I know this is extremely late like 6 months late but what can you do...Anyway I hope you like it and I apologize for it being so short but I wanted to get something up as quick as possible so hopefully you can all forgive me! :3
So sit back, relax and enjoy the chapter.
WARNING: Itachi is extremely OOC in this story!
It had been an hour since Naruto had left detention to meet Kakashi in the school parking lot. It had been an hour since Naruto had left Sasuke. It had been an hour since an oblivious blonde left a fuming raven. It had been an hour since said raven had been contemplating how to decapitate a certain porn addict without leaving a scrap of evidence. It had been an hour since…Well lets just say it's been a loooong hour!
After Sasuke's mega emo fuming session he decided to call his older brother, Itachi, for advice. So picking up his black RIM Bold 9700 Smartphone he entered his contacts and scrolled down to the name Weasel Douche and clicked on it. Waiting for his douche bag brother to answer.
"Ngh…Oh god…*lick*…mmh…*slurp*…soooo good!" These were the many words and sound coming from Itachi before he heard his phone begin to ring.
He could have a knife
Stab me in the gut
Bleeding on the floor
Shoulda kept my mouth shut
And I don't know how to react
Or if I should fight back
(Ice cream is gonna save the day)
"Mmh…Heeeello?" He answered the phone.
"Itachi, I need some advice."
"Oh baby brother, now this is a first...soooo what did you need?" Itachi replied in an overly cheerful tone.
"How do I get an overactive blonde dumbass to fall for me?"
"Why do you want my boyfriend to fall in love with you now?"
"Wait...What?" Sasuke shouted in the phone. "Why the hell would I want Deidara to fall for me? He's the stupidest most annoying shit I have ever met!"
"Aww come on Sasuke he's not that bad." Itachi said in a mocking tone.
"Are you kidding me?" Sasuke deadpanned. "He tried to blow up my car as a greeting!"
"Well that means he accepts you." By this point Itachi had return to his previous activity. "Anyway…mmm…who's the dumb blonde you want?"
"This kid in my class, I know it's wrong Itachi but I can't help it he just has the most amazing blue eyes and his devilish smile when he's trying to piss me off just get's to me!" Sasuke knew he was starting to sound corny but he didn't care. "He's really easy to like and you just cant help but want to smile, and when he's around it seems like he lights up the room, he reminds me of mum and dad's old friends."
"Hmm well yeah, you're whipped! Ngh…well…god…I don't know what to tell you, just…mmm yum…follow whatever feels right I guess…"
'That's was Itachi's great advice? How does that help me with Naruto and what's with all the moaning? Christ, it's sound like he replying while having sex!...IS HE HAVING SEX WHILE ON THE PHONE TO ME?' These were the many thought's going through Sasuke's mind.
"Are you having sex right now Itachi?"
"Why no foolish brother I'm not having sex…I'm doing the next best thing!" Sasuke waited with baited breath to hear what Itachi classed as the next best thing. "I am eating ice cream."
"How is eating ice cream the next best thing or even close to being the next best thing to sex?"
"Well little brother this one time when Deidara came home I was really in the mood for sex and ice cream at the same time so I decided to have a Deidara ice cream. He was so deliciously delightful when I licked from his neck downwards. I'm actually not entirely sure it was all ice cream by the time I got to his…."
"Itachi shut up! I don't want to hear about your vigorous sex life!" Sasuke intervened before he was mentally scarred.
"But he liked it soooo much! He told me to beep his beep and then I beep beeping his beep…..He was so wonderful, he said he wanted to beep me there and eventually he was beeping my beep! God all I can say that it was beep beeping beep beeep BEEEEEEEEP!"
"That fucking lunatic thinks I want to hear that shit…great now I need a new phone! Goddamnit Itachi! " Sasuke shouted after he threw his phone at the nearest wall.
Sasuke sighed and looked around his shared office. How can I possibly make that idiot like me, even if I blurted it straight out to him he still probably wouldn't understand because he's that much of an idiot! Naruto, why must you be so hard to like? Why must you be my student? Why must you look so goddamn sexy in tight black skinny jeans?
Sasuke had to stop himself there otherwise he would be taking care of a little problem in the teachers bathroom.
Naruto you imbecile why cant you just be a gay 21 year old at least then I wouldn't be so fucked up and nervous right now! I probably would have had you in my bed pounding into you as we speak! Sasuke was on the brink of his brain imploding, had it not been for his almighty Uchihaness he most likely would have punched the nearest wall.
"Come in Naru make yourself at home you know where the coffee is." Kakashi said.
"So, what's up? We weren't meant to meet for dinner till Saturday right?" Naruto questioned.
"Well you see I got a call from Iruka today after I left and, uh, well you know he told me he was in the hospital."
"What? What happened? Is he ok?" Naruto shot off questions left, right and centre.
"Calm down Naruto, he's fine but he broke both his legs when he was on sight. He called me telling me and he said that you were gonna have to stay with me from now on because he can't afford to pay for the apartment, your allowance and the hospital bill." Kakashi tried to say it all at once.
"But…I…Okay." Naruto sighed depressively.
"I'm sorry my little Naru but wouldn't it be better coming home to someone instead of living alone in that apartment."
"Yeah, I guess it would be better…but what about you? You love living alone I mean come on do you really want me here ruining your awesome bachelor life?" Naruto asked jokingly.
"Of course I do you idiot! You know you mean everything to me! I wouldn't be here right now if I didn't, I would be in some fucking shit hole or dead if you weren't in my life!"
Naruto's eye widened, he never knew he was so important to Kakashi.
"I'm sorry Kaki, I don't know what I was thinking."
"It's all right. How about we just grab a bite and then start packing your stuff? I'll tell the school the change of address tomorrow, ok?"
Naruto smiled widely. "Okay Kaki."
"Ah Sasuke!" Kakashi yelled enthusiastically jogging over to Sasuke. "Would you do me a favor and hand this into the office for me?"
"Hn." Sasuke said as usual and grabbed the folder.
"Thank, see you around" Kakashi said before running the way he came.
Sasuke started walking towards the office when some kids bumped into him making him drop the folder Kakashi gave him. The papers that were in the folder scattered along the ground and as Sasuke bent down to pick them he noticed that Naruto's name was on some of them.
"What the? Naruto?" He questioned out loud. He picked up the papers and started reading them.
"Change of address? So he's moving?" Sasuke wondered aloud. Continuing his reading he came to Naruto's new address but he looked familiar, very familiar, a familiar address he used to go to, to drink with a certain weirdo.
It took him a moment to comprehend what this meant.
Well there you have it, I hope you laughed or smile during this chapter at some point and if you didn't do it now! *point shot gun at you* I SAID NOW!
Uhh sorry about that ehehe anyway please review they make me happy and if I'm happy...well then I'm happy sooo yeaaaah...review please.
By the way if you were wondering what song Itachi had for his ringtone it was 'Ice Cream' by Muscles.