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"Guard him you will," A short figure with light green skin and a walking stick said. The short figure smiled down at the small child in his arms. The child started to pull on the old man's long pointed ears and gave them a small nibble before the other man in the room picked up the baby form his arms. "Great change he will bring."

"I will guard him with my life Master Yoda," Said the man. "When do you need him for training."

"Train you will," Yoda said as he started to walk away. "Ready he must be. Back here he will be upon twelve year...hmmm."

"He will be ready Master," Said the man as he looked down at the baby. The baby reached up and stuck his small hands in the man's nose causing him growl and the baby to chuckle happily. "You will be quite the handful, Naruto."

Naruto jumped high in the air doing a flip in the process and landed on one of the large branches in the forest. Training was becoming increasingly hard for the vibrant blond as his Master pushed him to his limits, then beyond. He was training in the ancient arts of the Force, which was one of the reasons he was currently blindfolded. Naruto jumped as blaster fire began to rain down upon his perch and he hit the ground with a roll dodging what looked like a sharpened spear that was launched at him. He slowly raised himself to his feet, pulling off his blindfold, and stared at his grinning master.

"What happened Naruto?" Said the man with a laugh. He had long spiky white hair that reached down to his lower back and two red tattoos coming down his face starting with his eyes. He wore the loose fitting robes of a Jedi and his were maroon in color and was completed with a dark brown belt wrapped around his waist. On said belt was his steel lightsaber hilt that hung snugly via magnetic clip. "I thought you loved to train."

"Master Jiraiya I'm not doing anything but dodging and evading," Naruto protested. "When do I learn something actually useful."

"Something useful, Huh?" Jiraiya said as he crossed his arms and put a finger to his chin as if thinking. "You want to do learn something new, like a super secret force power..."

"YES!" Naruto exclaimed and jumped up and down. Jiraiya looked down at the young blonde. He was wearing Jedi robes that were a light dark orange in color and had black pants and boots. His dark black belt was wrapped around his waist and filled with the standard issue equipment. Watching the young blonde jump around in place excitedly only reminded him that he was fairly ready for what was about to come for him in the coming years.

'He is much too young to be handling what he is destined to do,' Jiraiya thought to himself. As he grinned. 'But what better way to learn what its like outside these trees of Kashyyyk."

"I will show you one thing before we leave," Jiraiya said as he sat down in a meditative stance. Naruto looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"What do you mean leave, Master?" Naruto asked as he sat across from him in the same kind of stance. "Where are we going?"

"Well we are not going anywhere," Jiraiya said. "You are going to be going to an academy back on Coruscant..."

"What!" Naruto interrupted.

"Acting like that is not the Jedi way," Jiraiya said with a smile.

"Sorry Master," Naruto said with a scuff. "I acted out of turn. Where will you be going?"

"I will be on mission for some time," Jiraiya said with a smile. "In time, force willing, we will cross paths again. Hopefully you will be more than just a snot nosed Youngling."

"You want to start something again old man?" Naruto yelled standing up earning a hearty laugh from Jiraiya.

"Sit down so you can learn something that might save your life," Jiraiya said with a wave. Naruto obeyed and sat down.

"I'm going to show you a training exercise that will increase your manipulation over the Force," Jiraiya said as he placed a small stone between them.

"I can already manipulate the force to pick up the rock," Naruto said as the rock raised in the air between them. "You taught me that years ago."

"Naruto you need to learn patience," Jiraiya said as the rock sat back on the ground. "I want you to move the Force around the rock like so."

The rock before Naruto floated in the air before it slowly started to spin as visible air currents started to swirl around it. Naruto stood awestruck as the rock even took small amounts of damage from the cutting wind.

"This is called Force Whirlwind," Jiraiya explained as he watched Naruto start to concentrate. " With you practicing this you will gain better control with the Force. You need to also learn one more power. It's called Dopplegänger."

"What?" Naruto said as Jiraiya closed his eyes and opened them. Naruto waited for a second before he felt a hand on his shoulder. Behind him stood a copy of his master. "NO WAY!"

"Yes way," Jiraiya answered. "With this one you concentrate force to take form of a copy of yourself. Give it a try."

Naruto closed his eyes and started to reach out with his mind to his surroundings. Over years of training under Jiraiya, Naruto learned countless of things. Including how to get out of a hotel room with angry ladies giving chase. That was neither here nor there, Naruto was told by many of his Master's friends that he had an unnatural ability to feel the force. Which gave him an extreme boast of confidence whenever he was given a new power to try. In creating a Dopplegänger, Naruto felt he need to pour as much power into it as possible. After he felt the completion of his Dopplegänger he opened his eyes to see a wide eyed Jiraiya. Naruto looked around the clearing to see that it was filled with hundreds of blonde headed kids each acting on their own. Laughing and clowning around half of them while the others smiled and scratched their heads. Naruto turned back to Jiraiya who was gasping like a fish out of water till Naruto cleared his throat.

"That's amazing!" Jiraiya said more to himself. "When they said he was special, I agreed but they have no idea how special you are."

