AN: While I haven't really thought of the latest videos as actual music videos (more like stories or something, OMH definitely), this idea refused to die. This takes place around the time of the Stylo video, and is my first Gorillaz fanfic!

Disclaimer: I do not own Gorillaz. If I did, they'd have a video out for Empire Ants by now!

When Murdoc had first announced that they would be leaving the island to shoot a video, 2D had no idea what to say. For one thing, he was already shocked that the bass slayer allowed him to leave his underwater room for the entire day, as long as he stayed in the sight of his red and black eyes. In reality, Murdoc Niccals was only trying to get on his good side. 2D didn't mind this too much, because it would mean that Murdoc would see him if and when the whale decided to try and eat him. The vocalist shook his head, ridding the whale from his mind.

"Er, Muds? Does this mean that we're not coming back?" the bluehead asked hesitantly. "After the video, I mean." He added. Murdoc laughed, taking a swig of whisky.

"We'll see, Stu-pot, alright?" the other man lied easily. He could have easily told the idiot that he had no intention of staying away from the island for too long, and they would return to the floating landfill when the first opportunity came up. He grinned across the table to his singer, who looked away rather quickly. 2D was certain that his former friend was slightly drunk. He decided that now was the perfect time to give him some space. When he rose to leave the table, he was stopped by the android. She, the replica of Noodle, their guitarist, had been behind him the entire time. The man made a face when she grabbed his thin arm tightly.

"Murdoc, she's not coming with us, is she?"

2D's slight plea caused Murdoc to grin.

"Of course she is, dullard!" he laughed, taking a final large swig of his drunk. "What, you don't like her?" he demanded, eyes narrowing. There was a moment of tense silence, and then Murdoc rose from his seat. Even though he was shorter than 2D, he managed to tower over him. He grabbed the front of 2D's striped shirt, pulling him towards him.

"Noodle," Murdoc commanded, causing Noodle to chirp out a response before leaving the deck all together. "Now," he turned his attention to the man before him "What's your problem, mate? What's she done to you, eh?"

"Nothin', Muds! I-I'm sorry!" 2D stuttered, trying to get away from Murdoc. The last time he had gotten the bassist angry had resulted in him being locked in his room for days with no food. He had only the water from his sink in the bathroom to drink, and his pills. When Murdoc finally went to check on him, the singer was half dead, and slightly overdosed. Since then, Murdoc didn't allow 2D to carry his pills with him. If he had a headache, he would either have to ask nicely, or just tough it out. Murdoc huffed, releasing 2D by throwing him back into his chair. The singer's lanky form didn't agree with his sudden movement, and the chair tipped over backwards, breaking one of the back legs.

"Now you've done it, faceache!" roared Murdoc, advancing towards the singer. 2D cried out, scooting backwards to get away when Murdoc aimed a kick at his chest. He ended up backing himself up to the white wall of the deck. He shot to his feet, running off before Murdoc could do some serious damage. He failed to notice the replica just inside the doorway, until it tackled him to the ground, holding him down by pointing a gun to his head. By the time Murdoc finally wandered back in the doorway- having decided to take his time because he knew what Noodle had done and he wanted to make 2D suffer just for the fun of it- he laughed. There was his singer, lying on his back on the ground with a terrified look on his pale face. Noodle had knocked him down, and then sat herself on his legs, aiming the gun at his head, directly between his eyes.

"Well now, isn't this just sweet? You two are bonding, just like old times!" Murdoc laughed again. He took another swig of his drink, realizing too late that it was empty. With a sigh, he returned the arm to his side. "You should consider yourself lucky. She could've thrown you to the whale. Actually, she will-"

"Murdoc!" 2D cried out in horrified disbelief. Murdoc ignored him and continued speaking.

"-if you get too out of hand. But that needn't happen, right? I can't have my singer torn to shreds by some swimming cow now, can I?" he asked sweetly. 2D whimpered, shaking his head at the thought as his eyes began to sting. "What's this? You think you could? Well, let's see then."

"Murdoc, please don't! It's not what I meant!" 2D pleaded, though he knew that it was too late. Murdoc was too far gone to care, and it's not like he would have lifted a finger for him even if he was sober anyway.

