Alright, there's been quite a wait for this chapter but it's here. Theres a few different ways that this story may go in later chapters, but right now I'm just letting the story write itself really. So on we go,the first day of school and as always, I do not own twilight or any of the characters in it. They belong to Stephenie Meyer, I just like to play with them. :) I do however own the character Mikael Price, he is my own creation

On to the Story!

The next morning Mikael woke early, to make sure he had everything he needed for school, he couldn't help but think that he was quite lucky to be ambidextrous as his left arm (his dominate arm) was currently in a cast. He popped a pain pill in his mouth and headed downstairs as Bella stepped out of her room.

She mumbled a quiet, "morning." before she walked into the bathroom. Mikael smiled and continued down the stairs. Charlie had already left to the station, after asking Mikael to look after Bella. 'Look after Bella,' he thought, 'The only looking after she needs is from supernatural creatures, and I'd be absolutely no good at protecting her from that.'

"Shit." he mumbled, "I can't think about that stuff. Man this day is going to suck."

"Who are you talking to?" Bella asked as she carefully descended the stairs.

He just shrugged and complained, "Do you know how horrible today is going to be. I'm used to a big high school."

Bella nodded and told Mikael that she went to a big school as well.

After a few minutes they both went out to Bella's truck and proceeded to school. After a few moments of silence Bella spoke, "My dad didn't really tell me what happened to you, the only thing he mentioned was a car accident and that he couldn't find your parents anywhere."

Mikael nodded, deciding that he would stick with not remembering anything. "Yeah, I don't really remember what happened, I mean I remember who I am and where I'm from but that's about it. I don't even know how I ended up on the highway near Forks."

"What about your parents surely they're looking for you." She said as they pulled into the parking lot.

"I don't really remember, I'm sure if they are out there, that they'll do whatever they can to find me."

Bella raised her eyebrow at the word 'if' but didn't question himany further as she parked the truck and both got out. They headed into the brightly lit, warm office. Mikael couldn't help but think that it was very small. Both he and Bella walked through the little waiting area to where the counter that cut the room in half. Mikael thought it odd that it was so cluttered, as his school had kept everything quite tidy.

There was a lady sitting in one of the three chairs behind the counter, and as they approached she looked up, "Can I help you?"

"Hello," Mikael automatically said, "I'm Mikael Price, and this is Isabella Swan." The receptionists eyes lit up, apparently they were both expected. Mikael felt a pang of sympathy for Bella suddenly. For if she had to go through this alone, as she had in the book, he was sure it would be much worse. At least he was here to pull some of the unwanted attention away from her.

'Except when it comes to a certain family.' he thought then immediately berated himself for his thoughts. That was a good way to ruin everything.

"Of course," the receptionist said, "I've got both of your schedules and a few maps of the school right here." She brought several sheets of paper to the desk, then went through all of their classes and highlighted the best routes on the maps. Mikael suppressed a groan when he notice that he had biology with Bella. 'This can't turn out well.' he thought.

The lady went on to drone about having their teachers sign these forms and to bring them back after school. She finally let them go with a good luck and they both left the office. As they reached the truck they noticed students arriving. They drove around and found a parking spot. As the walked towards the cafeteria Mikael's eyes kept shooting towards the Volvo that was parked in the lot. It took a considerable amount of effort to not think anything that might get him into trouble.

They both split up then, Bella heading toward building three and Mikael towards building six. His first class was Government. 'This should be an easy class.' He thought as he walked inot his classroom. He walked up to his teacher and handed the man the slip of paper. As he signed the paper, the teacher asked him to introduce himself.

With a small sigh he turned, his eyes immediately going to a desk towards the back, where a small girl short spiky black hair sat, smiling at him. 'Oh crap,' he thought, 'uhm, introduction let's get this over with.' "Hello, I'm Mikael Price. It's a pleasure." He winced slightly, 'a tad too much Gundam Wing-ish. Damn.' The teacher told him to take a seat next to Ms. Cullen. Mikael looked around the room and the girl in the back gestured to the seat to her right.

Mikael sat quietly and focused his attention on the teacher. 'I'm totally not prepared for this, no matter how much I talked my self into it last night. God, save me.'

Thankfully for Mikael, the class proceeded without any attention towards him, other than a few people looking back at him. The words 'shiny new toy' popped into his head. The bell rang and he immediately stuffed his things into his bag and tried not to look to rushed as he left his class.

He had met Mike Newton in his second class. 'Yeah, he's a dweeb.'

Next was his Spanish class. He walked into class and up to his teacher, who signed the slip and asked him to introduce himself in Spanish. 'This is what I get for growing up in Florida.' He thought, 'and taking Spanish over summer. At least I'm not that bad at it.' He turned and introduced himself and the teacher motioned him to ttake a seat. As he looked around he noticed the only seat empty was next to a big guy that didn't look like he should even still be in school. 'Oh shit,' He obediently took a seat next to they guy after a brief hesitation. It wasn't until he sat down that he noticed the bronze haired guy sitting behind him. Mikael quickly looked toward the front of the class and focused completely on the teacher. 'This is going to be a long day.' he thought to himself then took to reciting every word the teacher said in his head.

It seemed like years before the bell rang and Mikael packed his bag, putting all of his focus now on his next class and where it was at. He walked towards the door and headed to his Calculus class. 'I just want this day to be over.'

