Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight

Taylor POV

We were running patrol and all Seth could think about was Carley this and Carley that. I mean sure, she was hot (at this thought Seth growled) and cool to hang out with, but I just don't get the thing about imprinting. I don't understand why one would want to be held down so permanently so fast, without even knowing the girl in some cases.

'You'll get it once you imprint,' Seth assured me. I snorted.

'Yeah, right, Seth, I will never imprint,' I thought adamantly. I preferred to be free. He let out a barking laugh.

'It's not something that you can control,' he told me, and I just ignored him. Apparently, Carley had a friend from back home that was moving to Forks and she was coming today. Seth wanted to meet her, so I decided to tag along. Hey, maybe she would be hot! Seth growled again. I just rolled my eyes.

About a half-hour later, patrol was over and we were on our way to Carley's place. I liked going there, it was cool. Her mom was just like mine, in the way that she was kind and caring. Her sister was hilarious, and she knew how to use her cuteness. I was glad that Seth had imprinted on Carley; things were a lot more fun with her here.

We walked up to the front porch and noticed a new car in the drive; the new chick was here. We let ourselves in (Penny didn't mind) and yelled out a hello to Penny, and she replied. Carley's room was the second door on the left, so we knocked on the door to announce our arrival and opened the door. I had a tug in my stomach pulling me to the room, and when we opened the door, I knew why.

There was the most beautiful girl sitting on the bed, cross-legged, talking to Carley with an amazing smile that lit up her face. She was of normal completion: not to pale, but not to tan, either. She had freckles all over her cheekbones and blond curly hair that were in perfect ringlets down to her chin, but just barely. Her face was round, but she wasn't overweight or too skinny. She was perfect. I already loved her, and I would never look at another woman again, not with her around, or far away. It was then that I realized what had happened. I had imprinted. I now knew how the other guys meant when they said it was the most amazing thing in the world. I could never regret it. I noticed Seth say hello, but I didn't realize that, I only noticed the connection when her beautiful brown eyes met mine. It was amazing; it was like there was an electric current going between us.

My imprint looked away, blushing. She looked adorable, but I was annoyed that she wasn't looking at me. She looked around the room with a shocked expression on her cute face, and I melted. I faintly heard Carley talking to my soul mate and I only realized that I should pay attention when she said an unfamiliar name. Stacie. Her name was Stacie. It was perfect for her. It was adorable and cute, just like her. I loved it.

"Stacie," I murmured gently. I loved how it felt on my lips. She looked up at me through her eyelashes and had a blush creeping up her cheeks. It was irresistible.

"Oh, boy, are we as bad as that?" Seth asked Carley, rolling his eyes. I decided that this was my way to get them back for all the mushiness, even though that that is what my Stacie and I would be like in the future.

"Yes," I told them, still keeping my stare on Stacie. She had an adorable pout on her face and as she voiced her confusion.

"Okay, I have no idea what is going on," she said, and it dawned on me that I would have to tell her everything, so I abruptly turned green. I felt sick.

"You will!" Carley sang in a cheery voice. At least one of us was excided about ruining my life. Seth gave me a sympathetic look, probably thinking about how he felt when he told Carley about the whole werewolf thing. I just hoped that I would have as good as a reaction as Carley had. Seth laughed and his imprint whacked him on the back of the head. I was tempted to thank her, but I refrained. At least someone felt sorry for me.

Stacie still looked confused, but seemed to let it go. She looked back at me with a dreamy look on her face, and I hoped that she felt the same way about me as I did her. My Stacie.

Stacie POV: (YAY! My BFF's point of view! This is for you, Stacie! Luv You! PS, this is not where Taylor's POV let off, just to let you know)

I was so excited to see Carley again; it had felt like forever since I had seen her! I would miss my other friends back in Texas, but at least I wouldn't have to start all brand new, since I already had a friend close by, though I was still bummed that I wouldn't go to the same school as her. Well, maybe she had friends who lived in Forks.