"What are you getting at?" Naruto said as he watched his dopplegängers running around.

"Each of these Dopplegängers can actually fight," Jiraiya said. "Not as strong as you but each has enough strength to put up a good fight. They will act as you wish them too and can be good in both offense and defense. You will be very surprised at how much this power will come in handy. Dismiss them by ending the force connection."

Naruto nodded and in a gust of wind they all disappeared. Naruto felt smug as he stood up with his Master. Jiraiya smiled as he put a hand on the young man's shoulders. Naruto was grinning from ear to ear as they walked back to their home. Upon reaching their small outpost home, Naruto noticed two Delta-7 ships waiting for them in. They were the fighter ships used by the Jedi Order. Naruto turned to his Master who smiled as he pointed to one of them.

"I called in a few favors," Jiraiya explained as he pointed to the one on the left. "I believe that should get you to Coruscant. Happy Birthday, Naruto."

"You're kidding me right?" Naruto asked as he ran to the one on the left. He jumped to the top of the Delta-7 and stared at the fighter. "I will treasure it."

"I bet you will," Jiraiya said as he tossed him two books that Naruto caught. "One is on technical gadgets and the other is on construction. Enjoy the reading on the way to Coruscant you will need it."

"What for?" Naruto asked he looked through the books. Upon reaching a chapter of Force crystals a light went up in his head and he smiled from ear to ear. "Thank you Master."

"Oh not anymore," Jiyaiya said as he jumped into his fighter. "You will need to pack light and get to Coruscant as soon as possible. There hopefully you will be good enough to pass the Youngling test and become a Padawan for some other fool to take you on."

"Thanks for everything Master Jiyaiya," Naruto said with a smile. "I will become the best Jedi out there, I promise."

"Remember the cred Naruto," Jiyaiya said as he sat down in his fighter. "There is no emotion, there is peace. There is no ignorance, there is knowledge. There is no passion, there is serenity. There is no chaos, there is harmony. There is no death, there is the Force."

"Or as my father figure would say," Naruto said with a smirk. "Blah blah blah, when in doubt stay your hand. Till we meet again Master Jiyaiya, may the force be with you."

"And with you," Jiyaiya said as he closed the cabin of his fighter and started the engines. Naruto watched him take off and disappear in the sky. He started to walk in when he heard a protested screech and a couple of angry beeps. Upon turning he noticed an R2 unit in his fighter. He smiled as he the little unit started to beep again at him.

"Oh hush I just need to grab some of my stuff then we will start our journey," Naruto said with a wave over his shoulder as he walked into their little hut. The R2 unit screamed in protest but settled down and began to scan the perimeter. Naruto walked out of the house with his books and a small bag slung over his shoulder. He turned to give one last look at his house that he spent his entire life in before turning and walking to his fighter, starting his new one.

"How long of a trip is this R2?" Naruto asked as he flipped the pages of his book he was reading for the past three hours. The droid beeped twice and whistled for an answer. "Damn another five hours."

Naruto was awoke by the sudden shake of his ship when he looked up he was still in space and but was approaching a dark planet that had circular designs in the surface from the lights of the cities. Naruto was completely taken aback from the sight of the planet. The Delta-7 flew into the route to towards the surface of the planet with the droid taking control of the landing for Naruto. Naruto watched as he approached the great city that housed one of the Jedi Temples. The sky scrapers reached heights that Naruto have never seen and he the amount of people walking the streets was more than Naruto has seen anywhere. He watched as his ship's landing gear opened and he hovered over an empty landing platform at the side of a building. His ship lowered slowly and came to a stop as it touched down. Naruto undid his safety belt and opened his hatch.

His first impression of the planet was, stinky. At his home world, clean air was beyond an abundance and he never thought he would miss such a trivial detail of his old life but after taking his first breath of the big city that laid before him he couldn't help but feel a little home sick for his old life. But he knew as a Jedi, he couldn't hold on to the past and had to keep moving on with the future. He jumped down from the fighter and stood on the platform. Naruto stretched his back as he walked around to get a better look at the city. As he approached the edge he noticed the high winds and busy traffic that filled the air around this building. He looked around at all the different lights and colors the city had to offer in the setting sun as the night life started to come in full swing. He sat down letting his feet dangle over the edge of the platform that stood at an uncountable height and watched the sun slowly disappear behind the giant skyscrapers that lined the horizon.

"Enjoying the view," Said a voice from behind him. Naruto turned back to see a middle age man with creamy brown robes on. He had dark skin with a bald head. He looked down at the young man in front of him with a questioning eye. "It's always nice this time of the day."

"I have to say the sunsets back home are nicer," Naruto answered. "But this is my new life and they are just fine."

"Very wise for someone who couldn't be over the age of twelve," The man said as he sat down next to the young man. "You seek guidance and further training don't you?"

"I was sent here by my old Master to gain a new one along with a new title of Padawan," Naruto said looking over that the man. "I've heard great stories of the mighty Master Windu in battle. It is truly an honor to meet you, I'm Naruto Uzumaki and I hope to one day serve the order as fine as you have. And not only do that but become a Grand Master of the Council as you."

