mitchell." She said annoyed.

He was just so cute! Ha! He had soft looking spiky hair and bright brown eyes and he had a shy crooked smile.

"HEY dude! There's an empty seat by me!" I said raising my hand. The teacher rolled her eyes.

"Mr. Mitchell, you can choose to sit where you want, you don't have to sit by him he's a trouble—"

"No, its fine, I'll sit by him." He said giving her a small smile.

"Hey, I'm Carlos! Welcome to this crappy school." I said chuckling.

He blushed and held his hand out for a handshake. "I'm Logan."

"Hey, Logan nice to meet ya! Dude we should totally hang at lunch!"

"MR. GARCIA!" the teacher yelled.

"Sowwwy!" I said in an innocent voice.

Logan giggled. "She hates me!" I whispered loudly.

Logan POV

Being the new kid at school is not easy. Especially when you're like me. Smart, shy and geeky…and gay. I thought my first day was going to be a disaster. But once I had found my first class, I met Carlos. He was funny and really nice…and a cutie. Ughh, he'll probably stop being my friend the second he finds out I'm gay. I'm pretty sure I blushed earlier when I was talking to him, hopefully he didn't notice. The whole class time he was whispering stuff to me and telling me where my next class was. He was even friendly enough that he told me to hang with him at lunch. I accepted his invitation and was looking for him during lunch when some big headed jock came and slammed my tray of food into my face. His friends high fived him and laughed. "Oops sorry new kid didn't see you there." I felt tears well up in my eyes. Then I heard a familiar voice.

"HEY!" Carlos walked up to the jock that was a good foot taller than him and pointed his finger in his face. "You don't mess with my friends, bitch!"

"What are you gonna do about it you fucking midget."

Carlos started laughing. "You wanna find out?" Carlos slammed his fist into the jock's face causing his nose to bleed.

"YOU LITTLE BITCH!" the giant yelled. He swung his fist towards Carlos, but surprisingly Carlos caught it and twisted it around. He pushed the bully against the wall.

"I told you not to fuck with me…Now apologize, unless you want me to beat your ass up even more."

The jock turned to me and said, "S-sorry, won't happen again."

"Better not."Carlos murmured. Then the jock and his friends ran away. Carlos turned to me and his face became sad.

"I'm sorry about that, I just hate those guys…and that was just so rude of them to do that."

"Why are you sorry, no one has ever stood up for me like that. So thank you!" I hugged him. But then I remembered that I was covered in my lunch. "Sorry! I didn't mean to get that all over you."

Carlos laughed. "It's cool bro. Let's just go get you cleaned up."


"I'm dead." Carlos said, but laughed. "Well, I'm gonna go get in trouble, you clean yourself up." I smiled and felt myself blush. I think I kinda liked Carlos more than I should.

Carlos POV

Man, why did Logan have to be so adorable. My dad was going to kill me. I walked into the office and smiled at the receptionist. "Hey Miss Williams, They called me…so yeah I'm here."

She shook her head. "Carlos, can you stay out of trouble for at least one day." She said laughing.

I shook my head no, "I guess not."

"What happened this time?"

"Well, there was this new kid in my class, and these jerks were bugging him so…I kicked there ass."

"Carlos! Was the new kid cute?" she whispered. I nodded my head and raised my eyebrows. She was the only one that knew I was gay.

"Of course." She said chuckling.

Then the principal called me. "Carlos Garcia."

I sighed. "I'm coming." I walked slowly but turned around dramatically and said, "If I don't come out of here alive, tell my dog that I love him!" All the receptionists and a few teachers laughed.

I step into the cramped office and sat down. "Carlos, please explain to me why you punched Michael in the face." The principal said calmly.

"Well, he pushed my friend's tray of food into his face, and it's only Logan's first day of school. I just don't want anyone messing with him."

The principal sighed. "Why couldn't you have solved this without violence."

"Because! That dude is a jerk!"

The principal pinched his nose in annoyance. "You have detention, don't let his happen again. You're lucky that I'm not suspending you."

"I'll try my best, man! And thanks for that!" I dashed out of the office and went to find Logan. I saw him sitting by himself looking bored and lonely.

I went up to him and said, "Dude! You should come meet my posse!"

He smiled. "Alright." I led him to James and Kendall.

