"Listen here, mate. We aren't staying in Calico or anything of the sort." Murdoc began, taking a long drag from a cigarette he had lit up only moments before. He smiled in satisfaction. "I only need to switch out me car here for a better one, see? There's an exact replica of this car, only difference is that it has a better engine. Speed Racer, yeah?" He laughed, glancing in the rearview mirror to check on his latest captive. Ezekiel was sitting as far away from Noodle as possible, clutching his small bag in his lap tightly. "Hey, now, she won't bite." The bassist joked, finding the other man's current discomfort to be hilarious. If anything, this only made the man in back more nervous. The cyborg, as if picking up on his emotions, turned to look at him, grinning in a sinister way.

"Murdoc, why can't she sit up there with you?" Ezekiel whined. "She's scaring the pants off me."

"I should hope not, mate, because that would just be odd." Murdoc chuckled, running through a stop sign and taking a left turn, flipping the bird to the driver he had cut off. He turned the car sharply, causing 2D's head to crack against his window. "For Satan's sake…"

Murdoc pulled over to the side of the road so that he could lean over to 2D's seat without the risk of crashing the car. He pulled at a lever on the side of the singer's seat, reclining it so that he was leaning back slightly, making it less likely for him to hit his head again. Cursing again, Murdoc took to driving.

He sniffed once in annoyance. "Sometimes I wonder if the idiot is even worth the trouble…" The complaint was so quiet; it almost went unnoticed to the rest of the car. Noodle was the only one who heard him, though naturally, she did nothing. Blinking, she watched her creator through the rear view mirror, smirking. There was an agitated air about the green man, and every now and again his lip would twitch, as if he longed to let loose a string of foul curse words to anyone who would listen. Ezekiel kept his eyes trained out his window, occasionally glancing over to see if his friend had awoken before returning to stare at the scenery outside.

The young man pressed his forehead to the warm glass, sighing. "What have I gotten myself into?" he couldn't help but think. Here he was, held against his will with people, and a robot, that he barely knew, bound for what was essentially an unknown location. This Calico Ghost Town, where was it? Was it safe? "I've had enough trouble for today," he thought again, smiling a little despite the fact that he knew that there was nothing funny about it at all.

Roughly half an hour later, Murdoc sped into the ghost town, slamming the brakes roughly and sending the other passengers forward in their seats as he came to a sudden stop near the twin car. Ezekiel grabbed 2D by his shoulder, keeping the unconscious singer from falling forward with the momentum and smashing his face into the dash board. Too late, Ezekiel finally realized that Murdoc had failed to buckle 2D in due to the car lacking seatbelts. There was nothing he could do for it now though, and nothing serious had happened. Besides, there were matters that were a little more important to tend to, like the fact that the filming crew wasn't present, and the hail of gunfire that had suddenly decided to ambush the car. Apparently, their entrance was not a welcome one. Ezekiel ducked down, pulling 2D to the side so that he fell down as well. Murdoc had already taken cover, and was already barking orders to his creation in the backseat.

"Shit! Noodle, get the other car ready!" he shouted, receiving a nod in return because the cyborg could do little more than that. "Bring it around, and put the dullard in!"

"What about me?" Ezekiel shouted. "You don't expect me to stay here, do you?" That was exactly what the mad bassist had been planning, and it was made clear when Noodle grabbed the young man by his hair, slamming his head against his door with enough force to stun him before exiting the car to get to the other one. Along the way, she opened fire on several attackers, taking them out with ease. Murdoc tossed the keys out of 2D's broken window, immediately taking cover again as the bullets whizzed by. Like metal to a magnet, the keys were suddenly in the cyborg's hands, and she got into the car to take into a U-turn and retrieve 2D.

"Murdoc, why can't I go with you?" Ezekiel shouted again, holding his head. "They'll kill me if I'm left here!"

"You're an idiot, you know that?" Murdoc snapped. "Those are pirates out there, after me. They have no bleeding idea who you are."

"Why can't I go anyway?"

"Pfft, you really think I'd let you? One idiot is difficult enough to deal with as it is. I don't have the space or supplies to house another person anyway."

Noodle threw open 2D's door, dragging his limp body out and into the second car before slamming it and driving around to get to Murdoc's side. Meanwhile, the sides of the car were being decorated with fresh bullet holes, making the car look old and broken. When it was safe, the green man threw his door open, lunging to the drivers seat of the other car as Noodle took her place in the back seat.