After calculus which was a godsend really, because he had to focus and think only of the equations. He headed to the cafeteria, meeting up with Mike on the way there. As he left the line he went and sat next to Bella, who was listening to a girl talk about the Cullens. He looked over towards where Bella was staring. "Huh, I've had classes with a few of them." He muttered before turning back to his lunch. The girl who had been talking to Bella turned to him. "They're weird aren't they." It was said like more of a statement than a question.

Mikael shrugged, "I didn't talk to them, I was focused on the teacher at the time. So I really wouldn't know. Oh, I'm Mikael Price, by the way."

The girl smiled at him, "I'm Jessica Stanley." Then she turned back to Bella, explaining that Dr. Cullen and his wife adopted them and that the kids were together. Explaining who was with who and that they lived together. She then through in another, "It's weird."

After a few minutes of tuning Jessica out, Mikael heard Bella ask, "Whose the one with the reddish-brown hair?"

"Oh, that's Edward. He's gorgeous, of course, but don't waste you're time. He doesn't date. Apparently none of the girls here are good-looking enough for him." She responded.

Mikael couldn't help but smirk as he looked back over at the Cullen's table, 'he totally shot her down. Can't say I blame him really, she seems to be a bit of a preppy, hmm what's a good word for her. Eh I'll think of something eventually.'

Soon, Bella, Mikael, and a quiet girl named Angela, headed to Biology II together. As they walked into the classroom Angela made her way to her seat as Mikael and Bella went to the teachers desk to get their slips signed. As they passed Edwards desk, Bella tripped over a book. They both noticed as he went completely rigid in his seat. Mikael turned to look at Edward when he'd seen him tense up. The look on Edwards face was hostile. Mikael couldn't help but think, 'damn, that dude is scary.' as he gently nudged Bella forward. After Mr. Banner sign both slips, he handed both of them books and gestured Bella towards the seat next to Edward, and Mikael to the seat directly in front of Edward.

Neither Bella nor Mikael talked as they sat taking notes on the teachers lecture. To Mikael, the bell couldn't ring soon enough. The normal class time seemed to be tripled as he constantly glanced at the clock.

When the bell finally rang, Edward jumped from his seat and left in a hurry. Mikael rose from his seat and turned to Bella, silently making sure she was okay. He rolled his eyes as Mike Newton came forward and started talking to her. He groaned quietly as he heard Mike say that he was heading to the gym too. The three of them walked towards the gym together, Mike dominating the conversation. 'Wow this guy can really talk, he's starting to get on my nerves. Nice or not.' Mikael was pulled from his thoughts by Mike's next words. "So did you stab Edward Cullen with a pencil or what? I've never seen him act like that."

He interrupted before Bella could speak,"That guy she sat next to in Bio?" He had wanted to take the attention off of Bella, he had seen her cringe and wanted to stop any flirting Mike would have attempted.

"Yeah," Mike said, looking a little put off at Mikael's interference.

"I don't think you really talked to him, did you Bella?" Mikael asked.

Bella shook her head, "No, I didn't."

Mike shrugged, "He's weird, if I had been sitting next to you, I would have definitely talked to you."

Mikael rolled his eyes, 'so much for avoiding the blatant flirting.'

the P.E. Coach, found both Bella and Mikael uniforms, after Mike had left to the locker room to change. But, he let both of them sit on the bleachers for the first day. They watched the volleyball games that were playing and Mikael decided to start up a conversation.

"You okay, Bella?"

Bella nodded, "yeah, why wouldn't I be?"

He smiled, "Maybe 'cuz you look a little green watching the games. Or maybe it's the fact that the Cullen kid was acting like a total jerk."

Bella shook her head fervently, "why would I care how he's acting, I don't even know him. And Gym isn't one of my better classes. I'm entirely to uncoordinated for it and now I have to take it two more years. I'm sure someones going to get hurt with me around."

Mikael laughed. "You'll be alright, I'll see if I can get the coach to make everyone wear protective gear when you're out there." He said, teasing her. Bella grinned and shoved him lightly. "Don't be mean," she said.

After class ended Bella and Mikael headed toward the office to hand in their slips. As they entered they say Edward talking to the receptionist. Apparently he was trying to get out of his biology class. Then a girl came in dropped something into one of the wire baskets and left. Edward stiffened suddenly and turned towards Bella. The look he gave her, while only lasting a second, was full of anger and hate. Mikael knew this was bothering Bella, but there really was nothing he could do about it.

Edward turned back to the receptionist said a few more things, Mikael was paying no attention to him, his gaze was focused on Bella. Edward turned and stormed out of the room quickly. 'What an ass hole, I don't care what excuse he has for it.' Mikael thought, as both he and Bella handed there slips over to the office lady. "How did you first day go, you guys?" She asked politely, They both muttered, "fine" then slowly walked out of the building. They were one of the last to leave for the day and Mikael couldn't help but sigh. "I'm safe to think whatever now, I assume. If not I'm screwed. Man this really sucked. Why didn't I just ask to go to La Push, at least then I wouldn't have to censor my thoughts. But how could I leave Bella alone like that. Shit. I just want to go home.'

So, what do you think? Reviews are greatly appreciated. I also wanted you're opinion on something. I'm toying with changing the story into Mikaels point of view. Personally I find it a bit awkward to write in the 3rd person p.o.v. I constantly have to go back and correct parts where I put 'I', 'me', and 'we' but I don't want to change it if you readers are used to and prefer the 3rd person p.o.v.

Let me know of any mistakes I've made in grammar, punctuation, and all that. I'm sure I've missed some.