The Ultimate Chase
A Work of Fiction by My Endless Love
Summary: AU. She was smart, beautiful and sought after. He was straight forward, handsome, and notorious for his reputation as owner of a multimillion corporation. That's where she comes in – as his new personal assistant. Amuto.
Author's Note: This is my first time writing a Shugo Chara fanfiction, so I am still unfamiliar with how the characters should interact. The idea for this came on a thursday night, at midnight LOL! Beta'ed by a close friend of mine, Emma, so props to her (:
Song of the Moment: Craig David - "Insomnia"
Beta'd and Dedicated to Emma
Just because I love you.
Chapter 1: Him
Amu continued to thoroughly search the contents underneath her bed – only to come up empty handed. Damn it . . . where could it have gone? She thought to herself, clearly frustrated. As per usual, she had overslept, breaking yet another alarm clock in the process of her awakening. Not to mention she had promised Tadase for some coffee before heading to work.
She sighed, making her way over to the top shelf of her expansive closet. The mystery of where she had last left her pair of Jimmy Choos was still unsolved. Ah, there it was. It was placed precariously within a different shoe box, hence why she had never thought of looking there earlier. She giggled, amused by her general lack of memory and organisational skills when it came to her very own bedroom.
Precisely at that moment, her cellphone played it's familiar ringtone, as she quickly picked it up – knowing exactly who it was on the other side. "Hey Tadase, sorry I'm running a little late. I won't be long, okay?" she stated, her mind concentrating on cradling the phone in one hand whilst strapping the buckles of her heels into place.
"Psh Amu-chan. You've always been like this, it doesn't surprised me anymore," he murmured in that sweet, honey laced voice of his.
She blushed. Even though she had known him for so long, the effect his voice had on her never wavered. She stole a glance at the wall length mirror she had placed specifically for fashion crisises. A white collared shirt, with the top unbuttoned, a grey pencil skirt, freshly waxed legs and her favorite pair of black Jimmy Choos. She placed on her jet black, rectangular D&G frames, allowing her strawberry bangs to frame her face nicely. Not bad . . . her inner self commented modestly.
"I'll be leaving now, see you there. You better not leave without me, or you'll be having an appointment with my fist," she joked, chuckling whilst picking up her purse, keys and jacket.
The response of tinkling laughter was heard as she snapped her phone shut.
She walked into the quaint cafe, Cafe D'amour, translated as "Cafe of Love" – a place frequented with lovers. Amu immediately spotted the familiar blonde hair, as he waved. She took the seat opposite him, and muttered a greeting.
"You look nice, Amu." he spoke softly, his eyes scanning her outfit.
She blushed, secretly enjoying the attention of his eyes. Glancing up into his deep, ruby orbs, she couldn't help but admire him. He was what you defined as the "perfect boyfriend/bestfriend" material. They'd known each other since the beginning of high school, with her having the luck of being placed next to him in almost all her classes. Unbeknownst to him, she'd never truly let go of her childhood crush on him, even through that rejection before their graduation.
She was fidgeting nervously and making a pitiful attempt at hiding it. She always hated how her emotions were almost always constantly plastered across her face. He did say he found it cute . . . so it wasn't entirely bad.
Amu turned her golden brown eyes towards the blossoming cherry tree, marvelling at how delicate – how truly beautiful it was. The soft, gentle clashes of pink, obscured her entirely from view as she allowed herself to relax into the trunk of the tree. Her hands traced across the sloping, circular lines embedded into the bark, a permanent reminder of it's growing age. And yet, it flourished with an undeniable beauty that seemed to increase as the years had passed.
Sighing, she closed her eyes. She was going to go through with this – no matter what it took. It was already so close . . . too close in fact to graduation. A little too close for comfort. Amu had put this confession off for years, and now was her last chance.
It was either now or never.
She had placed the letter within the contents of his locker – knowing that he would see it. And now, she was waiting for him, waiting for him to come. The words of a planned speech swirled within the depths of her mind, threatening to disappear at any second. Her heart was pounding – berating her mind and not allowing any trane of thought to be completed.
Nervous was an understatement. She was downright petrified of what she was planning to say to him. How would he react? After all, he was so used to these kind of things. . . it wasn't like she was the first or something. Sometimes, he was a little too popular for her liking, always under the constant showering of attention. . . and of course, the envious stares from the male population. For a teenage guy to possess such looks, it was only natural and expected.
Then she heard footsteps, and opened her eyes. There he was, in all his glory. Those deep, gentle eyes, the soft smile, that gorgeous blonde hair. She had to use all her power not to release a typical fangirl squeal.
