Roast Dinners And Paracetamol

Final Chapter 7

The characters in this fiction are fictitious but most of the facts are true. That made it a little easier to write. I really enjoyed writing this chapter and I think it's the best so far. Please read & review.

Sophie's POV The Morning After (Saturday)

Sophie lay there wrapped in Sian's arms spooning contentedly, her back against Sian's front thinking about what had happened last night and didn't regret a single minute of it. She'd broken her vow. Well actually she'd broken it several times and she planned on doing it again as soon as she'd made a quick trip to the bathroom. She gently but reluctantly disentangling herself from Sian's arms and climbed out of bed quietly, putting on her pink fluffy dressing gown to cover up her nakedness.

I opened the door quietly and slipped across the landing into the bathroom. Sophie couldn't believe what had happened last night. She had planned on waiting to be with Sian because of her vow, but Sian was irresistible and to be honest she'd started it not Sian. This had been the best time of her life. Whilst she was in the loo she had a quick wash, tided her bed hair and gave her teeth a quick brush. Sophie walked down the corridor to Rosie's room opened the door and found it empty and the bed made. So Rosie had been out all night. That was probably for the best considering the noise they must have been making all night.

Sophie wandered downstairs made two cups of tea and some toast and took them back upstairs to bed. Sian was still sleeping soundly. I put our breakfast down on the bedside table and climbed back in bed next to Sian. I leaned down and gently kissed Sian's beautiful lips. Sian snuggled against my side resting her head on my shoulder her arms snaking about my waist. She opened her eyes looking a little confused when she saw the dressing gown.

"Why are you dressed babe."

"I think my family might be a little shocked if I made breakfast naked."

Sian looked disappointed. "Are your Mum & Dad back already. I thought they were away for the whole weekend."

"They are, and Rosie's been out all night. So Miss Powers I have you all to myself a little longer."

"Did I hear you say you've made me breakfast." Sian grinned up at me.

"Well, tea & toast at least babe."

"Your a Saint Soph, I'm starving." Sian quickly sat up pulling the covers up over her breasts and tucked the sheet under her arms. God, she looked so sexy her hair dishevelled and her shoulders all bare, the white sheets showing off her tan to perfection. I would never get tired of looking at this.

"Soph. Hello."

"What? Oh sorry." I'd been staring at Sian off in my own little world. I passed over the toast and Sian dived in like she hadn't eaten in weeks. We sat together eating and chatting so comfortable with each other. I had half expected things to be a little weird this morning but nothing had changed. I don't know what it is with Sian and I, but she makes me feel complete. The day Sian Powers walked into my life was the day my life begun. When we'd finished with breakfast I put the dishes down on the floor.

"Do you think we can loose the cute dressing gown now babe, as sexy as it may be I'd like to make the most of the time we have alone."

I slipped the dressing gown off and dropped it onto the floor next to the dishes. I turned the radio on low in the background and moved down the bed and into Sian's open arms. We spent the rest of the day talking, taking little naps and making love.

Sian's POV The Morning After (Sunday)

I looked at the clock and it's 11.30 on Sunday already and we've been in this bed like 35hr now. Not that I'm complaining.

I'm laying here looking at Sophie thinking the brunette is so pretty. No! Sophie's way more than just pretty. She's stunningly beautiful, and it almost takes my breath away. She has no idea how attractive she is, she seems totally unaware of her good looks. Sophie's sleeping soundly her hair all scattered across the pillow.

I'm laying here thinking how lucky I am. I can't believe I'd almost ran away from this. Well truthfully, I had run away. All the way to Southport, to my mothers. I'd been such a fool. Thank God Sophie had figured out where I'd gone and chased me to Southport. Thinking about that day almost broke my heart. Sophie had looked so vulnerable standing there on the doorstep when I'd yanked the door open. Even worse Sophie had looked absolutely devastated when the I told her she could come in but "DON'T TOUCH ME." I'd told her I didn't want to see her and we weren't friends either. Sophie had looked broken when she left.

