Ok. i'm back. And I have the most F-ing stupid computer ever. I have no clue if this Chapter is that good, but I did spend two hours on it and THEN IT GOT DELETED!2 freakin' hours! Ugh. Let's see if this is it...

Chapter Two

New Kids

Damon sat in his room with a blood bag in one hand and a pen in the other, sketching pointless things. All he could think about were black dresses, so he was sketching black dresses. He finally discovered why he was drawing these when Stefan yelled.

"Damon! Come Down Here!"

Damon smirked all the way down stairs. Yes, he smirked till he saw Stefan.

"What The Hell!" Damon yelled, and snatched the bottle of scotch from Stefan's greedy hands. "This is mine!" Damon snarled. Stefan chose to ignore this and just sat there for a minute or two. Finally he spoke "Do you think she ever loved us?" Stefan asked with tear filled eyes.

Damon took a deep breath and sighed. he really didn't want to talk about this right now. He didn't want Katherine. He wanted Elena, and he was going to have her. Damon didn't like to think of Elena as an object, but already knew that Katherine did. I can't let her use Elena. Was the first thing that popped into Damon's head. I know...

"Aren't you supposed to be going to school tomorrow? Do you really think haveing a hangover the first day of school is good?" Damon asked, trying to change the subject. He knew where this was going..."I don't think I'll be attending school this year. I'm pretty sure Katherine goes to the local high school and I'm possitive that Elena goes there."

"Well, brother if you won't go then I will. Or better yet, we'll go together. I told you at the begining of this little trip that one of us needs to go into the school and see if there are any other vampires in town." Damon waited for Stefan to respond but instead Stefan nodded and ran out the door.

"You need sleep!" Damon yelled after him. God, I'm turning into him. Damon thought as he ran up stairs and took off everything except his boxers, and went to bed.

"Who are they Kat? What aren't you telling me?" Elena questioned as she followed Katherine up the stairs. The car ride had been silent so now was the time to ask her.

"You really want to know? Fine. I met them as human's I fel in love with Stefan, Damon fel in love with were Brothers and I tore them apart. I used Damon to make Stefan jealous and to get blood, then I promised I'd change him. I made Stefan drink from me, I drank from him one night and he had vervain in his system. I was paralized, got captured, Stefan and Damon tryed to save me, but they ended up dead anyway. I compelled the guard to set me free, left town, and I never thought I'd see them again. Few years later I get told by some stranger on the street that they were looking for me, but I didn't care. I came back and well here they are again."

The only thing Elena was angry about was one thing. She used Damon. For some reason Elena felt protective of Damon. She knew how she felt about him, but she just won't admit it.

She let Katherine storm off to her room. Elena slowly opened her door and closed it just as slowly trying not to wake Jeremy Jenna or Margaret.

She then ran to her bed and flopped down on it. Sitting up against the night stand, Elena took a small green book out from the nightstand and began to write.

Dear Diary,

This can't be happening. Well, Let's start with today. Today was the Homecoming Dance. It's funny, most schools have homecoming dances AFTER the first day of school. When we have ours BEFORE. Anyway... Kat and I went in the strapless dresses we bought a few days ago, we wanted to see if we could fool anybody and boi we did. I'm pretty sure they're names are Stefan and Damon. I don't think they said they're last names. Damon thought I was Katherine. I almost kissed Matt. But I didn't. DAMON interupted us. Me Kat Damon & Stefan went to that place that Kat dared me to go in, I think it's they're home.

Kat Stefan and Damon talked for awhile, and when we were about to leave...I tripped, and Damon caught me. God! Why are you punishing me! I hate it because I know this feeling. I've lived this feeling too many times. And I'm not going to RE-live it. I gotta go. I need sleep cause I gotta go to school tomorrow! :(


Katherine woke up to Margaret poking her stomache. "What's the matter, Margaret honey?" Katherine asked in the sweetest voice she could manage. She looked over Margaret and had to admit she was pretty cute. Margaret was 4 years old and was wearing a pink whinnie the pooh poka-dot sundress. She looked an awful lot like Katherine and Elena, except a little more like Katherine because Margaret had dark brown-almost black- hair that looked like the day after you curled your hair-cury, but at the same wavy. The one difference between Margaret and Katherine and Elena is that Margaret had hazel eyes, and Katherine and Elena had brown eyes. The most adorable thing about her though was the fact that she only had one tooth and it was one of her front teeth, so she said 't' as 'f'.

Margaret giggled and said "Aunfy Jenny fold me fo come gef you."

The other thing with Margaret was she never gave you a full answer. You always had to play 20 questions. "And Why did she tell you to come get me?"

"Breakfass" Margaret then hopped up and ran into the hall yelling "Germy!"

Katherine sighed and slipped on a black zip-down sweater, black flats, and a short purple sundress. She heard an 'oof' when she was combing her hair and quickly ran out into the hallway, but only ended up laughing. Jeremy was lieing down on the floor face-first with Margaret stradleing his back, arms crossed, pouting.

"Get off me Margaret." Jeremy said annoyed.

"Nope." Margaret said, popping the 'p'.




"NO!" Margaret screamed at the top of her lungs, making Katherine grimace, Jeremy almost cry, Jenna run upstairs yelling "What's wrong honey?", and Elena running through her door with a tooth brush in hand, foamy mouth, slippers and daffy duck pagama pants. Elena burst out laughing when she saw the scene in front of her. Bad idea because foam went flying out of her mouth and sprayed everyone with little white dots.

Elena quickly turned and ran into her bedroom from imbarassment and heard the silent laughter of Margaret getting carried down the stairs.