"Well," Mace said taken aback a bit. "I must say we've been awaiting your arrival for some twelve years now."

"I'm here to make up for lost time," Naruto said standing up and bowing to Master Windu.

"Lets see where you stand with the rest of the class this year," Mace said as he stood as well and walked the young man back inside.

Naruto followed the Jedi Master into a large room that was filled with young kids in plain gray robes and brown boots. They all looked down at the new kid who entered with raised eyebrows. Master Mace bowed to the short Master that was teaching the class in the defensive moves in lightsaber combat. The Master turned to the two who entered and smiled with a nod.

"Sensed you were here, I did, young Naruto," He said with a smile. The blond's jaw hung loosely but he regained himself as he bowed to the Master. "Master Yoda I am."

"Master Yoda," Mace spoke as he put a hand on Naruto's shoulder. "He needs to be tested to see if he is up to par with this class."

"Test we must," Yoda said as he nodded and looked at his class. "Spar he will. Sasuke please."

A Youngling on the front row stood and walked towards Naruto. He had black hair with a blue tint and onyx eyes. He had pale skin and Naruto could sense a great deal of the force within him. He bowed respectfully and pulled out a practice lightsaber that came to life in a blue flash. Nartuo looked over to Master Yoda who nodded towards a rack that was on the wall behind him that was filled with practice sabers. Naruto sighed to himself as he faced Sasuke who waited for him to get a weapon in order to attack. Jedi were trained to never attack an unarmed opponent, but Naruto was never really trained well in the art of the lightsaber. He put his hands behind his back and smirked at the now confused Sasuke.

Naruto used the force to pull two sabers from the wall and caught both of them in his hands as Sauske attacked. Naruto blocked the initial attack just in time as Sasuke's saber crashed down and stopped an inch from Naruto's face. Naruto's other hand flashed out to strike, causing Sauske to retreat and take the defensive as the two started in trading blows. Naruto's blue and green sabers flickered through the air as he kept his attacks quick and direct. Sauske was blocking each attack with ease causing a bit of frustration in Naruto. Naruto stopped his attack and flipped back from Sasuke who was smirking at him.

"Common now," Sasuke batted on. "You're not done yet are you?"

"No," Naruto said as he flipped his right handed saber reverse in his grip. He had to become unorthodox to cause him confusion. "Ready my friend."

Naruto smirked as he started in on making his Dopplegänger behind him. Then his plan started to come in focus as he kept Sasuke accuppied as his Dopplegänger raised a saber to Sasuke's neck when Naruto and him went into another saber lock. Sasuke looked back to see the second Naruto and gasped. He looked down at Master Yoda who was smiling and turned to Master Mace who had a raised eyebrow.

"Master Yoda he cheated!" Sasuke protested. Yoda shook his head and smirked.

"Anger you feel," Yoda said as he looked down at the student. "Let go you must."

"Yes Master," Sasuke said solemnly as he brushed by Naruto and back to his seat.

"Very good Youngling," Yoda said as he nodded to him. "Appointed to a Master you might."

"We graduated also?" Said a young pink hired girl who sitting next to Sasuke.

"Not all of you. Nine of you do though, tomorrow members of this class will be handed over to Jedi to further their training and your assembly of your very own lightsabers," Master Mace said bluntly addressing the class. "Congratulations to those Padawans."

The class was abuzz with commotion as they all started to talk excitedly to each other. Naruto looked at the different faces in the class. A kid with a pony tail slept while a larger next to him one was steadily munching on some sort of snack. In front of them was a kid with his robe's hood over his face and dark glasses over his eyes listening to a kid with red tattoos on his face. The pink haired girl and a blond girl were busy arguing over something, while a disgruntled looking Sasuke stared down Naruto. Naruto turned his gaze away from the kid and studied the rest of the class. He noticed a girl sitting in a far corner staring intently at him. He felt a tap on his shoulder and turned. Mace and Yoda stood before him with a smirk.

"We have your room awaiting you," Mace said as he walked out with Naruto following in his wake leaving Yoda and his class behind. They walked through long hallways and darken office rooms till they reached what looked like a small barracks. Inside were open rooms with no doors. Each room had small personal stuff of the each student that was living in them except for an empty one that Mace stopped in front of.

"You did well back there Naruto," Mace said as he motioned for the Naruto to enter the room. "Be back in that room at eight in the morning."

"Am I part of the Nine who passed?" Naruto asked hopefully. Mace turned with a unreadable face.

"Be back at that room at eight," Mace said sternly as he turned and walked out. Naruto huffed and laid down on the bed of his room.

The room was simple with light blue walls that raised up forming what could look like a water drop. The bed sat to the left side of the room with a simple blue blanket and sheets. The lighting was coming from the ground at the wall lighting it up with a white light. Naruto sighed as he laid down in the bed and began to fall asleep. Tomorrow was going to be a big day.