Lover of the Legacy: A Hidden Desire

Chapter 15

The crowd cheered as King Orrin's procession came into view. He wore his armor, his blue cloak bellowing behind him, and his golden crown upon his head. He was weary from traveling, but faked his discomfort long enough to appease the people of the Varden. A few hundred of his men walked behind him. Nasuada was glad that he had come since the Empire had dealt them a terrible blow a few days ago. The arrival of King Orrin gave the Varden a little more hope.

Nasuada, Arya, and Satine stood at the end of the procession. Upon seeing his fiancé, Orrin smiled. He missed her greatly and looked forward to spending time with her, much like old times. Of course, in the middle of a war, things could never be like old times. Still, he was anxious to catch up with her and discuss the details of their wedding.

Stopping before the women, Orrin slid off his horse to greet them. "How fares you, Lady Nasuada?" He asked, trying to sound as cheery as possible. Her indifference dampened his spirits. "I understand it has been difficult for you, and I hope that we can turn this war around while I am here. I managed to defend Aberon, leaving only when word spread of the new dragon rider. At that point, I knew you needed help."

"Thank you for coming, King Orrin," she curtsied.

Bowing his head, he said, "It was no problem at all." After he had acknowledged Arya, the elven ambassador, she focused his attention upon Satine. "How have you been since we parted?" Satine held her composure as guilt weighed upon her.

In a serious tone she said, "Orrin, we need to talk—in private."

Orrin shook his head and dismissed his troops, following Satine. She led him into her tent sat down upon her bed, her eyes staring at the floor. "What is troubling you?"

Instead of answering his question, she replied with a question. "Why do you love me?"

Orrin sat down on the bed next to her, rummaging his brain for a coherent and honest answer. "You have always been honest with me, for one. Then, there is your kindness and your willingness to help others. Your selflessness is overwhelming, inspiring even me. I love your loyalty, confidence, and trust. I have told you many secrets, and you have managed to keep them. Not many women can do that," he chuckled.

Orrin continued to list the various reasons why he loved Satine, his words almost like dagger to her. As soon as he mentioned her loyalty, she began to weep. At long last, Orrin stopped listing his reasons once realization hit him that her tears were not of joy, but of sadness. "Satine, pray tell, what is wrong?"

"I am nothing like what you just said, Orrin. Within the past few weeks, I have defiled almost every characteristic you listed."

"What? How?" Disbelief swept over him.

"Do you remember the night before we parted?" She asked with a quivering voice. She did her best to dry her tears with the cuff of her dress, but they still oozed out from behind her eyes, falling like raindrops.

Orrin was uncertain where the conversation was heading, but answered her question anyways. "Yes, I do. What does that have to do with anything?"

Satine stood up and walked over to a table with a mirror. Through the reflecting glass, she saw Orrin's face, his forehead crinkled with lines of confusion. Still looking into the mirror she said, "I wanted to tell you something very important, but you said we could discuss it another time. You shut me out when I need you to know something. Why did you do that? Why?" Her sobs became more violent as the questions rolled off her tongue.

With a heavy sigh, Orrin stood up. He walked over to Satine and placed a hand on her shoulder. "I am sorry if I have caused you pain by my refusal to listen that night. There was so much going on and I was still upset from our argument that I wanted some time to myself to think things over. You do not need to blame yourself, for it was my fault. Again I am sorry. Now, will you please explain what that has to do with our current conversation?"

"You admit that you were at fault that night?" Satine had to clarify that is what he had meant, before disclosing the earth-shattering news.

"Aye," he said with hesitation.

"Now, I can tell you what is plaguing my mind. I cannot marry you because I do not love you. And, you should not want to marry me, for I am wrong for you."

Orrin closed his eyes as the words sunk in. He removed his hand from her shoulder and said, "Then my fear has become a reality."

"I am so sorry, Orrin. This is not what I wanted to happen when I accepted your hand in marriage. Since then, so much has happened and I am not longer the same woman you asked to marry you. I have changed." She took a deep breath before saying, "I have fallen in love with someone and I have been with him while we were apart."

"What?" Satine jumped at his sudden hostility. "You—you had an affair?"

Haring him say the word "affair" wound her stomach in a knot. Choking on her tears, she nodded. His anger and jealous flared once she told him that she was with Eragon. "How could you do this, Satine? After all that I have done for you and this is how you repay me?"

Satine said nothing as he vented his anger. "I understand that you do not want to marry me, though hearing that was painful, but this—this treachery is like ripping my heart out and stomping on it!

"I wanted to end our engagement the night before I left," she said, catching him off guard.

"Oh, ok, I understand now. I understand that you are trying to blame me for your wrong-doing."

"No, I mean, yes…in a way."

"I do not believe this," Orrin said.

"Orrin, please, just listen to me…"

'No!" the venom in his voice silenced Satine. "I have heard enough! I am through with you—I hereby banish you from my sight. You have done the unforgivable and I cannot tolerate that. Just leave me alone with my misery."

Orrin stomped out of the tent before Satine could say or do anything else. Everything will be all right? Roran's words rang through her head. How can everything be all right? I have ruined everything with my foolishness. Collapsing on her bed, she cried. Oh, Eragon, where are you? I need you.