Simply said: Life really never turns out how you want it to be. Some people may look at me, and think I'm heartless, but really in reality when all you have left to hold onto is your stone-cold broken heart for a good hundred years, how much would you change? Life, death, it all blurs into one big miserable existence. As much as I would like to think what I felt for Katherine was real—it wasn't. There's just something appealing about getting something that doesn't belong to you, something that belongs to someone else. Of course then, my next statement wouldn't make any sense to you even if I tried to explain. My feelings for Elena were real. It's like this connection that no matter how hard you try to forget it, it's still there every time you talk, every time you look in their eyes, you just know…that nothing can break it. Love doesn't simply happen, it is in every part of you. Every move, every touch, everything. It wouldn't matter to me if she didn't look like Katherine, it wouldn't matter if she was an entirely different race, Elena and I would still have the amazing connection that we have now. No matter how hard she tries to deny it, it's there every time I look in her eyes. The pain I feel won't go away, the ache I feel is still there, and I don't want to break it. Even if I can never truly be with her, I know that my entire being belongs to her, and only her. No one can take that away from me, not even Stefan. And maybe, just maybe, in time I will learn to be content with the little piece that we share together. A part of me wishes I could have her all to myself, but I know that will never happen. Fate just won't let it happen for me. All I know is that I will be there for her, and I will always watch her, no matter what she may decide, no matter how many mistakes I make, I will not make the mistake of ever leaving her side.
