Normal POV

[In the Hokage room, Lady Tsunade let Sasuke and Garra go on a mission so that Sasuke would be able to kill his brother and get the revenge of his clan and Garra would be able to get revenge for the Shukaku that was taken from him. After a while of fussing, Tsunade finally let them go and told them not to get themselves killed no matter what happened.] That was the second dizzy spell Sakura had. It was the same as the first but much clearer.

After some time, they had their belongings packed and were headed for the Akatsuki cave. As reinforcements, Tsunade sent out Neji and Tentento make sure that all went well.

[Neji and Tenten were in the forest fighting because Tenten told Neji that his hair was girly. Neji turned towards her and shouted at her, telling her that she was annoying and that she should just go away and leave him alone or go home.] He then walked ahead of Tenten leaving her standing in the spot that they were just in. Tenten looked down at the ground with tears welling up in her eyes. They fell down her face touching her cheeks. After a while, she picked up her bag and slowly began walking behind Neji. This was a usual thing between Neji and Tenten whereas Neji would shout at her for simple things until she cried. He would then leave her there to battle her feelings of hurt and comfort.] That was the third dizzy spell Sakura had. She was getting those more often now and they were clearer and much stronger.

Itachi appeared and tried to convince us to join the Akatsuki. He told us that we would get treated like a family and that the outside ninja world was cruel and prune to deaths surrounding us. We refused and he was angry. He knocked us out and walked away mumbling under his breath.

When Sasuke and Garra walked into the cave, they noticed Sakura and Lilly lying on the ground and so they helped them. They woke them up and cut them free. After helping Sakura and Lilly they told them that they would be back for them but first there was something very important that they had to do.

They went a little bit further into the cave. Waiting for them was the two people who they really wanted to see.

Lilly POV

I sat up properly and thought, 'Is it possible to die from boredom? I have done absolutely nothing, yet I feel as though I sat through a whole five hours of Literatureā€¦ I was quickly snapped out of my thoughts by someone gagging my mouth with their hand. Out of reflex, I tried to scream.

"Do. Not. Scream" whoever it was whispered harshly. The voice belonged to a male not much older than me. I sensed that there was someone else close to Sakura.

'She really seems calm. Did she know they were coming or something?'

Normal POV

The battle was fierce. Lilly was really worried as to whether Sasuke and Garra would make it out alive.

Sakura POV

"I really hope they come out alive." Ya know they are fighting the infamous Akatsuki. Lilly hadn't said anything in a while.

"Lilly are you okay?" I asked her.

Before she could utter a word, her cell phone rang. What in the world? How could she get a signal in here? She looked stunned for two seconds, listening to 'My Sanctuary' from Kingdom Hearts. She slowly retrieved the phone and looked at me.

"It's my mummy!" she said happily. She was about to flip the phone open.

"No! I scolded. The two of us somewhat fought over the phone. And then. It happenedā€¦

Lilly POV

Father. Forgive me. I AM SO GOING TO DIE! While Sakura and I fought over the phone like three year olds, it slipped and nailed Kisame in the head. Even worse. It bounced, hit Itachi and landed back in my hand.

'Who. Threw. That!' both victims of the killer cell phone said while battling and turning towards us.

Sakura POV

Lilly almost told the truth that would most likely send us to our graves, but luckily I used my invincible 'improvisation' powers.

"It was Tobi!" I yelled pointing at the masked Akatsuki member. I learnt his name while he was chanting. 'Tobi is a good boy. Kisame slowly turned towards Tobi.

This is the end of the third chapter. Hope u guys enjoyed it.

I am trying to make another chapter and any little small details and ideas are great.

What do you guys want to happen to Tobi?

a) Kisame beats Tobi up


b) Tobi finds a way for Kisame to believe him and Kisame comes after us instead