Title: Oh God, Get Me Out!

Fandom: Axis Powers: Hetalia

Rating: T

Genre: Comedy

Pairing: Nothing in mind... but then again, you never know what'll happen in an elevator 8D

Summary: Okay, so, an Englishman, a Japanese, a Prussian, a Russian, and an Italian all walk into an elevator…

Disclaimer: I do not own the awesomeness that is Hetalia.

A/N: No, this had nothing to do with that 'Devil' movie preview I swear! XD I came up with this concept during a Writer's Group of mine, during an exercise requiring us to write a story of a character getting from point A to point B. My points were the top floor to bottom floor, and I used Hetalia characters… it took off from there. 8D Enjoy!

Oh God, Get Me Out!

By Triangular Prism

Chapter One: The setup

With a ding, and the smooth grating of stainless steel doors, the nation known as England stepped into the newly arrived elevator, sighing heavily. After the day's chaotic world meeting, he was dead tired, and looking forward to the fluffy bed of his hotel room. Now if he could just get out of this bloody building, first…

"Konbanwa, England," the soft voice greeted as Japan slipped through the elevator doors, which caused them to obligingly slide back to accommodate a new occupant.

"Oh, Japan. Good evening." The nation returned for politeness' sake, and fidgeted towards the close button.

There, now they were sliding shut again… he relaxed, waiting for the descent.

"Wait a moment!" A hand suddenly caught the doors, forcing them to a halt, as Russia made his entrance into the small space. England's impatience sparked a little more, but he tried to ignore it, simply gritting his teeth as he nodded an acknowledgment to the tall nation. Everyone was just trying to leave, after all… Russia smiled in response, and moved to the side. Maybe this time the doors would close, already…

"Veee~! Hold the doors! Wait for me!"

He'd spoken too soon. Italy was dashing towards them, waving his arm in an effort to gain attention, and in response (before England could do otherwise) Russia helpfully hit the Open button, allowing the fourth passenger inside.

"Thanks! Ciao, everyone!" The others made their greeting, but this time, certainly not England.

"Let's just leave already," He muttered under his breath, and jabbed the Close command.


Just as the doors began to shut yet again, England jerked up to see at the very end of the long hallway in front of them, none other than Prussia… who was currently in a dead sprint towards the rapidly closing elevator. This time, however, England was not so accommodating.

"Take the stairs! We aren't bloody waiting for you!" He yelled through the shrinking line, as the other occupants shifted, but did nothing. Russia seemed amused.

"WHAT? THAT IS SO UNAWESOME, YOU-" Prussia was yelling, accelerating his speed yet clearly not going to make it.

The doors were seconds away from closing, and it seemed that at the moment the elevator would leave with its four passengers, when all of a sudden, a hand jammed itself through the scant space in such a way that everyone jumped, mildly shocked. The damn doors slid open for the last time, and revealed the scene:

Prussia had apparently thrown himself the last few feet to the elevator and stuck his hand out in desperation. He was now lying flat on the floor, in a position that looked painfully stretched out, and grinning like a madman.

"Bastard. You can't keep out the awesome Prussia!" he crowed, and just like that, tucked his hand behind his head and turned his landing into a sexy pose, much to England's horror.

"Just get in the elevator, you git, before I have to shut these doors by force!" he seethed, as laughing all the way at his victory, the albino nation was on his feet and striding inside.

The doors shut all the way at last, and they were on their way.

"So, anyway…Sup Italy! Japan, and… oh. Russia." Prussia was saying loudly, oblivious to the fact that England was massaging his temples and trying not to speak. Only fifteen floors… fifteen of them before blessed freedom from this blasted building…

"…And then I was going to make pasta for Germany, 'cause he looked really stressed out after the meeting, and…"

"I'm sure he will enjoy it, Italy-San."

"EEYAAH! Stay away from me, you creeper!"

"I did not move."

"Would you all just shut UP?" England snapped, causing a temporary lull in the chatter that had risen in the small space, since it was getting to his head and all he wanted to do was go home and sleep…

All at once the floor shuddered, and with an earsplitting screech, ground to a abrupt halt. England found himself thrown off balance as the lights blinked out, resulting in a scant second of utter confusion.


"What the-?"


"Bloody hell—!"

The lights came back on. Italy was clutching wide-eyed to a disgruntled Japan, while Russia had steadied himself against a corner, gazing around with evident puzzlement. In the very center of the space Prussia stood rigid, steadying himself with outspread hands as for once, his cocky grin was momentarily missing.

"The hell just happened?" he grunted, and with a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach, England slowly looked at the dial above the stainless steel panels. The light, the wonderful light that told them of their current position between floors, was gone.

"Well." Russia spoke up cheerfully in the dead silence that followed, seemingly unaffected by the whole thing, and dropped the bomb on all of them.

"It seems we are stuck, da?"

So it begins. Thank you for reading, hope you stay~

-Triangular Prism-