Living in New York has always been a dream for Rachel Berry, but she always thought that she would be living with someone.


"Kurt, what do you mean? He couldn't have just left!" Rachel said, she was not going to believe what Kurt was saying.

"Rachel, he left. I don't know why but he just got up and drove off."

"But why? I don't get it!"

"I don't either, just call him."

Rachel called, and called, and called, but Finn never answered. Rachel drove home and cried all night in her room. Why? Why did he just leave? Why didn't he say goodbye?

Rachel sat in her tiny apartment kitchen. It was a rainy, cold day. 5 years to the day Finn had just got up and left. She had been haunted ever since. She loved him and never stopped. The pain had never stopped. Her phone started to ring and broke her out of her dreaming.

"Hello?" She said somberly.

"Rachel, it's Kurt."

"Oh hi Kurt."

"We have a surprise for you,"


Finn's in Lima." Rachel's mouth hung open and she dropped the phone, running into her bedroom to change and run to the airport.

"But Rachel wait! Rachel? Rachel are you there?" Kurt asked. He hung up realizing she had dropped the phone.
Rachel ran out of her apartment with one suitcase, trying to flag down a taxi. She finally got one and told him to take her to the nearest airport. She ran to get the next ticket to Ohio. She decided to call her fathers and tell them she was coming.

The whole plane ride she stared out the window smiling. She was so excited, she was going to see her true love again after five years.

She walked down the runway and was greeted happily by her fathers. Once she was at her father's house she decided to call Kurt in the morning since it was late.

The next morning she called Kurt right after she woke up.



"Yeah, I'm in Lima where's Finn staying?"

"Rachel, you need to know something."

"Kurt I don't have time. Where's Finn staying?" Kurt told her and she quickly got dressed.

Rachel drove around looking for the address Kurt had given her. She finally found the small house. She pulled into the driveway and ran to the front door ringing the doorbell.

Finn heard the doorbell and had no idea who would be there. He walked to the door opening it to reveal the petite brunette who literally jumped into his arms.

"Finn!" She yelled.

"I'm so glad I found you!" She said. Finn was surprised to see her here.

"Did Kurt tell you I was here? She nodded.

"Did he tell you the whole story?" Rachel looked at him strangely.

"What do you mean by the whole story?" After she said that a blonde woman came from the next room.

"Finn, honey who's this?" She asked looking at Rachel.

"Uh, Rachel this is Natalie, my fiancé." Rachel's jaw dropped.

"Your Fiancé?" Finn nodded.

"Oh, well Kurt left that out." She said, looking embarrassed that she had jumped into his arms.

"Uh yeah Rachel, why don't we meet up tomorrow and just talk, catch up?" Rachel nodded.

"Okay, well congrats, I'm really happy for you Finn." She said, a fake smile on her face as she walked back to her car. She drove away and pulled over going back to her Father's and broke down. Tears running down her face, she was devastated. She couldn't believe that she had just thrown herself on a engaged man, it was like sophomore year all over again.

She pulled herself together enough to drive the rest of the way home. Once she got home she grabbed a carton of chocolate ice cream, went to her room, and turned on the most depressing movie she could find and cried. Her father's were worried about her but did not bother her because when Rachel Berry is crying you don't want to mess with her.

By 2 in the morning she had watch the most depressing movies of all times and had finish the 2 cartons of chocolate ice cream.

The next morning she was awaken by the hum from her cell phone.
1 new message She pressed the read button:

From: Finn

Sorry about yesterday, do you want to meet at the coffee shop on North Street?


Sure, 10 ok?



She slowly got out of bed and got dressed. She sat in her room for a while thinking about what would she say. She finally left her room and headed to the coffee shop.

She walked into the small coffee shop to see Finn sitting their. She faked a smile and slid into a booth.

"It's so good to see you again," He said smiling.

"You too,"

"So,uh I'm really sorry about yesterday."

"Me too, but I want to know why you left." Finn sighed.

"I was afraid,"

"Afraid of what?"

"Afraid I would lose you,"

"Why would you lose me Finn? I loved you."

"Well, because you were going to be alone in New York and I was afraid that you would fall in love with some other guy and leave me."

"Finn, I loved you. Did you really think I would leave you?"

"Now that you say it that way no, I just thought of the 'what ifs instead of 'will be's,"

"I'm so sorry Rachel."

"I know you are. But answer this. Why are you getting married to Natalie?"

"I love her, Rach. I've moved on."

"Okay, I understand that, but why didn't you answer my calls? Why didn't you just tell me you were scared? We could have talked about this Finn."

"I guess I thought that if I told you, you'd think I was being over-dramatic and break up with me."

"I would've have never have done that Finn, I would think you would have been able to just talk."

"I know, I know I'm an idiot. I just- I don't know Rach, I regret it everyday. But I'm marrying Natalie. I hope we can stay friends though," Rachel nodded as the whole conversation sunk in. He had officially broke up with her.

