Summary: The war is over and Voldemort is dead. Now Harry has woken up in Middle Earth with no idea how he got there, no way back, and in the midst of a whole different war. (HP LotR)

A/N: The idea for this story just struck me one morning, I have no plan and very little idea of where I`m heading with it. I don`t know how long this story will be or how often it will be updated.

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings.

A New Beginning

Chapter 1

The End of the War

The war was over. Voldemort was well and truly dead. Harry Potter had won.

Harry smiled, 'Finally.' It was a bittersweet smile for a bittersweet victory. Too much blood had been spilt. Too many lives had been lost, on both sides. The final battle was over but it would be a long time before the scars of the war healed. The war had claimed too much, and still it would claim one more.

Heavy eyelids fell, and Harry drew a deep breath, relishing in the finality. He stood proudly on unsteady legs over the corpse of his fallen foe, smile fitted on his lips and blood, his own and Voldemort's, splattering his body. Green eyes flitted open and Harry's gaze looked onto the deceased form of Voldemort. A final relieved breath, it was over, his knees gave way and he fell to the ground, it was finally over.

The war was ended. Voldemort had lost. His body and that of his slayer lay on the battlefield, side-by-side, both dead.

But it was not the end.

The Deathly Hallows pulsed with ethereal power, glowing resplendently. They had been united, brought together under one Master. They would not let him die here. Harry's dead body was encompassed in their glow. The white light grew brighter and more radiant until it reached a blinding level. Then with a final pulse it disappeared.

Where two fallen enemies had once lain side-by-side only one remained. Harry Potter was gone.


I haven`t read Harry Potter or Lord of the Ring (completely), but I will do my best to get my facts straight as best I can. Though this story is fan fiction and will be based on my interpretation of the Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings universes, and facts may be manipulated to suit my story. Feel free to review and/or criticize my work, but do not expect it to follow cannon exactly.