"Give me some credit!" he yelled to Ezekiel, who had moved to the front of the cabin in an attempt to follow Murdoc out. "You'll be able to keep that car, and the pirates will leave when I do! I'm doing this out of the goodness of my heart!"

With a final cackle of madness, Murdoc floored the gas pedal, speeding off into the desert, where he hit a trigger and sent the car flying down the tired road at an impossible speed. True to his word, the pirates raced after him, traveling in a variety of vehicles, leaving Ezekiel alone. A ringing silence filled his ears, a final noise. There was no chance of him ever catching up to the other Stylo car, but he got behind the wheel of his new car anyway, only to find that it was conveniently out of gas, probably due to a stray bullet hitting the car in just the right spot. He had no choice but to get out and walk, stepping through stinky liquid as he quickly made his way into a building at random to get out of the sun. He pulled his cell phone out of his bag, he must have brought it out with him, but he couldn't remember doing so, and grinned when he discovered that he had service. He punched in a number before holding the device to his ear.

"Hello, I'd like to report a car chase out by Calico Ghost Town…" he began with uncertainty. Unknown to him, the man had just brought in what was to be part of the camera crew for the Stylo video, in the form of a single eyewitness. His call had been forwarded to a cop car that was already stationed in the area, and the calm voice on the phone assured Ezekiel that he would be able to stop the right car as soon as possible. What the voice failed to mention was that the lone cop was lazy, and cared more about his supply of doughnuts than anything else.


The pirates began to fall back one by one, until there was nothing left of them. Murdoc, relieved, switched to a more sane speed: eighty mph. It was nice then, no one chasing them with murderous intent and all. The windows were down in front, cooling the inside of the cabin off until Murdoc actually began to feel relaxed without the help of alcohol and women, a first.

"Agh, damn…" 2D was awake, instantly putting Murdoc in a sour mood. His green lip began twitching again as the singer bent forward, hiding his face in his hands. "My heads about to split in two, I swear…"

"If only" Murdoc muttered darkly, hitting 2D on his shoulder. "Quit your whining. See those copters and cars out there?" he pointed to a few of the flying machines, smirking as they his car shot past a fat cop standing by his car. The man of the law slid over the hood of the car to get back behind the wheel so that he could chase after the car he had been called about, though he failed terribly. "The video crew has finally caught up with us, the bastards. Remind me to fire them when we're done with this."

"Done with what?" 2D asked feebly, not bothering to look up just yet. Murdoc smacked his shoulder again.

"Done with what, is that what you said? The video, you twat!"

"Could we reschedule? I've this terrible hangover…" the singer complained, earning another hit to the shoulder. Groaning, 2D tilted his head up, allowing his hands to fall down slowly, catching on his lip before falling to his lap. Before him was a speeding car, sporting a large camera on the back of it. Murdoc commanded him to start singing, and 2D finally did when he was threatened with being kicked from the car while it was still speeding along. He gave in, singing in a half-assed way to show that he really didn't want to as he slouched back in his seat. Unable to help himself, he stuck his head out the window, checking out the film crew before popping his head back in. He kept at it when the sirens started up; he assumed it to be part of the video. Then Murdoc cursed and 2D knew that a potential savior was behind them. As he looked behind him, he saw it was only one cop, he noted the absence of a certain person. Noodle grinned at him in a horrific way, and he quickly turned back around, ducking down a bit. He could ask about that later.

"No, Noodle!" Murdoc suddenly snarled. He might have said more, but his voice was cut off by the sound of the cyborg shooting at something. The green man somehow managed to pull his creation back inside the vehicle, and the cop lost control of his own. 2D watched as the black and white car went off the road, slamming through a wooden billboard advertising Superfast Jellyfish. Severely confused, he glanced back at Murdoc who looked as confused as he was. The singer returned his gaze to the window, finishing up the main portion of his contribution to the song before Murdoc pulled him back into the car roughly.

"Stop staring out the window, it makes you look like some stupid dog or something."

"Who was he?"

