A/N: Uhhh… I actually don't have anything to say except to Jd Midnight: I have not forgotten my promise and I will include that scene within the next chapter or so. Oh and thank you guys SOO much for the reviews! :D Happy reading!

Disclaimer: I am not Meyer or Rowling or anyone close to how brilliant each of them are. Therefore I do not own anything.

Disclaimer 2: I did not come up with the magical creature, leliglyph; a close friend did. However, I'm not about to reveal the name for identity purposes.


Edward's eyes now mimicked Remus' and he gasped. The rest of the Cullens looked worried and glanced at Edward thinking, what's going on?

Harry James Potter… Cullen? Chapter 2, Part 2:

"You knew Harry?" Edward asked.

"His father was my best friend, and later on so was his mother," Remus replied. "Lily and James Potter died six years ago. A few days later my other friend, Peter Pettigrew died also from a man we thought of as a best friend who then went to jail. Everyone I loved was taken away from me within days."

Harry ran up to Remus and hugged him. "You still have me, uncle Moony."

"You're right, pup," Remus hugged Harry back looking like the happiest person on Earth. "And that's all that matters now."

A few hours later the Cullens and Harry said their goodbyes to Remus and turned to the house of the Lovegoods. This time Harry ran up to the house and knocked. A few seconds later there was loud shuffling and mumbling before Xenophilius opened the door. "Carlisle! Esme! I was just about to stop by and tell you I thought I saw a leliglyph near your forest."

Carlisle awkwardly paused before saying, "well thank you for telling us. We came to introduce Harry who we adopted and will be living with us."

"What's a leliglyph?" Harry asked revealing his presence for the first time, who was so short that Xenophilius didn't notice him.

"To see a leliglyph brings good fortune. I expect it to have another effect if it were to be kept, however it is quite impossible to catch because it is so good at camouflage. It is a very rare and small green bird that has exactly seven gold feathers with a melodious song," Xenoplilius replied. There was a pause before he said, "you really do have your mother's eyes."

"You knew my mum too?" Harry asked.

"She was one of the only people who believed me about the magical creatures," Xenophilius answered, a sad glint in his eyes remembering Lily's death.

Harry smiled politely before Esme said to distract Xenophilius, "so where's Luna?"

"She's in the backyard," Xenophilius said leading them outside before calling Luna over. They gave introductions all the while Luna looked oddly at Harry as if there was something in his hair before they ran off and played in the backyard as the Cullens watched them and admired the many different gardens consuming the Lovegoods' backyard.

A few hours passed before they left for the Weasleys and like before, Harry knocked excitedly. A second later they could hear a woman screaming, "Percy, will you get the door?" Immediately after there were five different voices arguing on who would open the door.

"I never get to," said a girl's voice.

"It's probably for us," two voices said simultaneously.

"Who would want to talk to you two?" a younger voice whined.

"She told me to," another voice said proudly.

Harry winced as the fight went on and hid behind Emmett who was the biggest. Emmett turned and picked him up then put him down in front of the door and chuckled as Harry looked up at him. "It's what you get for earlier." Harry just continued to look betrayed. "You know what you did," Emmett said. Harry sniffed and walked behind Edward.

"Hey, come on," Jacob said offended the whole time looking at his biceps. "I may not be stronger than Emmett but we all know I can take on him any day," Jacob gestured towards Edward.

"You want to bet?" Edward said crouching low ready to attack.

"Bring it," Jacob said but before he could change into his other form, the door opened revealing five redheaded children arguing. The Cullens looked around awkwardly as Harry slowly approached the only girl who seemed left out of the argument though tried her best to get some attention.

"Hello, I'm Harry," Harry introduced himself.

At this the girl gave up arguing and turned to say, "hi, I'm-" but Harry didn't find out her name because the girl's eyes widened at the lightning shaped scar upon Harry's forehead, and didn't say a word.

Harry looked back at Edward thinking, 'what's wrong with her?' Edward laughed and said, "you're famous, kid." This, however, confused Harry even more and turned back to the girl.

"I am living with Edward and we came so I can meet everyone," Harry continued though the girl remained the way she was. Harry stared at her for a second then looked back at the Cullens and asked, "is she even breathing?"

"Barely," Rosalie muttered rolling her eyes.

"She's just a bit dazed, she'll come around in a little while," Bella said with a knowing look.

Harry sighed and moved over to where the four boys were still fighting, giving up on the girl. "Hi, I'm-"




"SPEAKING OF THE CULLENS!" Harry yelled scaring the four boys while the Cullens did everything in their power not to laugh… well everyone except for Emmett. Rosalie shot him a warning glare- which he knew all too well- to shut him up.

"Thank you," Harry said exhaustedly, grateful for the newfound silence.

"Blimey," the youngest boy, who was named Ron, said still sounding a bit frightened.

"Bloody-" the next oldest twin boys said at the same time, each cutting the other off with their hands.

