Can Anybody Live Like This?
It was early. A cold mist swirled around the boys ankles, hovering just above the shimmering surface of the lake. He stared at it without really looking. He had other things on his mind.
The boy was Remus John Lupin. Fifteen-years-old. A wizard. And a Werewolf.
None of these was his problem, of course. He had always known he was a wizard, as were his parents. Likewise, his Lycanthropy had been inflicted upon him when he had been barely more than a toddler, and he couldn't honestly remember a time without his monthly transformations.
Nor did it bother him that he was awake at 5.30, or that tonight was the full moon. He had long since become resigned to the fact that he would barely sleep the night prior to a change, and would suffer immensely the day after.
And yet here he stood. Worrying.
He closed his eyes and drew in a long, deep breath, letting it out slowly. His muscles were aching in anticipation for the evening, tugging painfully. He ignored it as best he could, focusing on the cold, crisp morning air.
He stood like that for a long time, just breathing deeply. Unfortunately, it didn't help at all. He was just as anxious at 6.45, when the mist had thinned under the rising sun. He decided to head back up to the castle and rouse his friends, who would otherwise happily sleep away the mornings classes.
The great castle of Hogwarts school was vast, and oddly calming in the mornings. No students running about, late for classes, or teachers for that matter. No Filch or his ridiculously anthropomorphic cat Mrs Norris, looking for trouble where there wasn't any. And, most unnervingly for Remus, not a single Marauder causing said trouble.
' Well, we'll soon put an end to that particular problem,' he muttered to himself, as he crawled through the portrait hole into the Gryffindor common room.
It was, of course, empty at such an early hour. Nevertheless, he padded quietly up the stairs into the boys dormitories. There stood four four-poster beds, each draped with crimson and gold curtains, almost shinning as the sun crept up the skyline. One was neatly made, the other three still held sleeping figures wrapped up in heaps of blankets.
Remus paused for a moment, considering his options. It took too long. The bed to the right of his own neatly made-up one stirred, a mop of black hair poking out of the sheets.
Sirius Black spotted Remus standing in the middle of the room, and raised a questioning eyebrow over eyes still bleary with sleep. Remus gestured to the remaining heaps of boy and blanket. Sirius nodded, a wicked grin spreading across his handsome face as he reached for his wand, the early-morning-glaze gone instantaneously.
He snatched it up, and flicked it casually. The two slumbering boys were quite suddenly dragged from their beds and left to dangle helplessly in the air by their right ankles. For a moment there was a shocked silence in the room. It didn't last.
' Oi! What the Hell, Padfoot?' James yelled, indignantly. ' What the Bloody Hell!'
Peter squeaked loudly as he flailed about.
' That sound is terribly unflattering, Peter,' Remus felt compelled to point out.
' I was sleeping!' boomed James, as though that settled matters.
' Exactly,' Sirius grinned. ' Lazy toe-rag that you are. Should be up.'
They continued making very undignified sounds, writhing in the air, for several minutes. Sirius was grinning like a madman, grey eyes positively gleaming. Remus finally offered, ' You know, he'll let you down if you stop making such a fuss.'
The pair settled. James very quickly, crossing his arms and scowling. Peter not so much. Once they both hung limply in the air, Sirius flicked his wand again and the pair tumbled unceremoniously onto their mattresses. They both mumbled and cursed and shot filthy looks in Sirius' direction while they straightened themselves up and patted themselves down.
' Oh, shut it,' Sirius said, clambering out of his own bed. ' We have more important things to think about today.'
And suddenly the muttering stopped, three pairs of eyes locking onto Remus. He squirmed. James looked excited, Peter absolutely terrified, but determined. Sirius was grinning again. Remus felt like he should say something.
' Erm,' he started, eloquently. ' We… We've to get through the day first. Don't worry about it yet.'
' I suppose,' James said. ' No doubt you'll be worrying enough for all of us.'
The others laughed, and the awkward moment passed. They joked and teased and giggled as they dressed and headed down to the Great Hall for Breakfast.
James was right, of course. Remus was worrying. Not because he is a wizard and a werewolf and a bit an awkward teenage boy. But because tonight is the first Full Moon of the school year, two weeks into term.
And because tonight, his friends are going to transform with him.
Okay, so I've just been re-reading the Harry Potter Books to get into story for my other Fic 'Where the Freaks all Come Around' and I just realised that this pairing could be completely canon. I'd never thought about it before, but it fits perfectly.
Kind of like the whole 'Dumbledore is gay' thing, which wasn't mentioned directly in the narrative of the books, but the hints are there. I mean, they basically lived together for seven years at school. James had Lily, but these guys are never mentioned with anyone else. In the pensieve, Harry says Sirius is oblivious to the girls eying him up. And even Lupin/Tonks fits, because they didn't bond until after Sirius died.
So being the crazed fan girl I secretly am, I went from never having thought about them as a couple to obsessing and loving it. And this is the result, so enjoy!
So, please Review because I've never attempted to write anything like this before. I'd appreciate the feedback. Danke! xx