"Hey Carlitos! I heard you got in trouble again." Kendall said punching me in the arm playfully.

I laughed, "Yeah, I did! This is Logan! He's new here!"

"Sup Logan!" Kendall and James said in unison.

"Logan, that's Kendall and that's James! They're my bitches!" I said.

"Hey! If anyone's a bitch, it's James!" Kendall said laughing.

"Huh! I am not a bitch!" James said playfully slapping Kendall. Logan laughed.

"So, Logan how you liking this school." James said chuckling.

"Well…it's okay. I already got picked on by this one guy though."

"Who was it? Michael?" James questioned.

"Yeah" I said.

"Man, he picks on everyone. And Carlos always tries to kick his ass. We have to hold him back." Kendall said chuckling.

"Carlos did kick his ass!" Logan said giggling.

"FINALLY!" James said and everyone started laughing. Then the bell rang to go to class. "Hey, Logie I'll catch you after school. That cool with you?" I said.

Logan POV

He called me Logie. Man that was cute. I smiled, "Yeah, its cool." The rest of the day seemed to drag. I couldn't wait to see Carlos after school. I had only known him for not even a day, and I was already crushing on him.

I was daydreaming about him during math, when the teacher called on me. "Mr. Mitchell, you seem to have already learned this because you are day dreaming."


"Can you please give me the answer?" I looked at the problem that she had written down. Ha! This was easy.

"Yeah, its 15." She raised her eyebrows at me.

"V-very good." I smiled. Good thing I was smart. Once the bell rang signifying that school was over, I went up to the teacher's desk to apologize. My mother had always told me to have good manners. "Excuse me, ma'am."

"Yes, Mr. Mitchell."

"I just wanted to apologize about not paying attention, I was just trying to remember what homework I had for the other classes. But, I am very sorry, I should've been paying attention to your lesson."

"Oh dear, I accept your apology. And thank you for apologizing. No student has ever been so respectful."

"Well, my mother taught me manners." I said smiling.

She smiled, "Have a nice day, Logan."

"You too ma'am." I walked quickly out of the classroom to find Carlos. I saw Carlos with Kendall and James. They seemed to be arguing. I approached then cautiously.

"Dude! You cannot do a handstand!" Kendall said.

"I bet you 20 bucks he can!" James said smirking.

"I can Kendall! You wanna see." Carlos took his backpack off and did a perfect handstand. His shirt went up showing his perfectly sculpted abs. My face become hot and I knew I was blushing. Carlos turned around still doing a handstand and fell when he saw me.

He turned red, embarrassed. "H-hey Logan!"

"20 bucks man!" James yelled at Kendall. Kendall groaned but pulled out his wallet and gave James a twenty.

James saw that that was all that Kendall had and said, "You know what dude, its cool!"

Kendall smiled, "Really?"

"Yeah, man!"

My gaydar went off, they obviously had a thing for each other.

"Dude, why are you blushing?" Kendall asked. At first I thought he was talking to me, but then I saw him looking at Carlos.

"I AM NOT! I was upside down so all the blood went to my face!"

"But it should've went away by now!" James pointed out.

"Shut up!" Carlos said messing up James' hair.

"My hair!" James yelled. I couldn't help but laugh. Then Carlos started laughing, then Kendall. James looked mad, but then he started to laugh too.

Once we all calmed down, Carlos said, "You guys wanna go to the skate park?"

"For shizzle." Kendall said.

James put a hand on his shoulder. "Kendall, I'm sorry but you are not black."

"Shut up!" Kendall said giggling and turning slightly red.

"You wanna go Logie?"

"Yeah, sounds like fun! But I left my skateboard at home."

"You can borrow one of mine!" Carlos said happily. '"Thanks Carlos." I said smiling.

On the way there, Carlos talked about some crazy stuff that happened in his class and how he had to go sit outside because he called someone an inappropriate name. I listened the whole time , but then Carlos and Kendall had walked ahead of us and James started talking to me.

"So, you like Carlos?" James asked smiling.

"Yeah, he's cool…" I don't know what he meant by "like".

"No, I mean do you like Carlos?"

My face turned red and I started stammering, "Dude, I-uh, NO, I'm not gay."

"Mhmm sure, I can tell you are, no offence, and I saw the way you were blushing earlier."

