Hayato eventually wakes up to the sun rays that radiantly beam him on his face. He then overhears a feminine voice question, "So you are finally awake?"
The silver hair male leisurely removes his head from against her shoulder and stretches out against the body of his seat.
"Are we there yet, Haru?" He asks her while he rubs his eyes with the side of his hands. His green eyes then slowly scans his new surroundings.
Haru was about to speak until the sound of Reborn's voice could be heard over the intercom, "Rise and shine, Vongola family."
The loud sounds of grunts and groans were emitted since it seemed as if most of them were fast asleep a few minutes ago.
"We are only a few minutes away from our destination so be ready to unload the bus." He informs them right before he hangs up the intercom.
Hayato gently smacks his cheeks with his hands in order to fully wake himself up. He then directs his sight toward his left only to note that Haru quietly stares out of the window.
She faces him since she feels his eyes on her and curiously poses, "Something wrong, Hayato-kun?"
He swiftly turns away from her, instantly stands to his feet and meekly mentions, "I'm going to go check up on Chiharu."
His comment earns a nod from her as she merely diverts her sights back on to the scenery outside.
The silver hair male hastily tip toes by I-pin and Lambo, Spanner and Shoichi, baseball freak and Basil, turf head and Hana, Dino and some of his subordinates, Tsuna and Kyoko, Chrome and the Kokuyo bunch, Bianchi and Reborn, and finally reaches Fuuta and Chiharu.
"Ah good morning, Gokudera-san," Fuuta politely greets Hayato once he recognizes the older man near his seat.
He was returning the greeting right before Chiharu was jumping in to his arms and happily saying, "Good morning, daddy!"
"Good morning, Chi," Hayato lovingly addresses her by his own personal moniker as he heads to the back of the bus.
At the sight of her mother, the brunette child gleefully leaps out of his arms and eagerly wraps her arms around her mother.
"Fuuta-niisan is funny," Chiharu was quipping while snuggling closer to Haru, who was now placing her in her lap so Hayato could sit back down.
An "Oh really?" emitted from her mouth prior to Reborn's announcement that they have arrived at their intended destination.
"Wow! Mommy, look at the ocean!" Chiharu excitingly yells with her face gently press against the window.
The parents feed off of the toddler's energy all while they silently deemed, 'This won't be a normal vacation...will it?'
The bus eventually arrived and parked in front of a large wooden beach house with the Vongola family emblem etched in gold at the entrance.
The passengers automatically depart from the bus and patiently waits in front of the beach house. Hibari silently hops, a good distance away from the family, off of the bus .
Two rows of men and women suddenly file out from inside of the house, bow at the waist, and cordially welcome them, "Greeting Juudaime and family,"
"Once your bags are dropped off, meet me at the beach in fifteen minutes." Reborn announces, while in Bianchi's arms, after he takes in account that everyone was present.
After they were shown to their rooms, Hayato and his family crossed over the threshold and admired the layout of the room.
Chiharu randomly dashes throughout the room with a single care in the world, which earns a smile from her parents.
Haru eventually locates a clock in the room, reads the clock, and mentally adds fifteen minutes to the current time.
"Chiharu," She calls out for her daughter as Hayato enters inside of the bedroom portion of the room, locates his bag, and searches for his swim trunks.
"Chi, come here!" He yelled out for their child when the sound of her feet could be heard until she skidded to a halt.
Haru shows her bathing suit, which causes her eyes to grow wide from the sight. "Let's get dressed."
The silver hair man watches as the two brunette ladies in his life head toward the bathroom in order to change clothes.
'My own family, huh?' Hayato happily considers after he catches a glimpse of the golden band around his ring finger.
The wedding was simple yet beautiful as it was set against a vintage Italian backdrop. After many pointless arguments, they had settled on a traditional wedding with the Vongola's family castle as their venue. Chiharu was simply adorable in her flower girl outfit. Haru was absolutely gorgeous in an off the shoulders lacy white ensemble that reaches pass her feet. The ceremony was very brief with an epic party for the reception. Who would have thought that by spiking the punch that they now have a night that they will never forget.
A small smile stretches across his face at the fond memory. He then changes out of his clothes and in to his swimming trunks.
"You finally were able to take everyone out on vacation, Tsu-kun," Kyoko was complimenting him while she was in the middle of undressing.
