I do not own Axis Powers Hetalia. Please Review and Thank You. This chapter is in Prussia's view.

Sticking To The Diet

By Waterrain

Those guys must be lying about West refusing a beer or maybe my little bruder has really cracked. He is uptight, a clean freak, and now no it can't be that West is now against getting drunk! No, I must fix this otherwise West might just dump all of my awesome beer down into the toilet.

I walked into the direction where West was last located and I mentally prepared myself for it might be true my little bruder of all Nations is against having a beer.

"Hey, West. Want a beer?" I managed to ask calmly and West looked at me with annoyed blue eyes.

"No." West whispered and he looked as if in pain.

"Come on, West. Beer is awesome and—" I started to say, but then West cut in saying.

"Creates fatness." West mutters and his fists were clenched.

"What the hell, West?" I asked in a shocked voice and it is official West has cracked for he is fucking built.

"Take away your lousy beer, Bruder." West said quietly and I gasped in horror for it is true West is rejecting beer.

"West, You and I have awesome body's! We don't need a damn diet." I stated loudly and I put the cup of beer under West's nose. His cheeks were flushed and he shook his head. "Let's have some beer together and get fucking wasted as all hell."

"No." West stated firmly and he glared at the beer I was holding. "I must resist."

"No, No. West resisting is futile. Come back to me and have some beer." I whispered in a somewhat creepy, but awesome voice and West shook his head. "Come to me West. Come back to me West. Come my little pretty plus your little bitches Italy and Japan."

West grabbed my beer and he dropped it onto the floor. I gasped in horror and then cried out 'NOOOOOOOOO'. Japan and Italy was not even here. It was just my little bruder and I. Maybe I should not have called Italy and Japan a bitch. Everything is fun and games until the beer is spilled or in this case crudely dumped onto the dirty floor. I dare not lick up the beer in this place. The only place I trust is clean enough to drink spilled beer from the floor would be in West's home and I have been staying there for…I have no damn clue.

"Now please go." West said to me and sounded close to tears. I cried and then shoved West.

"How could you! You killed my beer! Beer murder! Oh, West! Why and my own little bruder!" I said loudly and tears were running down my cheeks. "I do not have a lot of money and I tried to be fucking awesome by being nice! Of course I'm always fucking awesome!"

West sighed heavily to himself and he ordered me a beer. I wiped my eyes and I was not crying. No I wasn't and that was it. I quickly grabbed the beer and then gulped it down just in case West decides to commit another beer murder by dumping all of the awesomeness onto the floor. Hell I wouldn't have minded if he did that at home because then I would be able to lick all of the beer up from the floor and have nothing to worry about at all. Due to the fact West cleans and cleans. Oh, fuck maybe that is why West has cracked and thank awesomeness I'm against cleaning. Who will clean up? Sure as hell not me and I hate cleaning. I want West back. I want him back and drinking beer with me.

Please Review and Thank You.