"T-t-tadase!" she stuttered, her heartbeat rapidly accelerating as the blush crawled across her face with a vengeance.
"Amu, you wanted to talk about something?" he questioned, cocking his head to one side with curiosity. Come on, say it! Her mind coaxed, but her mouth refused to open.
"U-um, nice day today, isn't it Tadase?" Idiot. Really, did you spend the whole night contemplating about what to say to him and you begin with the weather? Honestly.
She willed her mind to quit it's berating. "It really is nice isn't it. . . the cherry blossoms are in full bloom," he replied politely. However, the curiosity had yet to leave the contours of his face.
He knew that wasn't why she had called him here.
Amu let in a deep breath, and relaxed.
"You know as well as I do that that wasn't the reason why I wanted to meet here with you. . . in fact, it's a completely different reason. I know that I'm not the first one to say this but. . . I love you Tadase. I always have. After all we've been through together . . . I decided that this would be the right time to tell you."
There, she'd said it. She could hear the note of approval within her mind, as she now waited for his reply.
His face creased with hesitation, as he paused and shook his head. "Amu. . . I love you and all. . . but you'll always be like a sister to me."
End Flashback
That was when her whole world fell apart. His rejection was a devastating blow, in so many ways. She was practically a walking nightmare afterwards. However, she did eventually overcome the initial shock, although it was difficult to face him afterwards. But she became stronger, and focused on becoming more confident, more outgoing and became the person she was today.
She had studied hard, worked hard and strived to do her best. Now with a firm business degree underneath her, she had been accepted into working for the prestigious company – Tsukiyomi Corporations at it's peak. He was proud of her, and that was all that mattered. Even though she had become more confident around other people, a part of her would always be the shy Amu back in high school around him.
"So, how are you feeling about being accepted into Tsukiyomi Corporations?" Tadase questioned, whilst taking a sip of his coffee.
Her trane of thought dispersed, as she replied, "Hm, excited and a little nervous. The old company I worked at before was good . . . but no where near as well known as Tsukiyomi. I guess I'm a little intimidated by their expectations. Otherwise, I'm just still shocked at having such an opportunity."
The waiter came by, and placed her hot chocolate on the table. She smiled, and took a sip. Just how she liked it. "You'll do great. You're Hinamori Amu after all," he said encouragingly, giving her head a teasing ruffle.
She smiled softly. He truly was the perfect guy. Tadase was well. . . an amazing listener, always knew the right things to say, and pretty much knew exactly what the ladies wanted. He was gentle, understanding and placed the other person before his own desires. Someone like him deserved only the best.
"Thanks Tadase. . ." she murmured, as she trailed off. Sigh, can you not ogle at him with every opportunity? It's about time you actually started a relationship you know . . .
"So, any women you have your eye on?" Amu teased, winking.
He blushed. "Uh, w-well. . . I've been busy with work and all, and I don't exactly have the time for romance. You on the other hand should be considering it more than me. Have you seen the amount of eyes staring when you walked in?" he chuckled.
"Yeah yeah, sure Tadase," she chortled, as she waved him offhandedly. She took one last sip, and stood up.
"Well, I'll be going, won't want to be late for work!"
"I should get going too. Hopefully we'll be able to talk soon, Amu-chan."
He smiled warmly as he placed the money on the table. As she watched his retreating figure out the door, she too departed.
Amu parked her silver Porsche within the exclusive employee parking lot, the clicking of heels echoing as she walked over to the lobby door. The sight that beheld her – well there was just no words to describe it.
Large, intricate windows enveloped the lobby – letting just the perfect amount of sunlight to reflect on all the arrangements of furniture, giving it a luminous glow. The lush, deep red carpet was so soft and luxurious that she felt her feet automatically sink a little into it. The entrance included vast sliding doors, with glass panels engraving the Tsukiyomi emblem.
"Flashy" was an understatement to the amount of breathtaking architecture placed into the one room alone. She forced her feet to move over to the lobby desk, the top embossed with black, shiny marble, obviously under the constant attention of professional polishing. She could feel the male receptionist's eyes on her legs, but her attention was drawn to the surroundings of the room itself.
Seeing this every morning could take some time getting used to. She cleared her throat, her voice laced with professionalism, "I have a meeting with President Tsukiyomi. I'm the new personal assistant that's going to be working here today."
He frowned, muttering something along the lines of "Tsukiyomi always gets everything. . ."
"Hm well, if you take the elevator to the side there, he should be on the top floor."
