Hello everyone. After watching the show, and seeing how everyone everywhere else on-line wishes to keep the early concept, I decided to give a go to "re-imagine it," so to speak. I will say this right now, I do not like any form or part of religion (might get some hate spam for that) but I do like the idea behind this show, which is why I'm doing such a thing. Hopefully it will be a good representative to the spirit of the show and to the powers that be (a.k.a. the Developers) that, yes, we want to see the original idea even if it's one concept episode on Youtube!

As for the awesome viewers, I have no betta reader so send in any suggestions you may want on future chapters, or re-writes on current/older ones (to keep it like the show). First chapter to see if I can get the proper idea down, but later ones may become more "dramatic" and less kiddy.

Chapter 1: No Shock in Death

It's amazing to think that you can have one of the most amazing adventures after you die.

…Even if it involves getting hit by buss going a good 40 miles per hour. In this exceptional case for a boy named Jimmy, who got just that by saving another. Lucky for him he didn't feel a thing, not even after waking up….


It was another day for Jimmy as he walked down the curb with a large smile on his face. With hellos to the neighbors and any pedestrian down the street, he looked for just something to do. Well, he got it after shouts of alarm rang out as a bus came flying down the road. Most people where out of the way, but one old lady stood in its path.

"Oh no," Jimmy said quietly to himself. Without a second thought, or a first one for the matter, he ran out to her and threw her out of the way. "There, now that's over with." Then he remembered why he did it to begin with. "The bus…." Looking over, the vehicle was already greeting his head.

"Ughh… What happened?" Were the famous first words of anyone waking up to something like that, but not him. It was more like "AAAAAAHHHHHHOHMYGOSH… Where am I?" after finding himself lying on a couch. He quickly felt himself, as if it was a dream and that nothing happened but it was needed just to be sure. Feeling his head and how unusually dented it was, looked into a small mirror hanging behind him on the wall.

Staring at the reflection was his mutilated form, arm crushed, head split, and he screamed out in terror before a small pop could be heard, body looking normal as before. "Wha…wha…That was cool!" he shouted almost to himself. "I didn't know I could do that!" His reflection held his grin, before realizing the rest of his clothes where just a mess. His grey shirt and slacks where covered in mud and dirt, his bow-tie chipped and ripped.

"Now all I need to know is how I ended up here." Jimmy looked around to himself seeing big worn arches, an atmosphere much like a bank, and not another single person to be found…

"Over here boy!" Called a old voice from behind a teller booth, "You got quite a knock from that crash. Been out for almost an hour. How are you feeling?"

"Knocked out? A crash? You mean that dream… How did you know about that?" Jimmy brought up a bit accusingly. "Let me guess… You can read minds right; or was I talking in my sleep again?"

"…No. Except the talking part. Something about running away from giant peanuts, but the crash my dear boy-."

"Right! That bus must have been heading right for me! I guess I fainted while it swerved out of the way, or I bumped my head pushing that old lady out of the way. Oh, thanks for bringing me in here then."

"No-you're a bit slow aren't you? You where in that crash; the busses break lines failed and now you're dead."

"DEAD? That can't be possible!" Jimmy shouted, giving himself a hard pinch. "OUCH! See, I can't be dead!"

"That means nothing!" The man said in exasperation, "It's a bit odd, but when you die, well… You know the idea of a soul right? That's bogus, instead you're 'reanimated' in this realm. It's like a portal between dimensions to your ultimate fate."


"The universe is odd that way. I think of it as another stage of life, which is why you're here. So now all I need is some personal info to find out where you'll go for that next part of 'life.'"

"All right. The names Jimmy… Jimmy… I can't seem to remember my last name."

"That happens," the teller sighed. "Any form of brain damage in one world goes into the next. I'm sure it'll come back to you later, but for now let's see…" Pulling out a computer, he types in name and cause of death. "Well receive a letter later giving a verdict in a moment. Anything else you would like to know?"


Meanwhile in the backrooms of "Heaven, Hell, and Beyond…."


One of thousands of workers sat at the desk clawing at his head. So long did he have to go through filling out millions of orders a day, he twitched and finally snapped when the words Jimmy appeared before him. "ENOUGH!" He scribbled down something and shoved it into the return, but not after sirens blared out and five overly muscular men came in and gave a quick beat down.

"All forms of independence and intolerable behaviors will be dealt with severally." One of them growled before getting smacked in the head with a chair, as everyone else got into the rioting spirit.


Jimmy was amazed. "You mean that there's another universe for everything we can imagine?"

"Yup. That and clowns are truly frightening things."

This conversation ended with a little 'bing' as a letter finally came up/

"Now let's see… Oh my… Oh gosh…"

Jimmy was smiling for a while thinking that 'What could possibly go wrong' and to forget the most important rule- NEVER say if something could go wrong!

"OH OH OH that's sick! The…?" Followed by spasm and vomit, he fell down as if told to beat up his own mother.

"Is something wrong?" Jimmy asked with concern.

"No (*cough*) no…" He replied with fear in his eyes. "Just… some bad humor from the back, heh…. Ummm, just go down the hall on the left and through the door. No regrets right? Another adventure…."

"Yea!" Jimmy said with pep in his step heading down the long hall.

The man just shook his head. "I never thought that that kid could do such crimes. Good luck to him now… I guess."


Jimmy finally reached a large red door from the end of the hall. "Oh I can't wait to see another world." Squealing with a little laughter, he touched the doorknob and the floor fell out beneath him. He didn't have time to react as he fell down a pillar of fire and popped out into space, coming up quick to a ravaged planet.

"AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Jimmy screamed until he finally hit the ground. "I…I'm okay. No one worry about me." He called out as he picked his flatten form up. The only thing that came to greet him was smog laced air.

"Welcome to Hell." A voice cried out beside him showing a picture of a small devil of a man. "Here you now obey me, while living out the remainder of your existence in pain, fear, and overall misery. I am Lucifer Heinous, and enjoy your stay." He mocked with an evil laugh.

"I didn't know that they actually give out welcome video, that's real friendly! Well if I'm going to spend time here, might as well take a look around."