Disclaimer: I do not own Legend of Zelda, or any people, places, or concepts therein.
Don't worry, I'm not abandoning SotH, I just can't continue it until I get a vacation. In the mean time, I NEED TO WRITE SOMETHING! SOMETHING NON-SCHOOL RELATED!
A Twili girl walks out on stage. She has waist-length wavy hair (flame orange, of course) and wears a light blue sundress with matching slippers. Her shadow markings look like a set of elbow-length gloves and knee-high boots.
Twili: Hi! I'm Emily, Sophie's first OC. Well, actually then I was permanently trapped in imp-form, but she felt like restoring me for the sake of this story. *twirls around to show off the little flair in her skirt* And I couldn't be happier! So anyway, this is a Truth-or-Dare fic for Legend of Zelda. It's in script format because the author feels lazy, please don't report us. We're trying to have fun over here, after all. The focus games will be Minish Cap, Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, Twilight Princess, Wind Waker/Phantom Hourglass, Spirit Tracks, and Four Swords Adventure because those are the ones Sophie has either played, or read the manga, or both. No other fandoms, please, we know very little about them. I'll be your host, though feel free to Truth-or-Dare the author. Now, for the characters. *summons them through Twilight Warp*
Tetra: Huh?
Darunia: Where are we, goro?
Vaati: *looks around, sees Emily* Hey! Long time, no see!
Em: Hi, Vaats! Good to see you! *enthusiastic handshake* Sorry about this, but you're in a ToD fic.
Vaati: *shrug* You get used to it after a while.
(A/N: In case you can't tell, Vaati and Emily were the leads in my first *coughCRAPPYcough* fanfic. Which I hated the moment I reread it, and never showed to anybody.)
Em: I should probably tell the others, right?
Vaati: Probably.
Em: *summons megaphone* Might want to cover your ears. *through megaphone* LISTEN UP, EVERYONE! MSFCATLOVER (aka Sophie) IS ATTEMPTING TO WRITE A TRUTH-OR-DARE FANFICTION! THAT'S WHY YOU'RE ALL HERE! PLEASE SETTLE DOWN!
Some one in the back: NEVER! *is zapped with Twili magic*
Em: *still through megaphone* AS THE HOST, I AM REQUIRED TO ENFORCE THE RULES!
Everyone else: *dead quiet*
Em: *lowers megaphone* Good. I'm Emily, Second-in-Command for this fic. You will obey the rules, or I will have to enforce them, as you have seen. I expect every single one of you has done at least one Truth-or-Dare fic before, probably more. In case you haven't, the rules are simple. Reviews send in either Dares, which are activities you must perform, or Truths, which are questions you must answer. Oh, and we have to keep some semblance of order in here. Which means none of this random-spazzing you were doing a second ago. Reviewers are allowed to insert themselves as characters, but only until the end of their set of ToDs. OCs last 'til the end of a chapter, with the exception of yours truly. You are not allowed to leave the studio, unless it is required for a Dare. Are there any questions?
Tetra: Why is there only one of me here?
Em: Because the author doesn't want to get involved in the Sheik Gender Issue Debate, so she only summoned one form of Princess Zelda. I assume you can transform into either of your other forms, right?
Tetra: Well, yea–
Em: Then we only need one of you. Next?
Ganondorf: Why am I in my WW form?
Em: Because Sophie doesn't take you seriously. Be happy you're not a blue pig. Next?
Em: Do you want to take that up with the author? Because I don't.
Midna: *silence*
Em: Anything else?
Everyone: *silence*
Em: Good to know. Well, it's up to the reviewers now.
Em: So please Read and Review, or we'll have no where to go!
Oh, I don't know. I could have you and Vaati re-enact the final scene in that fic I never showed anyone.
Em: *facepalm* Oh please no...You hate it as much as we do!
Vaati: *vigorous nodding*
*cringe* True, but we have to keep the readers interested. I suppose I could ask my family, but they wouldn't be able to come up with good ones. It'd be things like, "Why didn't you do this?" or "Why are you evil?" So...yeah...You might have to go through that again.
Link: But...That was so corny!
Tetra: And we had to watch!
Link: And Zel and me only appeared in two scenes!
Tetra: Don't call me/us that.
Ow, my head hurts... Anyway, Read and Review, please!