Harvest Wine
Disclaimer: SM owns Twilight.
Ch. 5: Tribute – Revenge Pt. 3
Today had taken a turn for the weird and I felt that at any second Rod Serling was going to pop out of the woodwork then tell us we'd entered the Twilight Zone. The morning was stressful enough as we planned our escape from Carlisle and the Demonic Duo. Then Douche bag… err… Edward… rushed into the house saying that he'd been caught doing something but never elaborated, only told us we needed to wait our missing family members. When my father and the living Troll doll showed up, I thought all hell would break loose because her hair was still wet from a recent shower and the scents of Carlisle and sex still wafted lightly off her. Instead, wine flowed and the situation became too bizarre by even our standards.
One minute Dr. Goody-goody was revealing just how much of a bastard he truly was then the next thing you know his cock was in the Troll's mouth and it became orgy central. My need for Emmett to be buried inside of me became insatiable, clothes were hastily pulled off and we started going at it like rabbits. I was only half aware of the sounds of other people having sex around us because the pounding my pussy was getting made it impossible to think. A snarl from Carlisle ruined the moment and Monkey-man and I glared in his direction. Apparently, Eddie had pissed him off by trying to fuck his little slut as she was blowing him. Angrily, my Sire pulled his rod out of her mouth and took just enough time to wipe it dry before he socked the mind reader in the gut, bent Pretty Boy over the arm of the chair then went all Brokeback Vampire and tore his ass up by going all Rough Rider up his San Juan Hill. If that sight hadn't been disturbing enough, Alice alternating between sucking the blonde vampire's balls and licking his ass while he turned his "son" into a prison bitch almost put me off sex for good.
The urge to vomit then pour bleach into my head vanished when a lustful feminine moan drew our attention to Esme. I wasn't the only one shocked to see the gentle motherly vampire stripped naked and lost in a sexual frenzy as slammed herself down on Jasper's cock. I knew first hand exactly what my brother was packing bellow the belt and how expert he was at using it. Several years ago, Em and I made a deal that he could fuck all three Denali sisters as long as I could fuck three people of my choice. When Alice had dragged our parents off for a shopping trip in Paris, my hubby rushed off to Alaska to enjoy the three Succubi while I went off for a weekend in Texas with Jasper, Peter and Charlotte. Anyway, Jazz started to project the lust he and the caramel haired vampire were generating and the orgy went back in full swing. The only difference was that I was bent over the arm of the soft so my mate could drill me doggie style while we watched Esme get the best fucking of her life because it was hot as hell. I think we all reached our orgasms at the same time.
A timely phone call ended any chance of there being a Round Two and an awkward silence fell over the room as Carlisle answered the call and we got dressed. As I thought over everything that just happened, it was almost like the entire family had been under some kind of spell. After the call ended, our unworthy leader rejoined and told us what Twatwad's punishment was going to be but we still didn't know what he'd done wrong, only that it violated The Gates hospitality and sanctuary laws.
With everything had just happened nothing could've prepared me for what happened when Claire showed up a few minutes later with Bella Swan to administer the Council's punishment. The brunette looked nothing like the fragile shy girl we'd left behind in Forks. Her skin was slightly darker than the last time we'd seen her, an olive tone had been added to her abnormally pale skin. Eyes that had once been a beautiful chocolate were now a beguiling deep wine color. She wore a forest green tunic style blouse and black leather pants while her feet were encased in stiletto heeled ankle boots with chains across the ankles. In one hand she held a chain cat-o-nine-tails that had vampire teeth embedded in the links and tipped with werewolf claws. Claire had said something about the punishment then directed dumbass forward and removed his shirt.
"This won't be nearly as fun as what I did to Angela so I'm going to make you an offer," Bella stated in a rather bored tone.
Holy Shit! She's the one responsible for the bitch's spectacular end, I thought then gave the woman an admiring glance. Only the unholy trinity had a negative reaction to the revelation while the rest of my family looked doubly shocked that not only had she perpetration such an act but that she was able to sound blasé about it. Carlisle cleared his throat and gave my ex-brother a pointed look before he had a chance to do or say something stupid.