The bassist seemed to have gone deaf to the other man. He began speaking to Noodle, who quickly got off 2D, put her gun away, and pulled him up. She had his arms pinned behind his back. At Murdoc's command, she began dragging him away. There was too much of a height difference to walk him away. The android led them back outside to one of the hills overlooking the vast sea. For the entire trip, 2D was screaming and struggling against the android, desperately trying to get away. He saw the bassist trailing after him, and he began shouting, begging him to stop the android. Murdoc shrugged, pretending to not hear his pleas. When the android stopped, 2D knew that they had reached the edge of the plastic hill. Below were the shore, and the sea. This was one of the best places to take a dive without landing on the shore below, because the land below didn't hang out too far. 2D tried one last time to break free. The android replied by twisting one of his arms, causing him to gasp in pain for a moment. She wouldn't let up until he relaxed, which he quickly found out. Expertly, the android spun her captive around so he was in front of her and standing. She adjusted her hold on him, pinning his arms to his sides as she held him tightly, prepared to lift him up into the air. He was shaking now. Murdoc suddenly appeared by his side, a strange whistle in one hand, empty bottle in the other.

"Please, Muds don't do this!" 2D begged. The green man only smiled back at him, a twisted Cheshire cat smile, raising the whistle to his chapped lips and blowing through it. Peering over the edge to the water, Murdoc's smile grew. The water had begun to bubble, and then a jet of air and water shot up. Noodle had edged 2D forward a bit, and he had seen it all. He was on borderline hysteria with tears running down his face. He bit back a sob when he finally saw the whale.

"Ready for a swim, mate?" Murdoc asked cheekily. 2D shook his head madly.

"Please, Murdoc, I'm sorry! I really am! Please, please don't do this!"

"Right. Well, get on with it, love." Murdoc waved a hand at his robot. Nodding, Noodle took a few more steps forward and raised her arms, hoisting 2D into the air. He was hanging over the edge now. When he looked down, he saw the whale there, swimming lazily in the water. He began screaming madly, flailing his limbs to break free and get back on to solid plastic land. Surely, he would be dropped in any second. He could already see himself falling down, crashing into the water. The whale would catch him in mere seconds. "Murdoc! Please!" he begged, his voice cracking. There was no reply. 2D let out a terrified sob as a strong wind stole the hat from his head. He watched it fly away, falling gracefully to the water below.

Suddenly, 2D felt himself being pulled back and dumped back onto the beach. His arms were free, and he hid his face in his hands, openly sobbing. Murdoc, having already called the whale off, looked down at his band mate in disgust. Using the toe of a Cuban boot, he pried one of the crying man's arms from his face. 2D let the arm fall to his side, where its fingers brushed against the fake grass. "Oi," the bassist said, voice slurred ever so slightly. "Get up." When he did not receive an answer, or any form of response really, he took matters into his own hands, pulling the man up by his shirt. "Shut it, you git!" he barked, shaking 2D roughly. "I wasn't going to throw you off, for fuck's sake!" 2D sniffed, wiping his nose before dropping his other hand to his side. He shakily asked why Murdoc had to act in the way he did. "You know that I don't like whales, Muds." He added weakly. Murdoc scoffed, saying that's exactly why he did what he did. 2D instantly felt a flare of anger, and his damaged mind went offline, letting his common sense go out the window. He shoved against the bassist, tearing his shirt in the process because Murdoc wouldn't let go of it easily. "Sod off, Murdoc." 2D said, turning to walk away. He was stopped by Murdoc grabbing his arm tightly.

"You little shit. Do you really think that you can just walk away like that?" Murdoc growled dangerously. 2D stiffened, realizing too late the mistake he had just made. The painfully tight grip on his arm became worse, earning a small cry of pain from the singer. He turned around to pull his arm free without twisting it, and was met with a punch to the face. The sound of crunching glass met his ears, and he realized that he had been hit with the glass bottle. From there, it only got worse. Murdoc hit him over and over again until the thick glass finally shattered against a frail shoulder. He cast the ruined weapon over the edge, knowing all too well that he could make 2D's injuries ten times worse with the broken glass. However, they had to shoot a video in a few days; he couldn't have his singer appear with too many injuries, people would ask questions. Besides, he planned on filming another video or two after that.