'It honestly took a lot longer than I had expected since we had to plan for both this trip and Gokudera and Haru-san wedding.'
"I'm sure everyone will have a great time." She expresses as she adjusts her swimsuit.
"You must don't know Reborn," He mutters to himself, which earns a "What did you say?"
"Oh nothing just that I hope…" Tsuna searches for the right words for his next statement, "...everyone is able to enjoy themselves."
"I know they will." Kyoko confidently asserts with a smile on her after she emerges from the bathroom clad in her swimsuit.
15 minutes later…
The entire Vongola family, plus their comrades, were gathered on the sandy shore of the beach in slight confusion after they noticed a box of bats.
"Ciaossu and welcome to a Vongola family style vacation!" Reborn promptly announces in a silver chair and a green bullhorn in his hand.
This prompts all of the guardians, except for Chrome, to loudly groan at the words "Vongola family style vacation."
"Mommy, what's a V word vacation?" Chiharu poses to her mother as she stammers over the family name.
"It's when Reborn-san tests the strengths of Tsuna-san and his guardians through hellish and sheer ridiculous trials." She wants to say but instead explains it as, "It's when Reborn-san tests the strength of the family bond."
Her eyes grow wide from anticipation while she boldly claims, "I want to join!"
"I agree!" Kyoko's voice chimes in after she approaches the brunette females with a warm smile on her face.
Her bikini, is a spaghetti strap top and bottom, a bright yellow with small orange polka dots on both the top and bottom.
Haru nods her head in agreement before they redirect their attention back on to Reborn, Hayato and the others.
"A watermelon smashing contest?" Tsuna repeated what Reborn just told them after Bianchi handed each one of them a bat.
"Wait a minute, this is right up that baseball freak's alley!" Hayato adamantly protests while he dramatically points at the Rain guardian.
"Maa, maa, Gokudera-san, I haven't swung a bat let alone played baseball in a while." Takeshi honestly admits as he stares at the metallic equipment in his hand.
Lambo chuckles at the two before he proclaims, "Bakadera is afraid that he might lose."
"Ah, shut your yap cow before I do it for you!" He angrily snaps at the curly hair bovine teen, who merely whistles at the man.
A loud rumble shakes the ground when the sight of watermelon monsters emerge from the shallowest portion of the ocean.
"Who said anything about monster watermelons?!" Tsuna frantically yells right before their green tentacles rapidly lash out to attack them.
The guardians barely evade the attack while Hibari instantly leaps in to action and easily destroys one of the monsters.
Everyone, except Hayato, was in awe at the Cloud guardian's strength as chunks of watermelon rains down from the sky.
'Show off…' The Storm guardian grumbles until he catches sight of his boss burst forward when he suddenly overhears, "Tsu-kun," "Hayato!" "Daddy!"
Apparently, two of the monsters was able to capture Kyoko, Haru and Chiharu among the confusion.
He quickly summons Uri after he attaches his skull gauntlet on to his arm, "Cambio Forma, G's Archery".
Haru watches as Hayato aligns the arrow with the monster that has them in their grasp and releases it from his grip.
Another watermelon monster unknowingly bumps in to them and knocks it from the direct course of the arrow.
'Crap!' He instantly grunts once he realizes that Haru was now in the path to be hit by the arrow. 'I have to shot another one.'
Her brown eyes quickly expand at the side of the arrow as well as Chiharu's screams for her father to rescue them registers in her brain.
A cloud of smoke was soon created upon impact. The sound of the air begins to crackle and shocks the creature with a high voltage of lightning.
"Hayato!" Haru furiously shouts his name after she unknowingly taps in to her flame power in order to protect her child and herself.
He releases a "Thank goodness" as a deep sigh escapes from his mouth after he registers that both her and their daughter were safe.
Hayato goes to press his lips against hers before he feels an intense shock, which earns an "Ouch," from the silver hair man.
A "humph" slips from mouth before she stomps away from him and leaves Chiharu in his care. "You're in trouble, daddy."
He scoops her up within his arms, peeks out from underneath his bang, and solemnly nods his head in agreement.
'They seem to have handled that quite well.' Reborn surmises after Tsuna blasts away the last of the melon monsters.
"Now that you are all warmed up, we will now have the Vongola family Beach Volleyball competition." He suddenly announces, which once again earn groans from the guardians.