"You're… Harry Potter…" the eldest boy, who Harry assumed to be Percy, said mimicking his younger sister's wide eyes.

"How'd you know my name?" Harry asked perplexed.

"You don't know?" Ron blurted looking bewildered.

"I don't understand," Harry said.

"You're the most famous person in the wiz-"

"Why don't we all go inside," Carlisle interrupted. Percy nodded and led his siblings and the Cullens inside the Burrow. An older, middle-aged woman with the same strikingly red hair as the four children was currently bustling around in the kitchen.

"Mum? The Cullens are here… they brought Harry Potter too," Percy said not able to think of any other way to break the news to his mother.

The mother stopped what she was doing and looked up at the massive amount of people that were now in her kitchen. "Well I certainly wasn't expecting any guests today. I'm afraid I didn't make enough food for us all," she said as if it were the end of the world, looking at the platter of sandwiches that looked to be just enough to feed the whole group.

"Oh it's alright, Molly. We ate before we came," Esme said. It was true, at least for Harry; he and Luna at ate plenty of fruit from the gardens in the Lovegoods' backyard.

"Are you sure? I could make more…" Molly continued to worry.

"No, we're fine, thank you. We actually just came to introduce Harry and for him to get to know everyone," Carlisle said. And so they headed to the living room to get comfortable and the Weasleys ate- Ron with the most sandwiches- while the introductions were given out.

"I'm Gred," Gred said then motioned to his twin and said, "and this is Forge. Nice to meet you, Harry."

"Fred and George," Molly corrected though it sounded more like a warning. The twins just continued to look innocent.

"I'm Ron," Ron spoke up with his mouth completely full therefore it sounded more like 'I won'.

"Ronald Weasley you will not speak with your mouth full," Molly reprimanded.

It took a full two minutes for Ron to swallow his mouthful of food and say, "sorry, yes mum."

"My name is Percy and this is our little sister Ginny," Percy said pointing towards the young redheaded girl who hadn't spoken a word.

"Right," Harry said. "I'm Harry, but you already know that. How do you know my name?" There was a long silence; everyone was at a loss of who would explain the story and how.

"Molly," Carlisle started, "my family and I aren't exactly familiar with this story. Could you possibly explain it to Harry?"

"Well, it was the day your parents…" Molly trailed off looking at Harry sympathetically. Harry nodded in understanding and for her to continue. "It was during the Great War and nearly everyone lived in hiding from a man named-" Molly cut off looking as if she'd rather not say.

"Voldemort," Carlisle said for Molly, putting the pieces together, as the Weasleys shivered in unison.

"Yes," Molly said. "After your parents… he went after you, Harry. He tried to kill you, but he couldn't. No one knows what happened that night, but whatever did, you were the Boy-Who-Lived and at the same time, killed You-Know-Who."

Harry stayed silent for a few minutes before asking, "Why was I the Boy-Who-Lived?"

"Because you were the first- and only- person to ever survive the killing curse," Molly answered, confusing Harry further.

"Curse?" Harry asked.

A few moments of silence brought the attention to Carlisle. "Harry, when you were left on your aunt and uncle's doorstep, there was a letter explaining a few things about you. You're a wizard, Harry. Granted, you won't be able to learn anything until you're eleven, but no doubt you are one. The Weasleys, Lovegoods, Remus Lupin, and even your parents were all wizards."

There was a long pause from Harry who immediately accepted the idea of magic because of the strange and unexplainable occurrences in his life. "You said my parents were killed by Voldemort." The Weasley family shivered and Ginny went to sit in between Fred and George. "You're wrong. They died in a car crash."

"Why would your parents die in a car crash?" Percy asked.

"That's what my aunt and uncle told me. I guess it was stupid to believe them but they were the only people who knew my parents," Harry said.

"Your parents died to save you, Harry. That's the best way to die if you have to die at all," Bella said smirking at Edward.

"Yes," Edward agreed, "some people are really stubborn especially when it comes to death."

Bella rolled her eyes. "I can't believe you're still on about that."

"You could've waited a year or two or-"

"Or my whole life?" Bella began only to be interrupted by Carlisle.

"I think that was enough for today; we should be heading home."

Harry frowned. "But we never got to go to the park like you said."

"We can go tomorrow, Harry," Esme reassured Harry ignoring the glare from Alice who had planned on getting Harry new clothes the next day.

Harry and the Cullens got up and said their goodbyes then left while Carlisle stayed behind to talk to Arthur.

"Arthur, Harry has a lot ahead of him and to say the least I'm worried for him. I think if he had some friends that he would grow up with would help him in the future. I know your children would jump at the chance to be Harry's friend, however, I would like to ask you," Carlisle explained.

"You know you don't have to ask, Carlisle. Harry is a wonderful kid and I trust him and your family," Arthur replied.

"Thank you, Arthur. Goodnight."

"Goodnight, Carlisle."

A/N: Alright, guys, see the button below? Click it and write a comment. You know you want to. CLICK DA BUTTON!