"Tess, you better leave. It would be better if you weren't here for this." Terry's voice was commanding, but lacking in any feeling towards her. Giving a curt nod, Tess turned and walked out, trying not to feel stung by his snide remarks. His casino was being robbed; he had a right to be snappish. She wasn't sure where to go in the vast casino that had become almost like a second home. –A second home with slot machines and alcohol. She found herself on the fifth floor and absently took a seat at an empty table outside one of the casino's countless restaurants.

"Care if I sit here?" a voice asked above her. Tess looked up into a pair of light blue eyes and a charming smile. He held a fedora in his hands and his fingers shifted the brim offhandedly.

"No, not at all." She invited, grateful for a distraction. The man smiled again and sat down leaning back casually in his chair. His bright eyes observed the chaos that was the casino before speaking,

"Vegas is an interesting place don't you think? You win, you lose. Find love, find heart break. It's certainly the city of chance."

Tess nodded her agreement; Vegas had been a long shot for her. After Danny disappeared only to show up in jail, she'd fled to a new life. A new life she now shared with Terry. "So what are you doing here?" she asked conversationally and praying that it wasn't the usual answer of gambling, drinking and partying that seemed so common.

"Business meeting," his eyes followed a customer with interest before they turned the corner and his eyes flicked back to hers. "You?"

"I live here." She explained, "My boyfriend, Terry Benedict, he owns this casino."

The man's eyes widened with recognition, "Ah, the man who is being robbed." Tess stiffened. How did he know about that?

"Excuse me?"

He shrugged indifferently, "Someone's always watching. Now," he rose and settled his hat low over his eyes. "I believe the man you're looking for is over there." He pointed to a man who had his back turned to them and Tess recognized the form of Rusty, Danny's old time friend. Tipping his hat and giving one last grin, the man disappeared into the crowd; leaving a rather stunned Tess behind.

The crowds parted as to let the SWAT team pass by. A few people paid attention to the men in uniform, but the majority of the crowd had more interest in the green felted poker tables than in governmental agents. So it was no surprise that no one paid attention to the man in the fedora who quickly opened the door for the officers. And no one noticed him quietly slip a card into the black duffle bag as a stack of bills quietly slipped out.

No one that is, except Tess.