"The pairs are as follow: Ryohei and Hana," Hana folds her arm underneath her chest while Ryohei flexes a muscle and shouts, "We're going to win to the EXTREME!"
"Lambo and I-Pin," I-Pin simply smiles as Lambo boastfully proclaims, "We're going to win because of my strength!"
"Tsuna and Kyoko," Tsuna nervously glances around until Kyoko taps his shoulder and says, "Let's do our best, Tsu-kun!"
"Hayato and Haru," Hayato immediately faces Haru, who angrily retorts, "It's only because we're married, idiot!"
"Chrome and Takeshi," Takeshi flashes a wide smile all while Chrome meekly whispers, "I'll try not to be a burden."
"Dino and the other members will serve as spectators while Bianchi and I are the referees for the matches."
"First match: Ryohei and Hana versus Tsuna and Kyoko," The baby Sun flame wielder promptly announces the first match.
"Go easy on us, nii-san," Kyoko politely comments while Tsuna desperately pleads, "Please don't kill us."
Kyoko serves the ball over the net when Ryohei yells he got the ball. He powerfully punches and deflates it with his brute force.
"Aw...come on!" Hana grumbles before Bianchi declares them disqualified and the winner of the match is Tsuna and Kyoko.
"Second match: Lambo and I-Pin versus Chrome and Takeshi." Lambo points at the pair to boldly shout, "The great Lambo-san will destroy you!" "Lambo-kun calm down."
Takeshi serves the ball over the net, which I-Pin returns with a kick of her foot. Their rally continues until Chrome suddenly passes out from heat exhaustion and the ball lands right next to her.
Reborn declares Lambo and I-Pin as the winner of the match, which earns a bout of maniacal laughter from the bovine teen.
"Third match: Hayato and Haru versus Tsuna and Kyoko." The next participants were announced while everyone else thought, 'This might be a good match.'
Hayato repeatedly spins the ball within the palm of his hands, carefully tosses the ball in the air and smashes the ball on the other side.
Kyoko somehow manages to return the ball to the other side. Haru swiftly runs up only to spike the ball down on their side.
The husband and wife pair then intensely glares at each other before they irritably snap their heads away from each other.
Tsuna causally hits the ball over to where Hayato receives it and purposely sets Haru up for a spike. The brunette launches off of his back and in to the air.
"Too high, you idiot!" She angrily yells while she somehow pushes the ball forward with just the tips of her fingers.
Kyoko had slightly hesitated just long enough for the ball to land on top of the sand and scored them a point.
"My bad," She apologies, which prompts Tsuna to shake his head and declare that it was his fault for not being active.
'Even though they're on bad terms right now, they seem to have no problem communicating or working together.' Reborn summarizes after he watches their excellent display of teamwork despite their anger toward each other.
He eventually blew the whistle before he proclaimed Hayato and Haru as the winners of the match after they easily scored two more points.
"Final match: Hayato and Haru versus Lambo and I-Pin," Bianchi announces to the crowd while the competitors enter on to the sandy court.
Lambo serves the ball over the net as Hayato easily receives it and this time Haru was the one to set the ball for him.
"What is Bakadera doing…spiking?!" Lambo nervously sweats all while he watches the silver hair male deliberately dumps the ball directly in front of him.
A confident smirk stretches across his face after he spots the expression of disbelief present on his opponent's face.
"That was a nice shot!" He assertively compliments himself, which earns a retort from Haru, "Don't get a big head!"
His left eye twitches as he bare a fist towards her and counters, "The same can be said for you."
"This seems so one-sided. I-Pin has to cover majority of the field while Lambo stands there and brags for no reason." Basil determines while he scratches the side of his head.
"Lambo-san is rank number one in boasting after all." Fuuta honestly reveals with a shake of his head.
"Lambo-kun watch out!" I-Pin suddenly shouts after her eyes calculate the trajectory of the spike. However, it was just a little too late since the ball roughly smashes against his face.
The sheer force of the collision plus gravity causes his body weight to shift backwards until his back connects with the ground.
"Lambo and I-Pin are disqualified. The winners of the match and tournament are Hayato and Haru."
Chiharu dashes over toward her parents, hugs her mother's legs and happily shouts, "You won mommy and daddy!"