Katherine opened the door and walked into Elena's bedroom to find that Elena was already dressed in black skinny jeans and a flowy red tanktop.

"Come on, let's go." Katherine said as Elena slipped on her black flats-just like Katherine's-and the black purse her parents got her for her 14th birthday.

Elena groaned as Katherine pulled her down the stairs. "Grab a pop-tart. I'll be right back." Katherine said, and then was gone.

Elena and Katherine had sort of gotten into a schedule. Katherine hunts and Elena eats two pop-tarts, every morning.

15 minutes later Katherine came back and they were off to school. "Ugh. So not enjoying this." Elena grumbled as they pulled into the school parking lot. Katherine squealed and shouted excitedly "There They are!" She pointed to two dark figures leaning against a yellow ferrari, and waved. Katherine brought the car to a halt right beside the Salvatore's car and leaped out of the vehicle.

Elena sighed and got out too, but not going to the Salvatore's. She scaned the parking lot to see if anybody she knew was there yet, but amazingly, it was just her Kat Stefan and tossed her bag over her shoulder and turned towards the school.

"Morning." She looked up to see Damon standing just inches from, smiling. She couldn't help but smile back.

"Morning." She returned. He was still staring down at her when she realized Katherine didn't want them to even speak to each other, and Katherine was just a few feet away from them. Elena quickly pulled out her cell phone and text:


She then handed the phone to Damon and he smirked, then text:

She can't stop me. ;)

Elena laughed at his stupidity of Katherine's strength.

Yes. She really can.

Just as she was about to give the phone back to Damon Katherine snapped "Elena! Get Over Here!" Elena turned around and saw that Katherine and Stefan had moved spots and there were now three cars between the two couples.

"Elena!" Katherine shreiked. Elena started to walked off toward Katherine but two muscular arms wraped in leather wound around her waist, restraining her. "Stay." Damon breathed into her ear, making Elena shiver with pleasure. She let her eyelids close peacefully, and let Damon swoon her back and forth.

"Elena I swear to god..." Katherine said menacingly, making Elena jump slightly and lean back into Damon, half in fear and half in the fact that it felt soooo good.

It's ok. I won't let her touch you. Damon's voice sang in her head. She looked up to meet to icy blue eyes full of love and passion staring down at her, then with such hate and dusgust at Katherine.

"I'm not going to let you use her Katherine."

"Too late. I've compelled her so many times you wouldn't beleive how much control I have." Kat said, narrowing her eyes evily.

Elena was in shock, Damon would be able to tell that all the way from china. He quickly scooped her up into his arms and walked over to Katherine.

"Leave Town." Were the last words he said before he took off running. Luckily Damon bought a house a few years back a couple miles away into the forest. He felt a wave of pleasure and surprise as Elena buried her head into the crook of his neck and breathed in his scent. A few minutes later they were at a small very very old cottege. Elena looked up at it in wonder, "Bricks, Black, glass. Figures." over the two days she'd known him she could already tell that he loved black. Damon smiled down at her excitedly, "Yep!"

Elena clinged to Damon's shoulder as he opened the door and quickly ran up stairs. When Elena opened her eyes they were in a pure black bedroom. It had a flat screen tv, black leather couch, fireplace, wood desk, leather chair, walk-in closet, and a giant king sized bed in the cetre.

"Woah..." Elena gasped. Damon laughed and set them on the couch, staring entently at Elena. Elena obviously noticed this and looked up at him, meeting his gaze.

"I look alot like her huh?" Elena asked jokingly, even though she was hurting inside. Damon could obviously tell because his eyes softened and he stroked her cheek with his hand. "That's not why I like you." He said lovingly. Elena leaned up and pressed her lips to his. It was very gentle and soft, after a few seconds Elena pulled away and looked up at him. "Thank-you." She whispered before leaping up and running to the other side of the room. Damon looked honestly shocked. A smile broke out on Elena's face as Damon slowly came back to earth.

"Now your gonna get it!" Damon growled laughed as Damon chased after her at human speed. Before she knew it she was on the ground and his knee's were at ethier side of her hips.

Damon pinned her hands over her head and swooped down to kiss her feircly. Elena moaned with pleasure as his tounge bobbed in and out of her mouth.

"Let's watch a movie." Damon suggested against her lips. Elena moaned anfd gave a slight nod signaling that she would be ok with a movie.

After hours of watching horror movies Elena was pernamently scared for life. "Oh My God!" She screached for the millionth time and dug her head into Damon's chest. After the first three screams Damon had dragged her onto his lap so that she could easily hide in his neck or chest; and because it felt good.

"It's almost over." Damon whispered soothingly to her, very much amused.

Just then Stefan and Katherine came bursting through the door; pissed. "Where the hell have you been!" Katherine shreeked and yanked Elena from Damon's arms, causing her to yelp out in pain at her shoulder popping.

Damon jumped up into a hunter position and growled "Give. Her. BACK!"

Katherine smiled evily and tilted her head. "Oh your deffinetlly in love with her. Aren't you Damon?"

Damon stayed silent and watched as Katherine bit into her wrist and Elena cryed her eyes out "Please. Kat. Don't!" Elena begged. Katherine's arm was now looped around her neck and squeesing so hard Elena felt her eyes popping.

"Don't worry Elena. You'll come back." Katherine whispered to her before shoving her wrist into Elena's mouth and snapping her neck.

Damon screamed out as her watched Elena's lifeless body fall to the floor. "You bitch." He growled before running at her full-speed.

Chapter Something! Sorry I'm not writing like everyday it's just I have Jobies and School, and Friends, and a really annoying family that keeps me busy. Hope you liked it! =]
