Love, Hate and Panties

A/N: Hello lovely readers and welcome to another short 5 chapter fic I came up with recently! It actually hit me like a ton of bricks and I exclaimed out loud "Oh yeah that will be good!" No one was around at the time thank goodness! Saved myself from that embarrassment! This is A/U I guess you could say because Bella never cut her finger at her birthday party and Jasper never tried to kill her. Oh and my Bella is a little bitchy in this story. I mean wouldn't you if you didn't get any vampire ass? I would be! At least I would want it from Jasper and not Edward haha!

But alas Jasper is just a hot, moody, vampire who wants Bella for different reasons. So, yeah, just wanted to clear that up! Enjoy and please review because it makes me post chapters quicker!

I dreamed about him again last night. I can't even escape from him in my dreams. This is getting way out of hand.

Why do I even think about him this way? He is mean, hateful, and a bully! Who in the world would fantasize about someone like that?

I sigh loudly and roll over to stare out my window. Looks like another rainy day and no sunshine. Typical Forks, Washington weather.

At least I have one thing to look forward to everyday.

Edward Cullen.

I try to smile as his image pops into my head, but Edward just plain pisses me off now and gets on my every last nerve.

His image is quickly replaced by the evil one who now haunts my dreams and when I am awake.

I hit the pillow next to me and bite my lip. He is gorgeous and not to mention a body I would love to feel against mine.

Okay Bella lets rethink that last statement.

Yes, I am in love with Edward, but he doesn't give me everything I truly want.

Actually, there are two things he can't give me. Well, pretty much down right refuses to until he thinks the time is right.

And the time has always been right. At least to me.

Those two things are as follows: sex and turning me into a vampire.

But, sadly I will not receive such amazing gifts until dear old Eddie is ready.

Gag me with a fucking spoon.

His sentimental bullshit I can only take for so long.

I hear my Dad moving around downstairs and I sit up in my warm bed. I run my fingers through my waves and sigh.

Another flash of the beautiful but hateful creature I was dreaming of appears in my head.

I needed a cold shower.

School blows. I was actually one of those nerds who liked school and did all my homework and even asked for extra credit when I didn't need it.

But now I dread school. I turn in my homework late most of the time, and fuck extra credit. Now I spend all my time trying to figure out why lusty dream guy hates me so damn much.

I never did anything to him! That is what is so confusing! Sure I am dating his brother, but that doesn't mean you have to be a giant dick to me now does it?

I think not.

So, here I am sitting in Trigonometry biting my pencil and staring at said lusty dream guy.

His back is to me but I can see him tense every so often and do a little peek over his shoulder at me. I know he can feel my anxiety and frustration but he will never willingly admit it. I roll my eyes and furrow my brow at him to only watch him quickly advert his attention back to the front of the class.

I look over at Rosalie and glower at her. She is a frigid bitch that one is. And surprise, surprise she is Edwards sister.

He has a lot of siblings I guess you could say. See Carlisle Cullen (aka Doctor Please Fuck Me Now as I like to call him) is a vampire and made himself a little vampire family. Not being a mean vampire of course but helping them out so they wouldn't suffer from all their tragic could be ends of their lives.

So, yeah, he is their hero and adoptive father. Esme is the adoptive mother, and then there is Edward, Rosalie and Emmett (who are together as in mates for life) then there is Alice who left the family to "find herself" as she said. Leaving last, but not least.


The hot, moody, fuck-head of a lusty dream man I am obsessed with.

When Alice left Jasper he was heartbroken, a complete mess, and I guess you could say that is where the hatefulness began, but you see, he was always like that even when he and Alice were together.

When Alice left six months ago something in Jasper snapped and he became a complete asshole. At first I didn't blame him, but now I'm just sick of the stupid shit.


I turned my head to look at Jessica who thinks she is one of my best friends, but the truth is I can't stand that whiny bitch. She gets on my nerves like a damn fly does when it buzzes around your food for fucking ever.

"Yeah?" I ask trying to sound friendly. I think I glared at her a little bit.

"You coming to the movies with us tonight? I mean you and Edward?" She blinked a couple of times and did that stupid giggle of hers.

I wanted to slap her silly.

I shook my head. "No we have other plans. Sorry."

She frowned but nodded. "Okay. Next time."

I tried my best to smile, I really did, but I just did a weird nod, head shake thing and turned back to pay attention to Mrs. Stover the trig teacher.

Next time my ass.

After school I sat in the silence of Edward's car waiting for him to quit talking to Emmett and Jasper and get me the fuck away from this place.

Finally he opened the door and I watched Emmett and Jasper get into the Jeep and drive off.

"Rough day?" Edward asked with a slight smile on his thin lips.

I wanted to punch him but that would only give me a broken wrist if not arm.

"Isn't every day of high school rough?" I growled and shuffled down lower into the seat and stared out the window.

I heard his airy chuckle before he started the car and we drove off. "I guess if you make it that way. You used to like school and actually have fun. Now you don't."

I looked over at him and saw the concern in his eyes. I felt guilty for a minute and then remembered why I had become that way.

