Disclaimer: Alas tis still not mine but oh if it were

Chapter 6

Harry was surprised the next morning when an unknown owl dropped a package in front of him. He didn't usually get mail. He had stopped his issue of the Daily Prophet back in fourth year. He figured if anything noteworthy happened that Hermione would be up on it and she was better with that stuff anyways, he just laughed at some of the stuff the Prophet came up with, he had long since cared about what they print. His friends knew the truth and that was all that mattered to him. When he opened the package after checking for harmful spells he let out a gasp of surprise, it was the book he had been looking for, and it looked like he would not have to go to Grimmauld Place after all. This made him extremely pleased, while it might be nice to see his friends before school starts, that house had too many bad memories. All he could see when there was his depressed godfather. He opened the front cover of the book and a piece of parchment fell out, quickly grabbing it out of the air, he read it.


I think this book will help you find the information you were looking for I would love to learn about you with you if you would give me the chance. I got you this book I must admit for purely selfish reasons. To be truthful I just couldn't stand the thought of being seperated from you when we were just starting to get to know each other.



The letter wasn't much but the thought of Draco going through the trouble of getting the book for him so he, Draco could spend more time with him made Harry flush with pleasure. He had never had someone do something like that for him.

Draco was very smug the next morning as he saw Harry receive his gift. Sure he would like to give other more personal gifts to his mate, but they weren't there in their relationship yet. Well to be fair Harry wasn't yet aware that they had a relationship. That would change soon starting hopefully with the book. That would at least let the raven know that Draco sought out his company and maybe that he wanted more if the boy wasn't completely clueless.

Harry didn't know what came over him. When he looked up from the note and caught Draco's eye he couldn't help himself. He bounced over to Draco with every intention of thanking the blond but instead found himself leaning up and pressing his lips to Draco's in a chaste kiss. When he realized what he had done his face colored and he started stuttering an apology while trying to run out of the Hall. He had gotten only a few steps when a toned arm quickly reached out and grabbed him by the waist.

As Harry leaned towards Draco, Draco was frozen. His brain disconnected and as Harry pressed his lips to Draco's he just stood there in shock. He was not expecting his raven to be so forward. He had thought that he would make the first move, but he found he liked the other boy's daring. His situation caught up with him as Harry started apologizing and trying to make a run for it. He quickly reached out and snagged the boy around the waist and asked where Harry thought he was going and as Harry started apologizing again thinking Draco was mad, Draco shut Harry up the only way he knew how; by latching onto the raven's lips in a fierce passionate kiss that left the other boy breathless. He had his mate, his love, his other half and he had no intention of letting go anytime soon. He couldn't help but think as he poured all of his feelings for his raven's into that kiss in the middle of the Great Hall, in front of his classmates and professors that this was exactly where he had always wanted to be.

As Draco kissed Harry, he finally saw what was right in front of him the whole time and that empty feeling within his chest began to disappear. He realized that he didn't need to read any book or ask Hermione. His heart had been telling him all along that Draco was the one for him and he was finally ready to listen.

The End

This finishes my first multichapter story. I just wanted to tell how they got together I don't know if I want to do a sequel yet maybe going through their last year in school. Maybe when I'm not so busy with school or if I get some reviews asking for it that may motivate me *hint, hint*. So let me know what you think and thanks for reading.