Haru gently ruffles her daughter's head, swiftly cuts her eyes over toward Hayato and deliberately adds, "It was because your mother scored majority of the points."
Hayato merely shrugs his shoulders as a smirk appears on his face before he compliments her, "You did great."
"I'm still mad at you." She immediately snaps at with an expression of irritation on her face, which earns a "Aw come on,"
"Now we will take an intermission, report to the dining hall within the next hour."
Reborn slowly scans the entire room, deems that everyone was present, and broadcasts, "Since all of the participants have gathered, I think it is time for Hide n' Seek Vongola style?"
"Hide n' seek?" Tsuna casually repeats the name of the challenge when he inwardly imagines the childhood game.
"Bianchi is handing you how we will keep track of each person that you are able to find within 30 minutes." The tuxedo child explains while each one of them receives a sheet of paper.
"…but Reborn-san there's only a sentence in the first box." Ryohei mentions after he reads the paper in front of him
"In numerical order, each person you find will reveal to you the next clue. You must not break the order of the list or you will suffer dire consequences, understand?" Reborn provides further clarification of the game.
"Daddy, can I play too?" Chiharu curiously wonders as she bobbles, hums, and kicks her legs underneath the table.
'I don't see any harm.' Hayato deems while he studies the paper in his grasp. He then agrees, "Sure, sweetie," 'Still I wonder where Haru is though?'
"First clue: The sky is as radiant as the sun yet is as peaceful as the moon at night." He recites while he inwardly repeats it until an idea pops in his head.
'Obviously the person is closely affiliated with the family because it mentions sky and sun but "the peaceful as the moon at night" is throwing me off. Wait a minute…the sky encompasses the sun therefore it ranks below the sky.'
'If Juudaime represents the sky then that means turf head is the sun but what is radiant about them?' "I want cake."
Hayato envisions the numerous times Haru delightfully divulges in sweets along with her close friend Kyoko. 'That's it! Kyoko is the first person.'
"Aunt Kyoko," Chiharu addresses the orange hair woman, who is presently in front of a cake display.
"Oh hey there, you two," She politely greets them with a wide smile on her face after she returns the cake tray back.
"We need your stamp and clue for the game." Hayato reveals to her the reason why they were there.
Kyoko taps the side of her fist against the palm of her hands and recalls, "That's right, Reborn did tell me you all were going to be looking for me."
"Alright then, the next clue is "Even after a terrible rainy stormy night, the flowers will still bloom in the morning."
'This clue sounds similar to the last one, the connection between the sky and sun was Kyoko so rainy and stormy...'
"Spring. Mommy says that about spring." Chiharu suddenly remembers her mother always mentions that whenever it was a scary storm outside.
"I'm really stupid!" Hayato openly admits with a slap against his forehead once the answer instantly pops in his mind.
"See you guys later," Kyoko waves them off with a smile present on her face.
"You need my what?!" Haru irritably questions over her shoulder as she sorts through her clothes in her suitcase.
"I need your stamp and the clue for the next person." Hayato repeats for the second time before she rudely interrupts him, "I don't want to give it to you!"
"What?!" He yells at the woman, who now stands to her feet and sternly states, "You heard what I said."
Hayato approaches her, locks his hand around her arm, and sincerely apologizes, "Look here stupid woman, I'm sorry that I fired that arrow at you and being a jerk about it."
"Ok…" Haru was caught off guard due to the fact that Hayato interrupted her as he passionately kissed her on the lips.
"A scorpion only strikes when defending their home." She hastily spiels after she collapses to her knees with a bright blush across her face.
"Thanks mommy!" Chiharu thanks her mother, who dazzlingly mutters "Mhmm," as she lovingly tilts her head to the side.
'She should be somewhere near a kitchen.' Hayato assumes since he knows all too well how his sister loves to cook even though it is usually inedible.
"You found me pretty quickly." Bianchi claims. She places a silver soup pot on a stove top while her ingredients were on the kitchen table.
He cuts his eyes away from the woman in front of him as she adds random ingredients in to the pot. She then admits, "I guess it was the scorpion part that made you think about me."
"I should make you try this new recipe that I found." The purple hair woman mentions to him. She then pours some strange liquid in to a bowl and faces her little brother.
Bianchi's eyes immediately register her niece that hide behind Hayato's legs and merrily proclaims, "Oh look, you brought my precious niece along with you!"