"What can you possibly offer," Edward hissed while his body shook with repressed rage.
"At the end of the week, The Gates is holding a harvest festival to celebrate the changing of the seasons. If you are willing to offer a tribute at the bon fire that night then the Council shall consider that just recompense and you will be allowed to stay here without further consequences. Provided that you don't break any more rules, of course," my little sister replied but nobody else saw the anticipatory gleam that danced in her eyes. It was a look I remembered well and I finally understood everything as I smirked at her.
"What type of offering," Pussy boy queried cautiously and I wasn't able to fault him because she was the one that had arranged his mate's demise.
"Just a burnt offering, something of value to show the others that you accept responsibility for your actions," Bella answered but after my recent epiphany I knew she'd deliberately left something out. I wasn't going to call her out on it, only wait to see what it was.
"Fine, I think giving a hundred thousand in cash should make the Council happy," the dumbass sneered then put his shirt back on and flashed up to his room to sulk.
"I guess our business here is concluded, we hadn't meant to intrude on your family time," Claire said and turned to head back to the door with Bella.
"Carlisle, Alice and Edward are no family of ours, we had informed them earlier that we were leaving," I shot back which made the other two women pause.
"If you have nowhere else to go, Bella and I would be happy to let you stay with us until you decide what your next move is," the British vampire offered and after a silent conversation with my family we agreed.
Esme told the two women that we'd head over to their place after we finished packing. Our hosts said that they'd send some guys over to help us with our things then retreated back to their house. My Sire started to shout at us but that ended quickly when five burly members of the local Pack showed up to act as movers. In a quiet rage, Carlisle decided to return to the hospital with his little troll in tow. Twatwad just stood there and fumed silently as my family packed everything that they wanted and were escorted to our temporary home.
CPOV (Carlisle)
The remainder of the week had been tense as I awaited the coming festival with my mate and son. Something constantly niggled at the edge of my thought but I was never able to figure out what it was. On the positive side of things, now that the four pathetic excuses for vampires were no longer in my home I was able to openly be with Alice there. Together, the two of us had gone through several bottles of Harvest Wine as we christened every room in the house with our desire. Edward finally learned his place as I buried myself inside of him whenever he complained. I brought him to the hospital with me today because the festival is tonight and I wanted to him to relax. Alice was out shopping for outfits for us wear.
My son was currently enjoying the daughter of one of my colleagues in the empty office next to mine while I was balls deep inside Nurse Moore's tight warm cunt. I'd already had her daughter, who was passed out naked on my couch, and after I was done shooting my load her sister would be left to sate me; at least until I got home to my mate. My mind had already plotted out turning these three beauties. They would service Alice and I after Edward was safely away in Italy.
The human and supernatural residents of The Gates had gathered in a large field on the eastern edge of the community. A banquet had been held earlier in the evening and now it was time for the true festivities to start. There were three large bon fires that illuminated the darkness. At one end of the clearing a stage had been erected and a band was starting to set up. A large wooden effigy occupied the opposite end of the field. Wine was flowing freely while we all waited for the tributes and music to start. For some reason, I had a feeling of dread that grew with each passing second. I drained several cups of wine while I tried futilely to ignore my bad feeling.
The three senior members of the Council, flanked on either side by four ethereal women made their way to the middle bon fire then called the crowd to momentary silence. I noticed that the eight unknown women reminded me of Bella in their appearance. The traitorous bitch stepped from the crowd at their bidding. She held a silver tray that contained the money those bastards had extorted from my son. His only crime was that he wanted a mate and they twisted that desire and claimed he violated some kind of law.
Tray in hand, she led Edward to the effigy along with two of the mysterious women that carried torches to light their way. My Alice had offered to give a tribute as well after we discussed adding three new members to our family. She thought it would be a good idea if we greased the wheels as it were so the Council wouldn't feel the need to punish us. The sexy pixie broke from the crowd with a tray of cash in her hands and joined the others. Bella stood in-between the two vampires and I watched in mute horror as she shot her fists out in a blur then struck both of them in the neck. Even at this distance, I heard their necks snap then saw them fall to the ground paralyzed.
