Beneath Our Stellar Sky
Jim sat on the roof of the Benbow that night alone. The new inn was constructed and now open for business, he and Alice were enrolled in the Interstellar Academy, and Jim felt that life on little Montressor could never be better.
The roof was once his favorite spot. He used to sit for hours on top of the inn just brooding over his life and listening to his mother seek guidance from Delbert on how to raise her rebellious teenage boy. Now, however, Jim only ever sat upon the roof to find solitude and silence and think about Silver.
That evening his mother was closing up the inn and Jim was thankful it was a crystal clear night instead of the usual cloudy atmosphere Montressor provided. As Jim sucked in a deep breath and stared back up at the stars he heard a soft cough below him. He blinked and slid to the edge of the roof where the balcony stood, the light from the room flooding the ground below.
Alice stood next to the railing.
"Oh, I thought I'd find you up there," she smiled. Jim returned the happy expression.
"Do you want to come up? I'm counting the stars," he replied. Alice hesitated, her gaze sliding to the ground below.
"I don't think I can. I could slip and…well this balcony is already too high for me," she muttered, her cheeks flushing pink as she stared at her feet in embarrassment. Jim bit his lip. Alice was terrified of heights so all of the things Jim would have loved to explore with her were out of bounds. She refused to get on his solar surfer, and now she refused to climb onto the roof.
"It's okay, Alice. We won't sit near the edge, and I won't let you fall. Just come on up," he grinned, holding out his hand. Alice shook her head.
"I can't."
"Yes you can."
She squeezed her eyes shut before sucking in a deep breath and taking his hand. Jim pulled her up onto the roof beside him. Alice clung to him like a fish out of water. Her fingers curled around the fabric of his shirt, her face pressed firmly into his shoulder.
"Jim, I don't like this. I don't like this," she gasped. Jim wrapped his arms around her and pushed them back up the sloped roof.
"There, see? We're not on the edge anymore," he smiled, slackening his grip as Alice peeled herself away from his shoulder and looked down.
"Oh, well, I suppose this isn't so bad," she muttered, trying to adjust to this new environment. Jim chuckled.
"Yeah, not so bad. I was just looking at the stars. Do you have any favorite constellations?" he asked, keeping his arms around her as they lay on their backs on the rooftop. Alice drew her arms in to protect against the cold.
"A few. I don't know that many, but I like looking at them," she said. Jim felt her shiver against him.
"Jeez, Alice, it's cold out tonight, what are you doing without a jacket?" he chastised, sitting up and pulling off his own black coat.
"Um, you're the one that dragged me up here, I wasn't planning on joining you," she teased as Jim draped it over her shoulders. "Besides, won't you get cold?" she asked, staring at Jim's shirt.
"Naw, I got long sleeves," he shook his head, fingering the baggy fabric. Alice shrugged as they sat up against each other just pointing out the constellations. Well, Jim did more pointing than she. He seemed to know every star in the sky! But what Jim didn't know was the history behind each constellation. Alice was glad to fill him in there. She adored telling stories, and as Jim took her hand to help trace the design she'd tell him all about different cultural legends. The ones she didn't know she made up on the spot.
"So he was thrown into the sky?" Jim snickered, leaning on his side and staring down at Alice who was giggling uncontrollably.
"Don't judge my story telling, Jim, it's the best I could come up with," she teased.
"Hmmm," Jim hummed, catching her gaze as his blue eyes crashed with her green ones. "How about he flew himself to the stars and got stuck, and that's why he looks so carefree?" Jim suggested, leaning down. Alice's breath caught in her throat.
"That sounds better," she agreed, blushing a shade of scarlet when Jim pushed a strand of hair out of her face and leaned in. Their lips collided like two stars in the night. Alice's heart jumped up, seeming to bang against Jim's own heartbeat beneath his rib cage. Their kisses were getting better; they weren't nearly as awkward as their first time. When Jim finally pulled away both of them were breathless.
"How's that for a story?" he smirked.