"She was the one who figured out the first two clues." He honestly reveals the reason why he was able to decode the clues.
Bianchi swiftly conceals the bowl of her poison cooking behind her back while she compliments her niece with a rub of her head. "Good job, Chiharu! Auntie will buy you something sweet."
Chiharu merrily cheers at the idea of sweets from her aunt, who stands to her original height and recites, "Idle hands are a devils workshop."
'Who in the family works with their hands? Oh wait…never mind,'
"Giannini!" Hayato loudly shouted over the sound of a torch being used as he gently tapped the man's shoulder.
Giannini pauses in the middle of his task, lifts his masks from in front his face and cordially greets the silver hair male, "Oh hi there Gokurdera-san, what can I do for you?"
"Well…" He awkwardly mutters while he scratches the back of his head, which prompts him to inquire, "Is any of your box weapons malfunctioning?"
"No, no, no, Uri is doing perfectly fine." Hayato instantly denies Uri as being the problem.
"Still using your face as a scratching post?" Giannini keenly probe, which earns a chuckle from the 10th Storm guardian, "Pretty much, he's got a mind of his own."
"Back to the point, I need your stamp and the clue." He reveals the reason why he is presently in the workshop.
"Give me a second, Spanner and Shoichi someone needs your stamp too." Giannini informs him as he approaches the other two engineers with the paper in his hand.
"You're doing pretty good." Shoichi compliments them after he stamps and notes their progression, "Thank you,"
"All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy." Spanner recites the next clue once he brands their spot with his stamp as well.
'That's a cliché saying for a person who usually focuses on their work but that's a lot of people here that fits the bill.'
'So who is the most requested person in the family that's not a guardian or Reborn-san?'
'If I remember correctly…recently both Fuuta and Basil have been completing a lot of missions for the CEDEF.'
"Found you two!" Hayato abruptly announces once he locates both Fuuta and Basil in the library with some books in their hands.
"Is there something wrong?" Basil inquisitively questions after he recognizes the 10th Storm Guardian's presence, "What are you two even doing?"
"For some odd reason, Reborn-san wanted us to categorize these books for the Vongola's library before dinner." Fuuta replies as he individually slides the books back on their correct shelf.
"You two did a pretty damn good job." He earnestly compliments them after he notices their hard work.
The sound of the bell loudly rings throughout the beach house, which signals to the patrons that dinner is served.
"Din-din time!" Chiharu claps her hands in delight once her father confirms, "You're right."
"Oh…I need your stamps." Hayato suddenly remembers as he hands them his paper for their stamps.
He then grabs the paper, swiftly scoops his daughter up in his arms, and comments, "Let's go."
The father-daughter pair eventually reached the dining hall, which seemed to be rather lively since majority of the family had already convened.
The pair casually greets both the new and familiar faces with a smile and a nod of their heads. Hayato catches a glimpse of Haru, who settles in between Kyoko and Ryohei with a smile on her.
"Everyone have a seat." Reborn orders upon his entrance, along with the help of Bianchi, in to the dining hall.
Hayato manages to secure a seat that was to the right of Tsuna and places Chiharu in the seat that separates him from Takeshi.
The Sun wielder hitman clears his throat in order to capture everyone's attention for his announcement, "It is time to reveal the winner of the Vongola style Hide n' Seek…"
A deathly silence washes over the area as some of the guardians frantically yet curiously glance at each other in order to figure out who was the winner.
He releases a "humph" before he reveals the winner behind the Vongola style Hide n' Seek as, "Hibari Kyoya,"
"What?!" The actual competitors yell in shock at the result and turn their heads to the broody male in the corner.
"He finished in record time too." Reborn adds as he points to the clock, which displays his time.
"Nevertheless, you all have proven that you were capable of surviving a Vongola-style vacation. So for that, eat your fair share, relax and enjoy the night.."
"Congrats on the job well done, Kyoya-san," Dino says his congratulations after he inches near his pupil with a warm smile on his face.
"You herbivores stuck in a pack that's why." Hibari lips right before he brandishes his handcuffs at the blonde, which earns him, "Still modest as ever,"
"I was only able to find Kyoko and Haru," Chrome meekly admits while she sips on some tea.
"That's because Ken was threatening people," Chikusa reveals the real reason why she was unsuccessful in the game. "Ah shut it, Chikusa!"