She smiled generously, murmuring her thanks as she walked to the elevator. The slow climb to the top was excruciating, but nothing that happened today could destroy her good spirits. She could sense that she would grow to love working here. The lobby itself was enough to render her speechless. High class, luxurious and intimidating, this place truly did live up to it's reputation. The doors finally opened, as her eyes surveyed the area. White, brightly lit and large windows surrounded the room, with ladies typing away into their computers and assorting paperwork.
Each of them seemed to have their own, small office separated by walls. However, these walls weren't high, as when they stood up, you could look over it towards your neighbour.
Amu saw what could've only been the secretary seated off at a table on her own. She then realised something. . . wasn't it strange how practically all of the workers here were well, women? The only male she had seen was the lobby receptionist. She however, pushed the thought into a crevice at the back of her mind, and walked over to the secretary. The young woman had long, cascading platinum blonde hair, with large brown eyes heavily coated with mascara. Her full, red lips were fixed into a look of scorn, as she typed away sluggishly.
"I'm Hinamori Amu, and I was wondering where Tsukiyomi. . . I mean, President Tsukiyomi is?"
She merely glanced at Amu, and stated in a bored manner, "Purpose?"
"I'm his new assistant from today onwards. I have a meeting with him at this time."
What came next surprised her. The clicking of keyboards that droned within the background, the shuffling of papers, and the mild chatter immediately ceased. She could feel eyes boring into the back of her head, as the secretary in front of her also froze. "Oh, so that person must be you . . . if you turn left, then right you should come towards two large doors. That's where you'll find him," she stated briskly, her tone cold.
Amu was about to say her thanks, but thought better of it. Her tone had ended the conversation with an air of finality. How rude. I wonder why there were so many stares though . . . is it because of the rank and prestige of the job? Hm, we'll just have to see, won't we?
She walked briskly away, hoping to be rid of the burning stares. The doors quickly came into view, as she paused at the entrance. The president of the company . . . was so well talked about, and now it was time to meet him face to face. She remembered a few weeks ago when she was discussing with Rima and Yaya about her job application, that Rima had practically shoved a magazine in her face, stating that Tsukiyomi's looks were to die for.
At the time, she was lost within her thoughts of Tadase and she vaguely glanced at the cover. She remembered the droning of their gushes, and their squeals as they discussed the bachelor. Well, now was her moment to see him . . . but, if he was enough to send Rima and Yaya into girlish, teenage fits, then she had better be prepared for whatever she saw. After all, this would be the face she'd see for the majority of her days and weeks from now on. Calm down Amu, it's just another guy. He can't be that amazingly handsome, can he?
She hesitantly knocked twice, but to no reply. She knocked twice again, but much louder and waited. Several long minutes passed by, but nothing happened. She took a deep breath, and pushed the door open.
The room was spacious, and had minimal decorations. The walls were a light blue, and had extravagant, towering windows behind the large, mahogany desk. Papers were littered across the top, and next to the windows stood colossal bookshelves. Two black leather chairs were seated in front of the desk, for small meetings with the president perhaps. But, her eyes weren't drawn to all of this.
No, it was drawn to the woman straddling a man near the side on a black leather couch. Her light, chocolate brown hair spilled over the person beneath her, whilst his arms were placed at her waist. Amu fought the blush that was once again appearing. Damn it Amu, you're twenty-one! This kind of behaviour shouldn't surprise you anymore.
She overcame her initial surprise and composed herself. Clearing her throat loudly, she continued, "I would like to remind you that this is a working environment, and that you should do your romantic affairs in your own, personal spare time. President Tsukiyomi, I have a meeting with you at this moment, if you do not recall?"
After a long pause, she reluctantly pushed herself off of him, whispered in his ear something along the lines of "there's always next time," threw her a dirty glare, and left.
Amu smirked, smugly. The man stood up, and walked over to the leather chair behind the desk, the whole time not meeting her eyes. He made a vague gesture to the seats in front of him, to which she took. Curiosity got the better of her now, wondering why he had yet to speak. He seated himself, and after a few brief moments, he swiveled it around. She couldn't smother the gasp that came out of her mouth involuntarily, as he smirked in response.
The women. The glares. Rima's insistance of the magazine. It all made sense now. The man. . . as much as she hated to admit it, had the looks of a God.
She was pretty much openly ogling him without a sense of restraint or shame. All thoughts she might have had before had dispersed, as her eyes drank in the sight of him. He had midnight, blue tresses that were slightly messy, but nonetheless complimented him perfectly. Those matching coloured eyes, a dark hue of blue that she had never seen on anyone else's face . . . was piercing, and calculative.
