Written for Tom Felton's Birthday...Enjoy! DON'T OWN IT
Dear Hermione,
I'm not gonna say my name or my family or what house I'm in. I don't think I should, it would cause too much trouble.
I have tried to get up the nerve to say this to you for years…but I never could. Whenever I see you, you are always surrounded with people.
I love you Hermione Jean Granger.
I have since fourth year at the Yule Ball. I saw you in that periwinkle dress and then I saw you with Krum and I was so jealous I realized I loved you. And I still love you.
I thought it was a crush in third year, and I tried to ignore it but it never went away. The rose is for you. A friend told me that you loved white roses because it reminded you of your home. I hope you like it.
Don't try to figure me out because you never will. I will always be there for you. In your mind and heart. Just give my owl a letter whenever you're down.
I know that you like Ron Weasley. Trust me, you're too good for him.
Your Secret Lover
(Wow that sounded cheesy)
Hermione had been trying to figure this letter out for days. Despite the fact that the letter says not to figure him out, she will.
She received the letter by eagle owl on Tuesday and it's Saturday now. Hermione has shown the letter to her friend Ginny Weasley.
"Well, obviously he doesn't want you to know who he is." Ginny stated matter-of-factly during dinner one evening.
"No? I hadn't noticed." Hermione said sarcastically.
"He probably is in a different house. And loves you. Secretly." Ginny smirked.
"How many people do you know who are like that?" Hermione asked.
"Well, there's…there's….I don't know."
"Don't know what?" Harry asked as he sat down next to Ginny.
"Nothng Harry." Hermione said.
"Hi Harry." Ginny said dreamily. "Hi Ginny." Harry said awkwardly.
Hermione rolled her eyes. Why won't they admit that they have feelings for one another? She asked herself. Hermione was the only one who knew of both Harry and Ginny's feelings for each other. She turned her attention to Ron, who was shoveling food into his mouth. "Gross," said Hermione.
"Sory," Ron said, shoveling more food into his mouth. The Weasley stomach. Where do they put it all?
We finished dinner and the two girls went upstairs to talk more about the letter. "Sooo...we got a few hints in the letter. And we should start working." Hermione said.
"Didn't the letter say not to try snd find out who he was?"
"Snce when do I pay attention to other people's directions other than my own or the books?"
"Oh. And what does the book say about this problem?" Ginny asked sarcastically.
"Figure out who is in love with me!" Hermione yelled.
A/N: Know its short. Kinda like a prologue if you will. Questions for you:
1. Should I continue this story?
2. Any ideas on who the mystery lover is? (Its pretty obvious...)
3. What do you think of the begining?
4. How many chapters should this story be?
5. If I continue this story, should it be a happy ending or a sad ending?
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