2D groaned, shutting his eyes tightly. Weakly, he asked if he could have some of his pills. Murdoc complied, tossing a few of the green and white capsules to the ground. 2D quickly picked them up, swallowing them dry. With a final punch, Murdoc barked at 2D, telling him to get out of his sight. "Murdoc, please, don't make me go back to my room."

"If you don't get out of here I will, faceache!"

The bluehead yelped when the Murdoc advanced towards him. He took off running, not stopping until he was at the lift. When the doors opened he threw himself inside, pressing the button to take him to the one of the floors he had never been to before, the engine room. It was better than being above ground, for that was where Murdoc would be, and far more enjoyable than his underwater prison, he hoped. When the lift stopped and the doors opened, 2D gratefully stepped out.

"Eh, that you, boss?" a voice asked. 2D yelped, jumping back and pressing his back against the cold metal of the lift door. He considered making a run for it then and there, before he was spotted by this new figure. There wasn't enough time to do anything though before Dave walked up to him.

"You're a mess. What happened to you?"

"Murdoc. Look, could you not tell him that I'm down here? Please?" 2D asked, edging away slightly. He had met Dave a few times before when a pipe or something had broken in his room, and he was certain that he was a murderer. He was about as creepy as Murdoc could be at times, and twice as friendly the rest of the time. Dave shrugged, not really caring.

"Why should I?" he questioned. 2D was quick to say that he could get him some tea. Dave nodded, pleased. "Right. Well, off with you." 2D smiled gratefully, walking quickly over to a piece of machinery to get an empty cup before going over to the fridge to fill it to the brim with tea. When he had turned around, Dave was suddenly behind him. Feeling a little uncomfortable to be this close to the killer, 2D did the only thing he could think of.

"Eh, here you go." he muttered, holding the cup out. Dave took it with a grin before going back to what he had been working on, leaving 2D to wander around the room. He took this opportunity to look for a way to call for help. Dave had already returned to working on whatever he had been previously working on. As he began to search the room, he tried to pass it off like he was just having a look around. Not that it really mattered; Dave wasn't even paying him any attention anymore. The singer made his way down to the lower level, looking through everything and knocking some stuff over in the process accidentally until he finally came across an old cord phone. There was no way to tell if it even worked, but 2D knew he had to at least try it. With a sigh, he picked up the phone with shaky hands, holding the piece next to his ear. He almost cried with relief when he heard the dial tone. Quickly, he thought of who he should call. It was lucky enough that the phone worked at all, considering where he was; hopefully he could call someone and be able to talk to them. He dialed the only number he could think of. Rachel Pot picked up on the third ring.

"Hello? Who is this?"


"Stuart? Where are you? Darling, your father and I haven't heard from you in months; where on earth have you been?"

"I'm with Murdoc-"

"Is this about your band?" Rachel asked softly, picking up on 2D's tone. "What's happened?"

"Mum, you know how I was in Beirut? I'm not there anymore. Murdoc wanted to start another album for Gorillaz. I told him I didn't want to be in it, all things considered."

"Stuart, where are you now? What did he do?" she demanded. 2D sniffed once.

"He came to my flat and had me gassed. When I woke up, I was on some island made of plastic. I've been here ever since. He forces me to sing for the new album. He's drunk most of the time here. I think he'll kill me if I try and leave." He sniffed again, absently touching the throbbing bruise on his face. A stunned silence on the other end of the phone met his ears. "Mum?" he asked.

"Stu-" Rachel began, her voice rising in fury. 2D never found out what she had been about to say, because the line had been cut short. The singer stiffened, finally noticing the presence of someone behind him. He remained silent even as Dave slowly reached around to grab the phone from him.

"No phone calls." He said flatly to 2D. "No calls. If the police get here, if they hear word that I'm here, someone's going to get hurt." 2D nodded fearfully, standing up and backing away. It didn't take much to realize that he would be the one who would get hurt. Murdoc was the one providing the income, and the android could shoot him down. As always, 2D was the weak link.

"I think it's time for you to leave now."

AN: A bit OOC in some parts, or a lot if you want to be serious, but still fun to write! If you ask me, the fic doesn't get interesting until somewhere between chapters three and four, meh…