After Sophie left I slid down onto the kitchen floor and cried like a baby. Why did Sophie have to go and kiss me. It had ruined everything between us. But the thing that scared me the most though was. Deep down I knew I'd liked it. I'd thought about nothing else since that night. It kept playing over and over in my mind, and I couldn't stop thinking how soft her lips were and how tender the kiss had been. Nothing like being kissed by Ryan with his stubbly chin, harsh lips and rough hands. Luckily I'd had the good sense to come back to Coronation St before it was too late to repair the damage.

She'd been lying there for God knows how long now just watching Sophie sleep and thinking. We'd managed to pull the sheets down the bed whilst we slept and they were now resting halfway down the bed. Just covering our waists. Sophie looked so relaxed. One arm was above her head resting on the pillow the other wrapped possessively around my waist. Sian reached over and gently ran her hand over Sophie's exposed toned abdomen enthralled by how soft the brunettes skin was. Sian moved her middle finger slowly up Sophie's body. The blonds middle finger moved over the brunettes rib cage and between her breasts. Sophie's breasts fascinated Sian. Her finger swirled slowly around Sophie's nipple, Sian watched mesmerised as Sophie's nipple began to grow hard. The blond blew softly on the nipple and it got even bigger. She ran her thumb over it and Sophie gave a soft, throaty moan. She lent down and flicked the other nipple with the tip of her tongue before gently sucking it between her lips lavishing it with attention. She felt Sophie stir beside her. She looked up to see Sophie looking at her with sleepy blue eyes.

Sian "Morning beautiful. Did I Wake you?" She smirked before leaning down again and sticking out her tongue and twirling it around the brunettes erect nipple not taking her eyes off Sophie.

Sophie groaned. "Morning to you too sexy. Is this my early morning wake up call?"

"It's hardly morning babe." Looking over Sophie's naked body at the clock I saw it was 14.00 already. What time are your mum and dad back."

Sian giggled before turning serious.

"I'm not sure but they said they'd ring when they set off so we're ok for a bit yet."

"How are you this morning." Sian chewed nervously on her bottom lip. "No regrets."

Sophie "God no babe, how could you think that after last night? It was amazing. You were amazing. I know I made the right choice."

Sian grinned happily moving up to give Sophie a long lingering kiss. As my tongue delved between Sophie's lips her warm wet tongue met mine and it was my turn to moan softly.

Just then the bedroom door burst open and Rosie stumbled in backwards cursing under her breath. We scrambled apart and pulled the covers up to cover our modesty but it was still obvious we were both naked under the covers.

"What the hell Rosie. Never heard of knocking."

"In case you hadn't noticed girls but my hands are full"

We both looked at Rosie and sure enough she was holding a tray. We both looked at each other then back at Rosie with confusion.

Rosie walked over to the bed. Putting the tray down on the covers and stepped back looking really pleased with herself. On the tray stood a slender vase with a single red rose. Some salt, pepper, cutlery and two glasses of water. There was also two roast dinners and a bottle of Paracetamol.

"Er, thanks Rosie."

"Yeah well with all the exercise you've been getting I thought you might be hungry by now."

"ROSIE" we both squeaked in horror.

"Now hurry up and eat your dinner, Mum & Dad will be back at 18.00 and you've got to have a bath and air this room, before they get back. Don't forget to change the sheets.

"ROSIE" we both shrieked together.

Just as Rosie was walking away I noticed the tablets on the tray.

"Rosie, what are the Paracetamol for?"

"Well you two have been in bed so long I thought you might be sick." With that she dashed through the bedroom door just before the Paracetamol flew across the room barely missing her retreating figure.

"ROSIE" We both burst out laughing even though we were both blushing with embarrassment.

Thank you to anyone who read and enjoyed this. It's probably my one and only story. I've enjoyed writing it immensely but it's really hard work for me, so I'm going back to reading instead.