Ok so this is my very first fanfic…so please no flames. Although constructive criticism is allowed. Now please enjoy my fic.

Disclaimer: I don't own a witch's tale

Mark of the Vampire

Chapter1: Spring Break

Liddell walked down the pumpkin path on her way back to her dorm room. Classes had just ended for the day and she could have cared less about them. Ever since her so-called dream, Liddell has found school even more boring than before. She knew something was up the moment she woke up in the library. Even though she couldn't remember the whole dream she was still left with the feeling that it actually happened.

To prove it a lot of things have been different since that day. For starters, she finds her Dayna is now gold, there is a pendant around her that she did not have before and…, she stops and looks up at the trees to a bat looking at her, that bat has been following her around lately. She remember from pieces of her dream that there had been a bat following her around but she had a feeling that it was more friendly than what it looked to be. She had a feeling it was something more friendly and reliable, yet for some strange reason she had this urge to hit it with her umbrella. She sighed and turned away from the bat and continued to her dorm.

The dorms were in frenzy due to everyone getting packed and out the doors for spring break. For the next week the school will be completely deserted with the exception of a very few number of students. Liddell considered herself amongst those lucky few. Since most of the teachers would be gone too, you can pretty much get away with just about anything you want. As Liddell arrived at her room she found her own roommate, Kitty, getting her own stuff together. Kitty looked up as her friend entered the room.

"Liddell!" she yelled as she ran to give her best friend a hug. "Are you sure you don't want to come with me during the spring holiday, my parents don't mind?"

"And give up my all access pass to do whatever I want. No thanks."

"You always say that. I just thought you'd like a change since you're inside this school year round."

"I may not have a family to go home to like everyone else but that doesn't mean I'm going to sit around and mope when there's fun to be had instead."

Liddell crossed the room to go to the small balcony and laid her head on the railing. Truth was it did upset a little not having a family. She knew all she had was her mom, but she dropped Liddell off at this school and never came back for her. She looked up from her thoughts to see the bat starring at her. She sighed and held out her hand. The bat flew from its perch and landed in the palm of her hand. Liddell then began to stroke its head. She was suddenly overcome with the feeling that she knew this bat and felt she could trust her very life to it. She turned around and saw that Kitty was done with her packing and was ready to go.

"Alright then, looks like I'll be going now. Are you sure you don't want to come?" Kitty asked making one last desperate attempt.

"I'm positive. Now go before I literally light a fire under your butt."

"Ok! Just promise me you won't get into too much trouble."

"Fine, I promise."

With that Kitty left and Liddell was left alone in the room. Liddell looked down at the bat in her hands and it looked up at her with sadness in its eyes.

"Don't give me that look; I don't need sympathy from a bat!"

She tossed the bat outside then flopped down on her bed. The school wouldn't be empty until later tonight, so for now she would take a nap. As soon Liddell slip into her sleep, the bat turned into a handsome young man.

"Still vicious." He said. He crept into the room and looked at the sleeping little witch. He placed a hand to her forehead and said "alright Liddell it's time for you to remember who I am."