Ginny opened her eyes and couldn't help but smile. She quickly got dressed, knowing that Harry would be waiting for her down stairs in the common room. They had been together for a little over a week now, and they spent all their free time together. Harry always had a way to make her smile. She hurried down the stairs, and sure enough, there he was standing in the common room waiting for her. She rushed into his arms.

"Good morning," Harry said, kissing her sweetly, "How did you sleep?"

"Fine," Ginny replied. "You?"

"Oh, never better," Harry said smiling. The happy couple hurried down to breakfast, arm in arm. Ron and Hermione soon joined them, Ron getting a dirty look from Lavender, who still wasn't quite over their break up. They sat down across from Harry and Ginny.

"Good morning," Hermione said, diving into her copy of the Daily Profit.

"Could you two just tone it down a little?" Ron grumbled. "I still need time to adjust to this."

"Because you and Lavender were just sooo subtle," Ginny snapped. Ron blushed bright scarlet.

"Well that's just completely different…"

"Give it a rest, Ron," Hermione told him from behind her news paper.

"Well," Ron started, but he seemed to realize he had no back up, so he gave up. "Did you guys get Snape's essay on dementors?" he finished. Harry and Ginny couldn't help but laugh at Ron's sudden change of topic. Ron smiled in spite of himself.


When it was time to go to class, Harry walked with Ginny to the entrance of the dungeons.

"See you at lunch," Ginny said before giving Harry a quick kiss.

"Have fun in potions," Harry joked before he hurried off to transfiguration. Ginny walked into potions and sat down next to Rose and Sami, her two best friends (other than Hermione of course).

"So, when are you and Harry announcing your engagement?" asked Rose while Ginny set up her cauldron.

"What in Merlin are you talking about?" Ginny asked.

"Oh, come on, you two spend so much time together, you should just get married and be done with it," Sami replied. Ginny laughed at how silly her friends were. Professor Slughorn came in, and set them to making a potion. The three started working, continuing their conversation in a whisper.

"Harry and I have only been together a week."

"So?" both her friends replied.

"You didn't ask this about Michael or Dean," Ginny pointed out. "I was with both of them longer."

"Yeah, but you've fancied Harry since first year," Rose said.

"Oh, you were really nuts about him then," said Sami, laughing. "You used to scare us."

"Thanks," Ginny said laughing.

"But you and Harry just seem so much more… permanent," Rose reasoned.

"Well, I guess," Ginny said, beginning to feel a little uncomfortable with the conversation.

"You guys do make a really cute couple," Sami said.

"Okay, don't you two have anything better to do than talk about my love life?" Ginny asked. "Rose, how are you and Colin—"

She never got to finish her question, because just then the potion right behind them exploded. Ginny was thrown forward while Sami and Rose were knocked out of their chairs. Slughorn rushed forward to put out the fire and to scold the person for making their potion so carelessly.

"Ow," groaned Sami as she got to her feet. Colin rushed forward to help Rose up.

"Hey, Ginny, are you okay?" he asked. Ginny was lying on the ground, bleeding slightly from a cut on her arm. She didn't respond.

"Ginny?" Sami said rushing to her friend. "Ginny?" she repeated desperately shaking her.


Harry, Ron and Hermione were walking down to lunch, laughing about how Ron had successfully turned his hair bright green in class today, when they passed the hospital wing. Rose and Sami were standing outside, peeking through the window. Both of them were covered in soot and scratches. Harry recognized them as Ginny's friends and rushed over.

"Harry, what are you doing?" Ron yelled after him.

"What's going on?" Harry asked. Neither girl seemed to want to answer him and they both burst into another round of tears. Ron and Hermione came over, clearly bewildered.

"What in the name of Merlin is going on here?" Ron asked. Rose and Sami kept sobbing, and Harry just shrugged, even though he couldn't help feeling a sinking feeling in his stomach.

Finally, Sami managed to choke out, "Ginny."

"What?" yelled Ron while Harry went pale. Just then McGonagall rushed over.

"Mr. Weasley," she began, then she looked at how horror-struck Ron, Harry, and Hermione were. "It appears that you already know. The rest of your family has been informed, and they should be here soon." Then, Madam Pomfery opened up the doors of the hospital wing.

"She's still unconscious, but I think she'll be fine," Madam Pomfery assured them. "You may see her now." Then she was almost run over as Harry, Ron, Hermione, Rose and Sami raced in.


At the end of lunch, Rose, Sami and Hermione went off to class. Ron had been excused from classes until the rest of his family came, and Slughorn had excused Harry from potions, both because Harry was his favorite and because he felt partly responsible for what had happened. So Harry and Ron remained in the Hospital wing, each holding one of Ginny's hands. They didn't speak to each other, because neither would know what to say. Ron finally got up and began pacing at the end of Ginny's bed.


After another half an hour, Harry saw her eyes fluttering.

"Ron!" he exclaimed, and Ron raced back to her side. She stirred a little more, then opened her eyes. "Thank God you're okay," Harry said. She promptly sat up.

"Ginny, you need to rest!" Ron exclaimed. "You nearly got blown up."

"What's going on?" she said frantically. "Where am I?"

"You're in the hospital wing," Harry said, trying to sooth her. "It's okay."

"Who are you?" she asked, yanking her hand from his. "Who's Ginny?"

"Ginny, this is not funny," Ron said. "Even Fred and George wouldn't think so." Harry looked at Ginny for a second, then across the bed at Ron.

"I don't think she's joking."


Meanwhile, a continent away, Ginny was regaining consciousness. She felt kind of funny. She could feel that she was lying on the ground, with her head on someone's lap. She decided to open her eyes.

She was looking up into the face of a guy. Her immediate though was Harry, but as the world came into focus, she realized that his black hair was far too neat, he didn't have glasses, and his eyes weren't the same vivid green. Relief flooded his face.

"Thank the gods," he said.

"Are you alright?" Ginny looked over to see a black haired girl crouched next to her. She wore a silvery tiara type thing, and her eyes were startlingly blue. "I'm so sorry!"

"What happened?" groaned Ginny.

"Well," the boy looked at the girl. "Thalia here hit you with lightning."

"Because Percy doused me!" she exclaimed. "I wasn't going to hit anyone 'till you distracted me!"

"We're both really sorry," they chorused. Ginny sat up and looked around. The boy, Percy apparently, appeared to have a sword, while Thalia had a quiver full of arrows. Both were wearing full battle armor. Then she noticed that she was wearing battle armor too.

"Merlin, I must be dreaming," she said.

"Annabeth, are you okay?" Percy asked.