Watery-eyed, Sokka ran off…just as Suki had opened the door…

Suki's POV

"Sokka, wait!" I opened the tent door to see him running off, clearly upset. It was too late to chase after him. I turned around and walked back inside, "Why didn't I just let him in? This whole thing is so stupid!" I threw myself down on my bed and screamed into my pillow. I laid there crying for what felt like an eternity. Time seemed to go by so much slower ever since that fight Spirits what have I done?…I rolled over, tears streaming down my face. I knew my eyes threatened more would follow. "I love you too Sokka…" My voice was filled with despair...I felt pathetic. Shutting my eyes tight, I eventually cried myself to sleep.

Normal POV

Zuko watched as his Uncle followed Mai back to the Fire Nation war balloon. At least Iroh would be able to keep her mouth shut…not that Mai was the type of person to go around gossiping information that she had no right to. He shut his eyes tight, Agni she knows how to give me a headache. He went to walk back into his tent to get out of the sun.

"Hey, Zuko!"

'Ugh, now what…' Zuko said mentally. He turned to see Hakoda rushing towards him, a big smile smeared across his face. The Firebender looked at him curiously, "What's going on?"

"I just thought you'd want to know something, but I guess I can always come back later." Hakoda watched Zuko in amusement.

"Wait…" then it dawned on him."Katara?" Zuko looked at the older man hopefully.

Hakoda smiled and nodded his head at the Firebender. "You may go inside and see her if you'd like."

He didn't say a word, Zuko ran inside the Waterbender's tent as fast as his feet could carry him. His headache washed away the second he saw her. She was sitting up, wide awake, looking better than ever.

"Hey Katara," Zuko walked slowly over to the side of her bed. "How are you?"

"I'm feeling a lot better." She looked away from the Firebender's concerned gaze. "Zuko…I'm so sorry I…I don't know what I was thinking." The Waterbender looked down in shame and embarrassment. Zuko sat down next to her and gently grabbed her hand. Katara blushed yet she couldn't help to think about Mai…she thought Zuko was still in love with her. She refused to get her hopes up.

"Katara, everyone told me about what had happened with you and Aang. I understand how conflicted you must have been feeling at the time, but that's still no excuse for what you did."

The Waterbender sighed, "Great…well at least he knows I don't have feelings for Aang now…" She still didn't look up at him, "I know. It was stupid, I was stupid…I get it."

Zuko gently lifted her chin and looked into her eyes, "Katara, you're a lot of things…but stupid is most definitely not one of them. And as for what happened earlier…I'm the one to blame."

"What makes you say that?"

"Look, I've been a coward. All this time I thought Mai could be the only one for me. I guess seeing you and Aang together made me assured of that."

Katara inched closer to the Firebender, "But Zuko, you know that I don't-"

"Yes, I know that…I think I've always known deep down. I just couldn't be one hundred percent sure."

"So what are you trying to say?" asked Katara.

Zuko took a deep breath, "When I saw you falling over the edge, something came over me. I realized how short our time here really is…and I guess it made me realize that-" He couldn't get the rest of the words out.

"You realized what Zuko?" Unlike the situation with Aang, the Waterbender had felt the same way towards this boy before her. She squeezed his hands in re-assurance. Zuko returned the gesture, more confident now. He took a breath and came out with it.

Zuko told her everything from the day the two benders went on their journey together to his previous fight with Mai. Once he had finished, Katara looked at him, overwhelmed.

"I guess what I'm trying to say is…I like you Katara…a lot." He looked away, almost not wanting to know what she would have to say. He wouldn't blame her if she rejected him…especially after all she had recently been through.

Katara pulled her hands out of the Firebender's, causing all hope to wash away from him. "I'm sor-" but before he could finish, the young Waterbender gently took his face in her hands. She bent forward and kissed him softly on the lips.

"You have no idea how long I've been waiting for you to say that," she blushed.

Zuko sighed in relief, "I'm glad to hear it." He smiled at her, and stroked her hair gently.

"I think I should go," he whispered. "The others are going to want to see you."

Katara nodded her head and kissed him on the cheek, "Promise you'll come back later?"

"I promise," Zuko pulled her into a comforting hug and left the tent.

Later on that day, after Sokka and Suki had visited Katara (separately) they came across one another at the pond. At first, Suki wanted nothing more than to run away…but then she thought about what Sokka had said to her earlier. "It's just, I love you Suki…I miss you…" Ever since then, his words had replayed over and over inside her head

They still loved each other, and she knew nothing would ever change that. Slowly, Suki made her way over to the other warrior.

"Sokka?" she asked nervously. He looked tired and defeated.

"I thought you didn't want to talk to me…" He didn't say it in a bad way, Sokka was merely being insecure.

"I was wrong to ignore you earlier, Sokka I-" her eyes filled with tears. She hated showing weakness in front of others.

"No Suki, I was the one who was wrong. I shouldn't have yelled at you earlier. You were right, we don't talk anymore and I should have noticed. I'm sorry." He looked at her with the most honest eyes. Suki immediately knew he was being sincere.

"I miss you Sokka."

The warrior let out a breath he hadn't known he was holding. "I miss you too Suki." She ran forward and hugged her boyfriend as tightly as she could, not wanting to ever let him go again. Sokka held her close, happy that things were finally going to be okay.

The sun was beginning to set over the Western Air Temple. It had definitely been one of the longest days the gaang had ever been through. But in the end, things turned out better than ever.

Sokka and Suki had made up, and Zuko and Katara had realized their true feelings for one another. Even Aang and Toph were headed down a good path together.

Eventually, Aang had come to talk to Katara later that night. The two friends talked everything out and came to an understanding. She was grateful Aang had saved her life, and the Airbender was happy that he had Toph in his. Overall, the Earthbender really knew how to get inside his heart and make him happy.

So, for everyone, what was once lost, had now been found…finally.

"Someday someone will walk into your life and make you realize why it never worked out with anyone else."

The End