"Well, I saw you blush when you were talking to Kendall." Now it was his turn to blush and act confused.

"N-no I wasn't…pshh dude you crazy."

"Am I? You're telling me that you don't blush when you see him smile and his cute little dimples appear. And you know the first thing I noticed about him was that he has very nice emerald green eyes and—"

"Ok, ok, fine…I have a little crush on him! But don't tell anyone. Because at school, I'm known as the ladies man."

"Don't worry about it man."

"So, since you changed the subject, let's go back to what we were talking about. You like Carlos."

"N-no I don't!"

James laughed. "Oh okay whatever man. Let's see if you can hang when we get to the skate park. Carlos tends to take off his shirt…" I gulped.

We finally reached the skate park and Carlos was sitting on a bench talking to Kendall. "Dude, you guys walk slow!" Carlos said playfully.

James laughed and I smiled. "Alright boys! Letsss goo!" Carlos said as he took his shirt off as James had said he would and I tried not to blush. James snickered at me. I punched his arm. Carlos ran with his skateboard then threw it in the air and jumped on it when it landed on the ground. He was doing flips and just going crazy. I didn't realize that I was staring at him, but then Kendall said my name.


He laughed. "Whatcha looking at silly?"

"Carlos…he's crazy." I laughed.

He laughed too and said, "C'mon get his other skateboard and let's do this!"

We rode up and down ramps and I was really enjoying myself. But suddenly I crashed into Carlos and we both fell down on the grass…and of course he fell on top of me. We were both cracking up, but then I realized that Carlos was on top of me and I didn't want something to happen in my pants if you know what I mean, but Carlos didn't get off because he was laughing so much. Then he suddenly stopped and was just gazing into my eyes. I blushed so red. He then realized this and cleared his throat and helped me up. "Hey man, I should probably head home, my mom is gonna be pissed."

"Oh sorry, man." Carlos said rubbing his neck.

"Dude, it's not your fault." I said giving him a smile.

"Hey, I'll walk you home."

"Thanks Carlos!"

"No prob buddy!"

"Where you guys going!" James yelled.

"I'm gonna walk him home."

"Alright see you later Logan!" James said.

"It was nice meeting you bro!" Kendall said. I waved and smiled at them. Carlos and I started to walk. Carlos still had his shirt off, exposing his sexy tan skin.

"Hey, Carlos thanks for everything man."

Carlos smiled. "What do you mean?"

"Well, you know if it weren't for you my first day here would've sucked."

"If it weren't for me, you'd probably be hanging with normal people." We both laughed. "But, man you know I was the new kid once and I had to find friends, so I know what it's like. I mean at my old school, I didn't have friends…and it just…sucked." I noticed he was frowning.

So I tried to make him smile. "You? How could you not have friends. You're nice and friendly and you're so funny and fun to hang out with. I mean who wouldn't want to be friends with you!"

He smiled and looked at me. "Really?"

"Yeah man! You're a true friend to me, even though I haven't known you for that long."

"Thanks Logie." We stopped at my street.

"Man, I don't want to go home…my parents are gonna be pissed…and I'd rather hang with you than with angry parents."

Carlos POV

How had this happened? I was crushing hard on this boy that I barely knew. But he made me feel so happy. He made me feel like I had a purpose in life. That's why I didn't hesitate to pull him into a passionate kiss. I was kinda scared that he would pull away, but he didn't. He put on of his hands on my lower back and the other on my head. That kiss turned into a whole make out session until we finally pulled apart to breathe. "Woah…that was…" Logan said breathless, but smiling.


"Exactly…but now you just made me wanna stay here with you more."

We laughed. "I'll see you tomorrow Logan." I said kissing him one last time.

We started to walk away from each but then I heard Logan yell, "WAIT!"

I turned around smiling, "What!"

He jogged to me. "Does this mean we're boyfriend and boyfriend?"

"No." I said smiling.

His face turned hurt so I quickly said, "You're my girlfriend." He laughed and punched my arm.

"Bye cutie!" he said strutting away from me.

I felt like the happiest guy in the world.

A/N: So this just came to me and I just started typing so I hope it was good! :] Should I just leave it as a one-shot or continue it? Hmm? You let me know in the reviews!