"I hope you'll still come to the wedding."

"Of course, I wouldn't miss it." Finn checked his watch and his expression turned.

"I have to meet Natalie for something with the wedding. I'll talk to you later Rach." She looked up at him and nodded. He smiled and left. She watched as his car drove away.

She was heartbroken.

When she got home she saw Kurt sitting on her couch watching the Style Network. She was startled seeing him at her house.

"Kurt what are you doing here?" She said as he turned around.

"Well, your dad's called me to see if I could cheer you up."

"Okay, well how did you get in?"

"It was easy, Finn left a key in our old room labeled Rachel's house. So I let myself in."

"H-he kept the key?" She said trying to sound like she didn't care.

"Yeah, Anyway I got three cartons of chocolate ice cream and the most depressing movies I could find. So we can either do that or we could talk about how were going to destroy their relationship? You're choice." Rachel looked shocked. Natalie seemed nice enough.

"What? Why would you want to destroy your Step-brother's marriage?"

"Well, for one the lady's a physco, I mean she'll yelled at you if you breath at the same time as her and two Finn still loves you."

"Did you bring The Notebook?" Rachel asked.

"Really? You're going to take The Notebook over Finn?"

"It's a good movie!"

"Okay let me rephrase my question. we're getting Finn back."

"I-I can't do this Kurt. I can't hurt him."

"Oh come on Rachel I mean whats the worst that could happen?"

"Uh he finds out that I was behind and never speaks to me again."

"Oh yeah, right. I never thought of that."

"Kurt I really don't have time for this I have somethings to do."

"Just one more question Rachel. What's missing from your life?" Rachel looked at him like she was about to cry. It was a question that had been haunting her for 5 years.

"Finn," She whispered.

"I'm sorry what?" He said completely understanding her that first time.

"Finn," She said a little louder.

"You gotta speak up." She took a deep breath.

"Finn! Okay, I miss him, I still love him. Okay? I said it, I'm still in love with Finn. But even if he did break this off with Natalie he wouldn't come back to me."


"Because he told me he moved on, he's going to marry Natalie."

"Rachel, if I know Finn he hasn't moved on, trust me. He still loves you and could never love anyone but you. He's settling and realized it now that you're back. He knows you're the ONLY girl for him and it's going to eat him alive until he breaks up with Blondie and goes back to you."

"Let's do this." Rachel said as Kurt nodded."

"Now, tomorrow I' m coming here early with Mercedes, Quinn, and Tina and we are going to get you your man back you got it?" Rachel nodded.

"Okay, well I'm meeting someone about a clothing line in five. I'll see you tomorrow." Rachel nodded as Kurt grabbed his keys and walked out the door.


Finn walked behind Natalie as she went on about colors with her sister, Rose, he was bored out of his mind.

"Finn are you paying attention to me?" She said snapping him out of his trance. All he could think about was Rachel.

"Of course!" He said trying not to get caught for day dreaming.

"Then what did I just say?" She asked.

"You asked me what you just said." He said hoping the answer would be good enough.

"Before that!"

"You asked if I was paying attention?" He said as she rolled her eyes.

"You're unbelievable,"

"Sometimes I wonder if he was dropped on his head as a child." She whispered to Rose, she giggled and Finn just rolled his eyes.

"Okay, so for the wedding I was thinking all pink!" She said, her sister completely agreed with her.

"Well, what about me? Don't I get a say?" Finn asked as the two women looked at him.

"But Finn don't you want to make me happy?" She said with puppy eyes. Finn sighed.

"Yeah, okay have your pink." He said, she squealed and ran off with her sister to find what she wanted. Finn was left by himself. What does a guy do in a wedding store all alone? He thought to himself.

He text Puck.

Dude I have no idea what to do!

Puck read the text and immediately text him back.

That's easy dump the blonde and get back with Berry.

Finn had no idea what he was talking about.


Berry's back dump the blond and go back with her!

Wait how'd you know Rachel was back?

Well it wasn't hard. Kurt told Mercedes, who told Quinn, who told me.

So everyone knows Rachel's back?

Yeah pretty much, well except for Brittany but half the time I don't think she knows what day it is.

Finn laughed at the text.

OK But can't just dump Natalie.

Well theres a couple a ways you can do it.

What do you mean?

Well you could either A break it off now B leave her at the altar or C marry her then divorce her 3 months later. your choice.

Those all sound pretty awful

Yeah that's why they call it dumping.

Well thanks for the help.

Anytime dude

Finn put his phone back in his pocket.

Like always Finn carried in all the bags from the girls shopping spree.

"Wait how did you guys pay for this?" Natalie quickly turned around.

"Oh it's okay Finn, I put it on your credit card." Finn sighed but the girls just walked away.

The beginning of the rest of his life.