you're so pretty when you scream
Warning(s): coarse language, present tense, brackets-abuse and not quite conclusive ending? It's an introspective piece. Self-edited too.
Notes: I feel weird sharing Ai No Kusabi fic again because it's another of my ye olde fandoms. But God, the only other fic I wrote for this fandom is terrible (hint: it's Futile Attempts).
Anyhow, concrit is love?
Riki fucking hates Iason. Sometimes, Riki dreams about Iason dying and him finally being free - free to return to Ceres and be the man he once was.
In his dreams, Ceres is the same shitty hellhole that he remembers leaving behind; he sees the same decrepit buildings, the same weary men, and the same forlorn hopelessness and stagnation.
And yet, he misses Ceres; Riki misses it so much that the longing nearly drives him crazy: it's like a hangover, only worse because no amount of retching will make the nausea disappear.
In Ceres, there's this saying that the worst kind of death is the slow, creeping kind - the sort that grabs hold of your body and painstakingly slowly sucks all energy out of your body. Sucks and sucks until you've not even got any marrow left in your bones.
Riki is dying and he hates Iason because it's all his fault.
You're mine, Iason tells him as he thrusts himself into Riki - fucking him so hard that it's tearing him up inside.
Riki hates it, hates it so much that he wishes he could just stop breathing on the spot because, whenever Iason pounds into him relentlessly, another figment of his slowly disappearing dignity is torn into shreds.
He could ask Iason to stop, to slow down, to give him some bloody breathing space, but then, Riki knows he'd really be worse than scum. Just like one of those Academy-bred pets who have long since forgotten what it means to be a human-being.
No, Riki thinks, he'd rather die than lose his pride. Yes, as long as he doesn't fucking beg, Riki has still got his pride - even with his legs spread for some ruthless Blondie who thinks he rules the world.
You can try breaking me as much as you want, but you'll never own me.
One night, Riki dreams that he's the one who fucks Iason - not because he really wants to, but because Iason asks him to. And, like everything that Iason does in regard to Riki, it's simply on a pure whim - or is it?
Show me what you've got, Iason's eyes tell him; it's a challenge and Riki, who's never been afraid of getting his hands dirty, accepts it most readily.
(We all like to play with fire, don't we?)
Riki fucks Iason with all the hatred he feels for him - slams into that horrendous mockery of perfection over and over again. It's not lust or love that's driving him - no never love or lust because he can't love nor want a monster - but the desire to give Iason a taste of his own damned medicine.
So, he fucks Iason, who's on his hands and knees now, with harsh, relentless thrusts that have no spark of gentleness or caring in them. It's all just for his benefit; Iason can go to hell for all Riki cares. Because, tonight, it's Iason who's the pet with no rights - he's nothing but a plaything that lives for the purpose of sating his needs.
Yes, this is what Iason deserves - to be taken like an animal, Riki thinks, and he hopes that it breaks Iason. Hopes that, for once, Iason feels humiliated and dirty, sees what it's like to lick another person's boots.
See what it's like to beg for mercy, bastard.
But dreams are only dreams and Riki knows that Iason would never allow him to gain the upper hand - because his pride wouldn't be able to take it.
Because, unlike Riki, Iason has never been dragged down the dirt: he doesn't know what it's like to fight for survival, so he doesn't know a flying fuck about being another guy's bitch and still not lose oneself.
You just aren't man enough to let a pet fuck you, are you - Iason?