It took me a while to do Komui's, because the words were there, but it was hard to bring them together. So I decided that this would be a mix of Science Department and Komui. I'm not doing a Cross poem, because I want to do a separate one for Generals. The poem is in Reever's point of view.
I don't own D Gray man - my savings are not enough yet.
"Too much work, we're all dying!"
Is the sound that greets my ears,
Whether it be morning, day, evening or night,
We know that we'll be working for years.
Formulae and cases scatter the floor,
Books piled high upon fragile desks,
The man in charge, slumped over the table in fatigue,
Oblivious to the Central breathing down our necks.
But no matter how much we moan and cry,
The knowledge of our comrades' returning safe is our muse,
We know our blood, sweat and tears save their lives,
Our hearts can never bear bad news.
Though we feel our own backs break from work,
It is the man in the white beret who deserves applause,
He does slack, and avoid the impending papers,
Nevertheless, he fights for the cause.
As his sister soars, through the skies, and through life,
His mind is constantly on her, praying for her protection,
Yes, he goes overboard, annihilating anyone who seems to harm her,
But wouldn't you do that for a close relation?
When tragedy turns its ugly face to the world,
He strives to stay strong, to make the right choices,
Ordinary men would crumble and snap from the pressures,
He holds steady, against the screaming voices.
Like all of us, he trusts the Apostles of God,
Even the one accused of being something terrible,
The refusal to believe that this young hero will succumb,
Makes these dark days more bearable.
Now, get back to work,
We don't have time for poems,
Time is something too precious,
A diamond amongst gems.
"Tempus fugit."
Tempus fugit is a famous Latin phrase, meaning "time flies". Time is really important to the Science Department, so it seemed fitting.
So, this is it for this compilation. Look out for "Poems for the Noah family"! Reviews are welcome!