No matter how hard I tried to go to their aid, I was rooted in place unable to speak. I was forced to watch as the far from human brunette girl lifted the prone vampires, one at a time, and place them in what I just realized was a wicker man. After they were secured inside the effigy, Bella nodded to her companions and they set the wooden idol on fire. Edward and Alice's death screams echoed through the field and were met with a chorus of cheers from the throng. Suddenly the band started to play and the crowd started dancing, which quickly degenerated into an orgy of sex and violence as the music mixed with the sounds of passion and murder. Without warning, Bella appeared in front of me.
"Everything that you've built with your lies and treachery has been destroyed. Too bad you won't live long enough to truly suffer but I'm guessing you'll be a pile of ashes by this time tomorrow. The Volturi are going to be very upset that you got your thirty pieces of silver but failed to hold up your end of the bargain. If I were you, I'd run while I could," she whispered into my ear as her hands found their way inside my pants and boxers.
The she-devil stroked and fondled my manhood then ripped it from me with sound of tearing metal while she hissed, "I'll give this to my mother and sister to keep as a souvenir or burn for what you did to them."
She left me after that but I was still unable to move. I stood like a statue while surrounded by sex and death. Even the band stopped playing and was engaged in carnal acts that were illegal in most states. My mind worked overtime trying to figure out how things had ended up this way while I waited for control of my body to return to me. During my reflection, I remembered my mythology; Bella and those strange women were Maenads!
Three things happened simultaneously after that revelation. I regained control of my body just as the first rays of daylight shown on the field which revealed my sparkling form to the human survivors and the Volturi arrived. There was nowhere to run so I awaited my fate as the Guard eliminated the all the witnesses. Aro allowed me the small mercy of letting Alec take away my senses before I was ripped apart.
*Six Months Later*
I sat in my office at the vineyard and reviewed the latest Harvest Wine sales reports. After clean-up had been finished after the festival, things had fallen into place and my grandmother's plan was made a reality. The Maenads had taken over control of The Gates and all the other communities like it. Not only were they still sanctuaries for members of the various supernatural races, they became bastions of worship for the Old Gods. Of course, Dionysus was revered the most.
Rose and I had become closer that blood sisters. She would've been a Maenad if Carlisle hadn't arranged for Royce and his friend to have fun with her. The God was never one to take losing one of his chosen lightly. It was his influence that inspired her revenge against the bastards that raped and beat her to near death. My vampire sister and Emmett were scheduled to get back from their vacation on Isle Esme in a couple of days then the whole family was headed to Alaska to visit the Denali Coven.
Em, what can I say about my brother except that he shocked the shit out of all of us. Underneath his boyish nature and childish antics lurked a genius. He put his numerous degrees in chemistry and biology to work and developed a synthetic blood that tasted just like the real thing. We had just started distributing it to vampires before they left on vacation and so far response has been good.
Esme and Jasper got married about a month after Carlisle's downfall and both were blissfully happy. In addition to taking up a position on the Council as a Community Planner, she opened her own interior design firm. Jasper, on the other hand, found his calling and was currently The Gates Police Chief.
Dionysus had been so pleased with everything that happened that he granted Claire and me a gift; I was in the middle of my first trimester with our child. The entire family was over the moon with the news and as much as I loved having a child growing inside of me the pregnancy hormones were kicking my ass. In fact, I was supposed to be taking it easy and had to sneak out to get some work done. I knew that Claire and everyone were worried about me and the baby so I tried to take everything in stride but we all needed to find a happy medium.
Jasper walked through the door smirking as he twirled a pair of handcuffs around his finger. I laughed then let him escort me home where I'd no doubt face the ire of my sexy mate.
AN: Another story finished and I think I met the conditions of the challenge but I'll leave that judgment up to you. If all goes well, I plan on finishing Wyld Child, Clockwork and Spurs soon. I also hope to get out updates for Southern Comfort and Immortal Legacy. As long as life goes along with the plan, I'll even have a new story up for the Mercy Thompson Series.