To Be An Elf . . .

"Ivy Coral Fowl, get your butt down here right now!"

The yell wrapped around me and started dragging me out of sleep. I held on stubbornly, but the voice was stronger. In the end, I groggily threw the sheets back and sat up in my bed.

I slid out of its warm grip and trudged downstairs. "What do you want?" I growled, with my usual charm.

Mom looked from her LEP helmet to me. "Did you do this?" She asked, pointing to a crack in the visor.

I smirked. "I don't play with your recon helmet anymore, Mom. Why would I have done that?"

Holly shook her head and tossed the helmet into the closet. She glanced at the clock and rubbed her red rimmed eyes sleepily. "Just get ready for school."

I shrugged and clumped back upstairs. Mom had been like this recently. All because Artemis was coming home.

I hated Dad. He was hardly ever home, and treated me . . . oddly. He tended to pretend I was still little, and then remember I was 15 and tell me to be more mature. Mom said it was because he doesn't know how to act with kids. Oh yeah; and that I should stop calling him Artemis. But he doesn't fit the "dad" description anyway, so why bother?

I slung my humongous backpack over my shoulder and walked downstairs, towards the back door.

"You're still wearing your pajama shirt!" Mom called before I opened the door.

I looked at her, saying with my expression, "Do I look like I care?" before slamming the door.

I skipped the steps and just jumped, landing ungracefully. My knee hit the concrete and crimson blood spurted out of it. I watched as it healed slowly, the blue sparks taking a while to heal the skin completely. Magic came with mild headaches, but I loved it all the same. It was one more thing Mom and I didn't share with Artemis.

The bus was shifting gears and slowing at the street corner, ten houses from me. I took off running, cursing myself for sleeping in.

"D'arvit," I swore under my breath after stepping in a nasty puddle, soaking my jeans.

I slid into the bus doors as they were closing and sloshed to the back, my wet sneakers leaving footprints. People smirked at me and a few said my name loud enough for me to hear. I shot glares in every general direction and sat in the back. Four more lonely stops later, my friend, Hunter, hopped onto the bus.

"Hey, Ive," he said, flopping down into the seat next to me.

"Hey," I said, pushing his backpack out of my lap.

"You sound angry. What crawled up your pants today?" Hunter smirked.

I rolled my eyes. "Artemis is coming home."

"That stinks," he said, opening his geometry book and doing last night's homework.

I shrugged and looked out the window instead. Our rides together were usually quiet; he tended to do his homework, and I just let thoughts roll around in my head.

As the bus rolled to a stop, the deluge of students carried us inside and deposited us at our lockers, which were right next to each other.

I criticized my hair in the mirror, and blew it out of my eyes. Raven black, like Artemis'. I grabbed my books and released them from my messy locker and started down the hall as the bell rang. Another day, another torture.

Chapter 2: Revenge

Haven City

The young pixie stepped carefully through the rubble of the collapsed building. He bit back a few tears. He never cried.

He leaned down and gently scooped up a diamond necklace, belonging to his mother. He gripped it tightly as he stood, looking up at the fake sunlight. He would get revenge for her death, cold hearted revenge.

After all; he was a Koboi.

Dublin, Ireland

I slung my backpack over my shoulder and closed my locker. The only good thing about was school was art. We were told to draw a mythical creature, and I couldn't help but grin.

Who would I draw? I thought of Mulch, who I'd met a few years ago, and then of No1. Why not draw Foaly and Caballine? They were probably the easiest. The art teacher, Mr. Calbone, had told me I have an active imagination. Imagination. Sure.

I hadn't wanted school to end, because of Artemis, but I also hated this death trap. So, I gratefully boarded the bus next to Hunter.

We talked more than we had on the way here, and before my stop, he nudged me softly.

"So, are you going to pull that prank today?" He was grinning mischievously.

I shook my head. "Tomorrow, maybe. Artemis leaves in a few days, and I do not want to miss the chance to ruin this visit." Just then, the bus screeched to a stop and I shot out the door.

My heart was pounding, but I was too late. Artemis was already here. I sighed and pushed open the door, dropping my backpack by the mat.

Artemis and Holly were talking in low voices, but as soon as I dropped my bag, they stopped and turned to look at me.

Artemis smiled. "Hello, Ivy," he said warmly.

"Whatever," I said, skipping up the stairs two at a time, which was an effort for my small legs.

"Ivy!" Mom called, but I ignored her and slammed my bedroom door.

I could hear them talking again, and Artemis saying something about my attitude. Look who's talking, Mr. I'll-See-You-Every-Two-Months-And-You-Have-To-Like-Me. I just wanted to scream.

There were heavy footsteps coming up the stairs, so I knew it had to be Artemis. He knocked, but I just turned on my stereo and opened the window. The cool, late afternoon breeze made me feel better.

"Ivy, open the door," Artemis said, making me almost laugh. It wasn't even locked. He was just so stupid for a genius.

He sighed and walked back downstairs. I could see him plastering on a fake smile and acting like nothing was wrong. What was wrong was that he was here.

Artemis was so different from Uncle Beckett and Uncle Myles. They were a lot, well, cooler. Mom didn't know, but they had taken it upon themselves to teach me to drive before I even got my learner's permit. They were so free flowing, and good with anything.

Artemis was almost stuck up, minus the rude. He was kind; I'll give him props for that.

I stayed in my room until the sun sank below the trees, and my stomach started growling.

Tonight was a full moon. Why not refill my magic?