Hello. :) I've recently read some fanfiction about Sasuke/Hinata and have come to a conclusion that they are my favorite couple...for now...

BUT this is what has come out of my excessive reading. This will be a multi-chaptered story, not sure how many yet, though...

Enjoy and Please R&R!

"I think you guys need to go to marriage counseling."

Though it was meant to sound like a suggestion, it sounded more like a demand.

Sasuke barely twitched and looked over to his fidgety wife.

Hinata looked back at Sasuke and proceeded to try and break her pointer finger by pushing them together.

"I-I think w-we're doing...good?"

"See!" a pink haired kunoichi cried. "You still stuttering and you've been married to Sasuke-kun for five months!"

"She stutters when she's nervous." the raven muttered under his breath.

Hinata silently thanked her husband, while Sakura threw him a menacing glance.

"Well, I'll set you up with an expert!" she exclaimed excitely.

"Sakura." Sasuke dangerously hissed.

Said girl smiled, "So what are your marriage problems?" she asked.

Hinata blushed and looked down. "Ano...nothing...really." It sounded as if she was trying to convince herself that.

Sakura sighed, while Sasuke rubbed his already trobbing temples.

"What do you guys do? Daily routine?"

"Training," the Hyuuga started.

The other women nodded, encouragingly.

"eating, missions..."

Sakura furrowed her brows, "What do you and Sasuke-kun do for fun?"

"Training..." the navy-blue-haired girl quietly mumbled.

Sakura slammed her hand down, hard, on the table in front of her, which caused Hinata to slightly jump and squeak in surprised. Sasuke just slightly raised his eyebrows and smirked.

The next hour moved in a pain stakingly slow pace for the married couple and when the final minute was up, Hinata jumped out from her seat, while Sasuke coolly got out from his.

"Wait!" Sakura yelled.

"I have an assignment for you two. I want you guys to go on a date."

Hinata's face turn into an abnormal color of purple and Sasuke scoffed.

"Don't blow it off or there will be consequences."

Something about her tone made even Sasuke slightly shudder.


Hinata's cheeks were slightly pink, because of the question she wanted to ask, and the fact that she and Sasuke were sleeping in the same bed.

The Uchiha responded by giving Hinata a barely noticably squeeze and she burrowed deeper into his chest.

"W-when a-are..."

'She's nervous.' thought the Uchiha.

"W-we go-going..." Hinata ddn't finish, praying that her husband caught on.

Only a "Hn," was said.

"This is our date?" Hinata asked?

Instead of answering the question, Sasuke said "Take off your clothes."

Hinata squeaked and turned bright red.

"We're training."

The girl slowly sighed out in relief and began stripping down to only a tank-top and shorts the when down to her knees.

She hesitantly took a fighting stance and watched Sasuke.

He was just staring at her.

She would have to attack first.

"Byakugan!" she whispered.

This time when she looked at Sasuke, she could see everything, his chakra circulatory system, and his blazing red sharingan.

In a mere second, the girl charged at him.

Sasuke swiftly dodged and took to landing a blow on the side of her thigh.

She cried in pain and fell down.

He slowly walked over to her and looked her straight in the eye.

She did the same. Big mistake.

Hinata felt herself being sucked into a different world.

She closed her eyes and opened them, to find than she was standing in a pitch black world. She couldn't do anything.

Then, she was chained to a wall. She gasped out in surprised and found Sasuke standing away from her.

He was far and she could barely make out his figure, but she did make out him raising his arm and throwing something.

Her eyes turned into saucers as she realized that a kunai and slowly reaching her, with an intent to kill.

Her heart was pounding as the kunai was halfway to her. 'If the kunai doenst kill me, then a heart attack will.'

She closed her eyes and screamed and the kunai was a mere inch away from her.

"Hinata." a hard voice said.

She didn't respond, instead she focused on getting her ragged and quick breaths even. She placed a hand on her chest and felt her heart pounding through the thin material of her tank-top.

A few minutes went by before she whispered out, "Why?"

"You need to learn how to break out of genjutsu. You're weak. At this rate, you'll probably get killed if you were sent out on a C-ranked mission."

Hinata flinched as those the words had cut deep into her.

"Get up, we're not finished."

She obeyed and shakily got up to her feet.

Sasuke looked over to his wife lying beside him.

Her gaze was fixated on the stars above her.

He observed Hinata. Her whitish lavender eyes were glassy, hair disheveled, and her face was flushed.

Sasuke took her delicate hand in his and said "Gomen."

Hinata didn't respond, so he looked away.

Then she gently squeezed his hand.

"Gomen." he repeated.

Hinata didn't move, just smiled up at the stars.

"How was your date?" a giddy Sakura asked.

Hinata stuttered. Was their training session yesterday considered a date?

"Good." Sasuke answered for her.

Sakura nodded and looked over to Hinata.

"What did you guys do?"

"Training." the shy girl mumbled.

Sakura sprung up from her seat. "It was suppose to be a date!"


Sakura glared at the couple and sat back down.

She looked down at the clipboard in her hand, "I want to know how much you guys really know each other, and so both of you tell me five facts about each other."

Sasuke's eye twitched.

Hinata came to a realization and gaped.

I don't know anything about Sasuke...

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