To all of my lovely readers: THANK YOU.
Some of you have been along on this ride since the very beginning, some 5 years ago, and that baffles me. Your encouragement and eagerness is the only reason that I ever finished writing this book. To those of you who hopped on board later, I love you too, and every time I got a new follower or new review notification I got one sentence closer to finishing.
A special shout out to . Seriously. If you guys ever want a reliable reviewer, find her. She will review every single chapter you post- up to 4 separate times. She pestered me for updates, including this one. So, , you get the gold medal in readership. Never stop being you.
But to address other matters: no, I do not have a sequel. I could probably put one together, but I've started work on an original trilogy that I hope to publish... some day. If that day ever comes I will be sure to let you know. (Sneak peek: There are Dragon Riders and massive sea monsters and barbarians and a rebellion. I shall say no more!) And please, if you have any final thoughts on Sons of War and what I could do to fix it (like was the ending too abrupt? characters too shallow? Tell me!).
You guys are great. Never stop reading, never stop creating, and never stop exploring.
Until next time!
The Last Rider, or Rachel