Like a selfish little bitch I wasn't getting what I wanted and I let it take over my life.

Oh, yeah, and I wanted his hot brother.

"I don't know either." I lied and returned to the window feeling my cheeks burn.

He took my hand in his and brought it to his lips to lightly kiss it. I looked up at him again and felt that familiar tug of love for him. Little things like that always make me remember why I love him.

"It will be alright Bella. Now lets go to my house." Edward said and gave me a sad smile.

I felt my stomach clench. His house. Which meant Jasper. Great.

His house also meant our regular routine. Or should I say our regular boring and frustrating routine.

Typical make out session but nothing further.


It always got heated don't get me wrong, but then Mr. Up Tight Pants would stop us.

At this point I was almost to the fucking breaking point.

I sighed and tried to enjoy the quiet ride to the Cullen house.

Once there I knew what awaited me.


At least Emmett was there. Emmett was like my big brother and I loved him to death. Rosalie hated me though so I wasn't happy to be seeing her, but I was use to her bitchiness.

When we walked in the first thing I heard was the blaring music. We entered the kitchen and then the living room to see Emmett and Rosalie making out on the couch and the couch was bending quite dangerously.

Wow. Now I had seen everything.

Once they heard Edward clear his throat they were apart in a flash and fixing their clothes.

Emmett was smirking the whole time while Rosalie looked as if she wanted to kill us. Well me at least.

"Sorry to have interrupted." Edward said smirking at the two.

"Don't worry bro we will pick right back up where we left off when you guys leave the room." Emmett winked at us and I blushed.

Rosalie hissed and vanished in a split second.

"Shit. See you guys later." Emmett said and ran after her.

Damn I wish that were Edward and me. Or rather someone elseā€¦.

I wanted to be physical with someone so bad it hurt. When you get so close multiple and multiple of times to only be told that we have to stop gets old pretty fucking fast and I end up getting pissed off and sexually frustrated.

"Well that was awkward." I said stupidly. I mentally smacked myself in the head.

Edward chuckled and intertwined our hands. "Come on. Lets go upstairs."

I tried not to get pissed off but it was hard not to. I didn't say anything. I only followed him up the stairs. At the top of the stairs is where I lost my footing and fell into someone hard and wet.

Yes, I said hard and wet.

I snapped my head up to see a half naked Jasper holding me in his arms. Instinctively I looked down to where the towel was wrapped securely around his waist.

Well damn the luck.

I felt the heat rising in my cheeks I was sure I was going to faint.

"Bella! Are you alright?" Edward asked taking me into his arms now. I missed Jaspers arms. They were so strong and so well defined. His whole body was well defined.

My throat was thick as I stared at his chiseled chest and abs. And my goodness those arms! I had a thing about guys' arms. I like them not skinny and not to beefed up either. Just defined in a nice way. And Jasper had perfect arms.

Edwards were a little on the skinny side.

"Bella answer me!" Edward snapped and I quickly looked up into his golden eyes.

"I'm fine. Fine." I croaked and turned around in his arms to stare at Jasper again who was standing perfectly still watching me.

Damn the guy had nice legs and even nice feet! Shit I needed help.

"Sorry Jasper." I said barely above a whisper but I knew he would hear me.

"You're apologizing for tripping?" He asked in disbelief. He shook his head at me. "Wow."

And there was the asshole coming out.

"She's definitely a winner Edward." Jasper spat and turned to walk into his room. Edward let out a low growl and in a flash he was standing in front of Jasper.

"How dare you Jasper!" Edward hissed and grabbed Jasper by the shoulders. But Jasper was quicker than Edward and before Edward or I knew what was happening Edward was on the ground flat on his back with Jaspers foot on his neck.

"You should know better." Jasper drawled with a sneer.

Holy shit I might just make a mess of my panties just yet.

My boyfriend just got told off and it was the hottest thing ever.

I focused my smoldering eyes on Jasper and I heard myself breathing heavily. He turned his cold eyes to mine and I swear I saw a smirk emerging on his hard face.

"What the fuck is going on up here?" Emmett yelled as he and Rosalie appeared on the top landing.

"Nothing." Jasper said and took his foot off Edward's neck and let Edward stand.

Edward was by my side in a split second and hugging me close to him.

What a pussy.

"You two grow up and quit fighting!" Rosalie snapped and started back down the stairs. Emmett glared at his two brothers before following Rosalie.

"Come on Bella." Edward said in a tight voice. He grabbed my hand and started to drag me towards his room.

I was still staring at Jasper who was still standing in the same spot with that damn towel still wrapped securely around his waist.

The damn thing didn't even budge an inch!

Just my fucking luck.

I opened my mouth to say something, what I was going to say I had to no clue, but I just gaped at the sexy piece of ass in front of me.

Just as Edward pulled me inside his room Jasper fucking hot asshole Hale winked at me.

I needed a new pair of panties and quick.

A/N: So what do you guys think? Good so far? I hope so! Show me the love in a review! Please? Pretty please with a hot Jasper on top?