Zangetsu knew it was coming. The moment Ichigo had decided to learn the technique he knew it was over. He never failed at anything, and that was part of the reason he respected his partner so much. He put every ounce of himself into everything he did. All for the ones he cared about.
But Zangetsu didn't give a damn about them. He didn't give a damn if the orange head girl would have died, didn't give a damn if soul reaper who had awakened Ichigo's powers would have died, nor even the Quincy, none of them matter to him. He fought for one reason and one reason alone. That reason was Ichigo.
He was selfish it was true and he cherished every moment he spent with him; even his own existence was second to Ichigo's happiness (though Ichigo had never learned of this). And thus he fought with all that he had, to match Ichigo's own passion. No he didn't care if the others died but he did care that Ichigo was happy, and keeping his friends alive made him happy so he did all that he could.
But then Ichigo had come to him asking to be taught /that/ technique and it damn near broke Zangetsu. If he truly learned it then Zangetsu would be no more. And that didn't bother him near as much as the idea that he would no longer be there to protect Ichigo. He tried to explain what would happen, tried to stop him. But in the end as always he knew there was no other way.
He also knew Ichigo would do it, and succeed as he had in everything else. And so he eventually relented and taught Ichigo that horrible, final technique. He was with Ichigo as he struck the blow that would put an end to man who had tormented his partner for years, and when it was over he fought over what to say as a goodbye.
"I love you" was what he wanted to say. For he knew in this moment that what he had feared was true, but that wouldn't be fair to Ichigo, not when he was leaving forever.
He however couldn't think of anything else to say. At that moment everything else sounded so cheap. Nothing could sum up what he felt, and so he said nothing.
Moments later everything was nothing.
I know I don't normally write for Bleach, but I've been following the manga for a long time. None of my stories had formulated very well and what I have got lends itself to a very long series (which I'm not the best at finishing) I also have never been much of a Ichigo/Zangetsu fan but the last chapter of the manga implanted this in my head. Its short for me at least but to make it much more I felt would have ruined the feeling I was going for. Anyway I hope you enjoy it and I plan shortly to work on more of my other stories. -DHT