And that smirk . . . radiated arrogance of the utmost level, and she had to admit – it suited him. It was as if that smirk was invented just to fit the exact proportions of his face. And oh god . . . the way he looked in a slightly loosened tie and suit? No words could describe it. "Don't worry, I get this reaction a lot," he murmured, his voice sinfully sexy.
"I-I wasn't expecting that the president of Tsukiyomi Corporations would be so young. . ." she stuttered, fighting to regain composure. The appearance of this man completely obliterated the confidence she had worked so hard to achieve.
"Looks like someone doesn't pay attention to the media. I wasn't aware that the new assistant would be so unaware of the business world."
Was he. . . underestimating her? No one underestimates Hinamori Amu and lives to tell the tale. She was going to prove to him that she was worthy. "Well I'm sorry that I don't waste my time on such trivial matters, President Tsukiyomi."
"Trivial? Interesting perspective . . . oh and by the way, back there I must admit you are pretty brave to interrupt me. . . no one dares to interrupt a Tsukiyomi," he snickered, eyeing her carefully. As if to further mock her, he placed his legs on the mahogany tabletop, crossing them slightly.
She was so damn close to scoffing at that moment, but she held it in. Composure, composure. This is what you worked for, Amu!
"Would you like me to remind you, President Tsukiyomi that you are my Employer. So, can we please begin the meeting we had scheduled today?"
He pulled open the first drawer the table held, and pulled out a small pile of papers. Briefly skimming over it, he smirked – seemingly impressed. "Well well, you seem to have quite an impressive resume up your sleeve, Miss. Hinamori. If so, then you should well know your duties from your previous work place. You'll begin your full work day tomorrow, and simply follow my instructions. Not hard? Do you understand? Hm, well I have some business to attend to with someone, before a certain person interrupted."
He removed his legs off the table, and began to walk to the door. What? He cannot be joking . . . that's it, I cannot take this anymore!
Amu quickly blocked his path, and grabbed his arm, as his blue orbs widened in surprise. "Miss. Hinamori, I thought we already made clear that this meeting is over?"
"Don't play dumb with me, you unbearable smart ass. Seriously, ugh, no wonder this job placement was even vacant in the first place! I can see the ladies went crazy from your . . . arrogance, and don't you dare smirk at me, Tsukiyomi. You are the leading person of a multimillion dollar company, however, that does not mean you shouldn't do your job properly. This is a time where you work – not go shoving your tongue down the throat of anything female. You should've efficiently and properly informed me of the duties to which I must perform starting from today, and not go attending to your personal affairs!" she almost shouted.
Oh shit.
He seemed unfazed by the behaviour however, and the smirk stood firmly in place as ever. Before she even realised, he had grabbed both of her wrists and pulled her closer. Her face was barely inches away from his, and she could feel his gentle breathing near her neck. "My my, aren't you feisty? I wonder how long you'll last here before quitting. After all, that's what the several hundred applicants before you did. Your show interests me, and I really hope you'll stick around. Drop the professional act, it really doesn't suit . . . this face," as he gently tilted her face upwards to meet his.
Oh my god, he's so damn close. Amu could practically feel the heat rising for her face shamelessly.
"And, I am doing my job. This job of yours isn't difficult, as it mostly consists of just meeting my instructions - so don't assume. You'll regret what you did today though, since like you said – I'm your employer, and I can make life living hell for you. Consider this a warning," he whispered the last few words in her ear, as he finally let her go.
"Oh, the name's Tsukiyomi. Tsukiyomi Ikuto. I'll be seeing you tomorrow," Ikuto said, before he walked out.
"Tsukiyomi Ikuto . . ." she murmured, as she clutched her beating heart, willing it to silence. "You. . . you . . . BASTARD!"
Never in her life had she seen such an arrogant species of man, practically threatening her like that. Her previous employer never treated her like that – he treated her with the utmost respect that she deserved. Something that Ikuto was obviously highly incapable of.
Sighing, she slumped down onto the floor. How was she suppose to live, seeing his face first thing everyday? Not to mention actually . . . working for him?
"What have I gotten myself into . . ." she muttered, as she face palmed.
"Remember how I said that I was just going to love it here and nothing can change that? Well . . . I was wrong, wasn't I?"
Oh, but little did Amu know, that this was just the beginning.
Author's Note: Love it? Hate it? Leave me a review :)
- My Endless Love
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