It occurred to me the other day, as I sat down to write yet another "female OC, minor character perspective on LOTR" story, that I was wasting my time. Yes, I have a hopeless fixation on "Lower Decks" style stories (for those who don't watch Star Trek: TNG, "Lower Decks" is the episode shot entirely from some junior officers' POV. Sort of a "Mary Sue done right" kind of thing.) No, I can't write male perspective for love nor money, as a rule, so all my original characters are female. And yes, I'm aware how overused and pathetic both are, no matter how good the writing is. But, I am who and what I am, so I write what I know.

That said, as I mentioned, it occurred to me that I am wasting my time with this. Why create new characters when there is so much of the canon characters' lives left untold? So, as GoldenWolf with "The Heir" (an incredible author, read her work if you have not yet done so), I present for your consideration the tale of the life of Eowyn, Lady of the Shield- Arm, White Lady of Rohan. May my endeavor do justice to this most incredible of women!

By the way, I WANT REVIEWS! I want good reviews, bad reviews, flames, fawning, any and all types of reviews. I want to know where my facts are incorrect, where my grammar is bad, how my characterization is, constructive criticism, swearing, helpful hints, reassurance, all of it! I want to know what you love, what you hate, what I've screwed up on, what I'm spot-on with. I cannot improve as a writer without input, so I want the input, good, bad and indifferent. I furthermore promise, if you review my work, I will track down, read and review yours in return, if you ask me to. Be honest, be frank, and above all, BE REVIEWING!!!! This goes for anything I've written, but this work especially. Eowyn deserves the best I can give, and I must know if I am accomplishing that goal. My most heartfelt thanks in advance.

GreyLadyBast, 2002

P.S. I will not interrupt the flow of this story with continued disclaimers. All standard disclaimers, credit, and praise are hereby awarded to the appropriate parties, first, foremost and especially the incomparable J.R.R. Tolkien, without whom this work, and my life-long love affair with both high fantasy and kick-ass women, would not be possible. Tolkien is the acknowledged Father of Modern Fantasy. Praise him with Great Praise!