Hayato constantly senses someone's eyes on him while he eats. He sharply cuts his eyes to the left and irritably grumbles, "What's with the look on your face…stupid cow?"
Lambo dramatically slams his hands on the table, hops to his feet, points at the man, and angrily shouts, "It was because you spiked the ball at my face, Bakadera."
"Gomen, Lambo-san, it was me." Haru abruptly spoke up with her chopsticks in her mouth and her eyes closed, which earned a "Not Haru-neesan,"
She removes her chopsticks from her mouth, opens her eyes, and sincerely expresses her regret, "I apologize for my brash attitude and competitive nature."
"We will beat you fairly next time." I-pin proclaims with the palm of her hands press together along with a bow.
"I used EXTREME force and I still couldn't win any of the challenges!" Ryohei furiously grunts while he rapidly stuffs his face with food.
Hana casts her sights over to her silver hair boyfriend and belittles him, "Not even the one where you could use your athletic abilities."
"Maa, maa, you two had fun, neh?" Takashi promptly downplays with a wave of his hand in front of his chin.
"I'm so sorry for being dead weight, Yamamto-kun." Chrome candidly apologizes for her shortcomings. "Oh it was no problem, I'm just glad you are alright."
"I still wonder where Reborn-san found those melon monsters." Shoichi ponders out loud, which causes Spanner to reflect on, "Now that you mention it…"
"Giannini," Reborn's sudden pop up appearances still seem to have the shock factor on Spanner and Shoichi.
"Ah Reborn-san, what can I do for you?" He politely greets him with a small smile on his face.
"I need to test the kids' strength. What can you do with these?" Reborn requests before he reveals what was in his hand.
"…but these are watermelon seeds." Giannini curiously realizes what type of seeds that were in his hands.
"I trust you will come up with something."
Spanner shakes his head left and right before he ultimately decides to say, "I must have been working on Gola too late that day."
Chiharu unintentionally starts to doze off to sleep despite all of the festivities that occurred around her.
"This was fun." She mutters while she falls off to the side until Hayato feels a weight presses up against the side of his ribs.
He peeked downward only to realize that Chiharu had fallen asleep against him. A small smile stretches across his face at the sight. 'She's been a real trooper.'
Haru's voice breaks him out of his thoughts about his daughter, flashes him a signal, and politely discloses, "Excuse us,"
Bianchi manages to place a kiss on Chiharu's cheek and wishes the little family a "Good night,"
"He really has matured, hasn't he?" She cheerfully gushes after she returns her sights from the door and toward the table.
"It is all thanks to Haru and Chiharu." Reborn affirms while he consumes his expresso, which earns, "You're right."
The parents gently tucked their precious child in one of the futons that had been proved by the owners of the beach house.
At first, they had opted to spend the rest of their night in their room until Haru suggested stargazing out on the balcony.
"I think Chiharu deserves a sibling." Hayato unexpectedly proclaims as he observes the celestial bodies in the night sky.
"What brought this on?" She curiously wonders about his sudden idea for Chiharu to have a sibling.
His eyes remain hone in on the night sky in front of him before he honestly admits, "After all of the Vongola styled challenges, I realized she had that no one her age around to enjoy them with. Let alone play with kids her age because of our lifestyle."
"I got to say…Chiharu's pretty lucky to have such a thoughtful father. I'm kinda of jealous." Haru honestly compliments him, which causes a smile to appear on his face.
She nods her head in agreement, follows his sights and questions, "So when can I expect this to begin?"
He instantly faces the brunette with small tears in the corner of his eyes, wraps her in a tight hug, and declares, "We can start right now!"
Haru reaches up until the palm of her hand presses against his face, closes her eyes, and asserts, "Who says we haven't started?"
A coy smile materializes on his face from the question as he leans forwards and kisses her.
'My family...'
Author's Note: releases a deep breath that doubles as a sigh of relief Man, this is really a surreal moment! I can finally conclude this story about Hayato's little family. This is by far the longest chapter (13 pages long) I have probably ever wrote but I wanted to make it a good one. If you are a Katekyo Hitman Reborn! fan then you can see some similar that I borrowed for this last chapter and so with that I don't own any of these characters other then my personal characters. So without further ado, so long Drawing Days.
8.28.16 Major editing revision