"Perfect," Alice smiled, about to pull him down into another kiss when something over Jim's shoulder caught her eye. She let out a gasp and pointed to the sky. "Jim look!" she cried. Jim rolled on his back and looked up. There far away but still quite visible a meteor shower was taking place. The burning blue balls of gas lit up the night as they shot across the sky.
"Well would you look at that?" Jim chuckled, leaning back as Alice sat up and ogled at the shimmering lights.
Remember to live, 'cause you're gonna be thrilled to death,
When the stars collide and your eyes grow wide.
Take it in with your breath against the glass.
"They're so beautiful, she whispered, feeling Jim take her hand.
"Have you ever seen a meteor shower?" he asked her.
"No," she responded.
"Oh, good, me neither," Jim laughed, sitting up next to her. Alice's green eyes were as wide as two saucers, her lips turned up in a radiant grin.
"This is magical, Jim. Magical. This can't be a coincidence," she exclaimed, refusing to tear her eyes away from the scene. Jim twisted his fingers between hers and ran his thumb across the back of her hand as they sat there.
"No, I don't suppose it is," he mumbled, watching the scene beside her. As the light show continued, Alice momentarily let her gaze slide down to the hearty glow of the town just up the road.
"How can they not see this? How can they miss it?" she wondered aloud.
"Maybe they are watching it, we just don't see them," Jim shrugged before getting an idea. "Maybe they're all up on their roofs." Alice chuckled, scooting into his side.
"Maybe they are," she agreed. "So I suppose I should make a wish, eh?"
"A wish?" Jim blinked, arching an eyebrow.
"Yeah. When you see a shooting star you need to make a wish, and man is that a lot of shooting stars. All of my dreams would come true if I wished on all of them," she explained. Jim couldn't stop his laughter as he wrapped an arm around her shoulder.
"Alright. Let's wish for something," Jim said.
"And we can't tell each other what we wished for," Alice added. Jim rolled his eyes.
"Aw come on, this stuff is bogus to begin with anyway," he argued. Alice shook her head.
"Nope, now I'm making my wish," she grinned and closed her eyes. Jim stared at her a moment longer before closing his eyes as well and wishing with all of his heart that he'd never lose someone as wonderful as Alice.
Remember to dream because it's gonna be a starry night,
Over every town, if you look down.
So harmonize with the singing satellites.
When their eyes reopened Alice looked at Jim who looked back. Without another word the two of them leaned forward, their lips meeting as fireworks erupted inside. Sparks spiraled up in their hearts as every disk in their spines shook. The moment was a powerful one. A moment they would forever savor. When they finally pulled back both of them couldn't wipe the goofy expressions off of their faces.
"So what'd you wish for?" Jim asked.
"Not telling. What'd you wish for?" Alice shot back.
Jim smirked.
"Not telling," he whispered. "But, you know, I think it might come true." Alice passed him a sneaky look.
"I think mine already did," she replied, and wrapped the jacket around both of their shoulders when she saw Jim's goose bumps. Lying back down on the roof the couple realized the meteor shower was over, but it didn't stop them from continuing to point out distant stars, their eyes drooping as sleep overtook them. Jim turned on his side as Alice turned on hers and they pressed themselves together for warmth as exhaustion finally caught up with them and they fell into a dream filled slumber beneath their stellar sky.
Remember to scream because you're gonna be lost for words,
When the sparks erupt and they light you up.
Dip your toes in the galaxy 'cause it's yours to explore tonight.
A/N: Wow! It's about time I started updating this story with new one-shots pertaining to Jim, Alice, and the rest of the awesome Treasure Planet crew! This story isn't going to be just about Jim and Alice romance. I'll have some one-shots of all the characters coming up eventually. I'm just going to upload some other one-shots I've already posted on my deviantart account to this story in a second.
So yeah, this was originally for a contest on Deviantart. The lyrics are from an Owl City song called Alligator Sky (non rap version) since I thought they fit so well!
Yeah this is just Jim and Alice enjoying life at the new Benbow before they head off to the Interstellar Academy! Woo! I'll upload two other chapters on here after I post this one for my fans who aren't on Deviantart. :) That way you no longer miss out on cliche romance! Yay! XD