Murdoc snorted. "Hell if I know, but it must have been important though; one of the cameras stayed back with him." he paused, returning his attention to the road before him, and the car fell silent, flying past a red car without a second thought, even after it started after them. It wasn't until the sky, starting from the mountains far ahead, began to grow dark, that the occupants of the Stylo car began to grow nervous. Noodle, sparking, straightened up and stared at 2D, as if she just knew this little blunder was his doing. Murdoc glared at him too, but this went unnoticed by the singer, who was staring out the window with a sorrowful expression that screamed the words why me? He seemed to have totally zoned out.

"Cut with the angst, dullard." Murdoc sighed, checking the rear view mirror once before tapping the other man on the shoulder. 2D came to life, turning around just in time to see the cyborg slump over.

"Murdoc, I think she, erm, died, or something." He said hesitantly, afraid to break the obvious news to the bassist. The green man grumbled, saying something about just leaving her there or something, which 2D was more than willing to do. He missed his cue to sing his next part, but that was understandable with the way things were quickly falling apart. Murdoc decided to edit that in later, he had a recording of the song already, so it was no big deal. He stared back into his mirror, trying to figure out ho was following them. They looked very familiar…

"It's Bruce!" 2D cried out, pointing to the offending red car. Murdoc had already seen the guy, obviously, but he couldn't make out who exactly it was until the singer pointed it out. How the singer, with his damaged eyes and idiotic brain, had figured this out so quickly was beyond the older man. More time to figure that out later, hopefully. Bruce was pulling up, so the cars were neck and neck. Murdoc was in deep shit, now more than ever as he saw the danger his broken band had somehow found itself in. The famous actor raised a gun at the Stylo car, aiming for the driver in such a way that it was more than obvious that he meant business, and the bassist did the only thing he could think of to protect himself from the bullets: press his back into the seat as far as possible and roll up the window like a madman. It worked for him, sort of, leaving 2D to dodge the bullets. 2D screamed, and they both ducked down.

"Murdoc drive the blasted car before he runs us of off the road!" 2D shouted, panicking as the car began to swerve. Both men were hunched down in their seats in an effort to protect themselves, making it rather difficult for Murdoc to see where he was going until he had the guts to raise his head back up. He cursed as Bruce rear ended him, mocking him almost. What was this guy's problem anyway?

2D was cowering in his seat, absolutely terrified, so he didn't see what happened next, and could only guess that a gun had been fired again. "We're going to die!" his mind screamed, and his hands began to shake.

"For Satan's sake!" Murdoc grumbled, his right hand leaving the wheel to press a red button. "Hang on, 2D!" The car roared, taking off once more at an insane speed. Surely, they were in the clear now, the red car was nothing more that a speck off in the distance. This was all very nice, but the Gorillaz were completely lost, they were never meant to drive out this far.

"Maybe someone in the crew will know where we are?" 2D asked weakly. Murdoc shrugged.

"Most of them are Yanks, locals, I hope." He said after looking behind him. The red car was nowhere to be seen. Murdoc chuckled. "Damn, that was a close one, wasn't it?"

"Too close, if you ask me." 2D said slowly. He would have said more if the car hadn't chosen at that exact moment to lunge forward. "Murdoc!"

Bruce was back, rear ending their car as if he were saying "I'm back, did you miss me?" They hadn't. Murdoc was shouting out curses by this point, desperately trying to right his car as it began swerving due to it's high speed and the constant hits from the red car. His efforts weren't enough, and he finally lost control altogether. Both men looked up just in time to see the ocean grower closer and closer, and then the car smashed into the water, momentarily stunning them. Numbly, Murdoc pressed another button on the dash board, somewhere near his knee. He felt the car transform into a submarine, and he began laughing hysterically, his body trying to rid itself of the sudden adrenaline rush. Madly, he slapped 2D in the back.

"Eh, that was something, wasn't it?" he said, grinning. 2D, not feeling too happy at all about the near-death experience, fainted on the spot, collapsing in a heap where his seat in the car had been. "Right…" the green man sighed, leaving 2D where he fell. Focusing on the controls, he brought the sub back to the surface, opening the hatch to face the camera crew. "That was something wasn't it?" he asked again, getting a more positive reply the second time around. "Yeah, well the idiot went and passed out, my cyborg is broken, but just think!" he waved his arms, pausing for dramatic effect.

"In a few months, we'll be doing this all over again!"


Edit: That's the final chapter! Thanks to all who left a review, or even better, added this story to their favorites!