We pulled up to a quaint little house, and I knew that it was totally a Penny house. She loved rustic things, and this defiantly fit the description. I hopped out of the car and ran to the front door, not even waiting for the car to completely stop. I faintly heard my mom and dad yelling at me, but I didn't really pay attention

. I rang the doorbell and seconds later my best friend was standing in front of me, looking the exact same, except she seemed…happier. She was glowing, and I wondered why that was. She had been depressed for a while, and it had taken some time to find the right meds to balance her out, but I loved and supported her anyway. I was overjoyed, not only to see her, but to see how well she was doing here. She promptly threw herself into my arms and we hugged and jumped around in circles squealing for what seemed like hours.

We got tired soon and she dragged me to her new room, and we gossiped and talked and caught up for awhile. Soon we were interrupted by two very delicious boys standing in her doorway. They were both not wearing any shirts, and I wondered how Penny let them in the house like that. Maybe they had just got back from swimming? They were obviously native, having dark skin and hair, and it looked like they could be brothers, only one had dark brown eyes and one had the most beautiful blue eyes I had ever seen. He was very muscled and looked about seventeen, they both did, but I couldn't stop staring at the blue-eyed hot guy, and it looked like he couldn't stop looking at me, either.

Carley went to stand next to the dark-eyed boy, and he put his arms around her, as she did him. Wasn't he, like, seventeen, and what about Seth? Carley seemed to glow even brighter with him by her side. They were looking at each other with pure love in their eyes. She looked back at me and giggled.

"Stacie, this is my boyfriend, Seth, and this is one of his friends, Taylor." I heard her introduce me to the boys, but I was too caught up in my thoughts to listen to what she was saying about me. My first thought was 'this is Seth?' Carley said that Seth was 15, and this guy looked like he was 17! It was then that I realized that if he made her happy, it didn't matter how old he looked, and he was pretty hot. He seemed nice, too, and it looked like he just adored her from what I could tell. Carley made a pretty good choice, and I approved. My next thought was 'my blue-eyed boy is named Taylor'. It suited him perfectly. He was perfect. Everything about him.

"Stacie," Taylor said softly and gently, caressing my name with his full lips. Oh, how I wanted to press my own to his!

"Oh, boy, are we as bad as that?" Seth asked Carley. What? As bad as what?

"Yes," Taylor (I loved that name!) replied to the question that wasn't his to answer. He was just like me! I still had no idea what was going on.

"Okay, I have no idea what is going on," I told them, hoping for an answer.

"You will!" Carley sang. Great, she was being cryptic! I hated her little games! Seth laughed at her and she hit him on the back of his head in a way that should have hurt, bad, but he seemed unaffected. Weird, but whatever. He laughed, but I just kept staring at Taylor, probably looking like a crazy person. With that thought, I snapped out of it.

"Oh, right, well, I'm Stacie, but you probably already know that," I mentally slapped myself, of course they knew that, Carley just told them, "and you must be Seth, right? Carley can't stop talking about you!" I told them, trying to embarrass her, and I think that it worked, because she blushed like crazy. Carley then got a evil gleam in her eye. Seth must really know her well, because he got really nervous when he saw that look on her face. I was promptly shivering in fear. Taylor didn't seem to understand what was going on, so he just kept staring at me, and I'm okay with that.

"Hey, ya'll, let's go down and show Stacie the beach!" she smirked. So this is the way that she would get back at me. Well, mission accomplished! She knew that I hated guys, especially hot guys like Taylor, seeing me in a bathing suit. I was too fat to look good in one. I shook my head violently, hoping not to get whiplash. Carley just grinned evilly and the boys thought that it sounded like a good idea. When Taylor saw that I had a problem with it looked like he was going to say something, but was cut off by Carley.

"Great, it's settled! Let us get dressed and we can be there in, like, five minutes." She pushed the boys out of the door, but they both looked reluctant to leave, especially Taylor. It looked like he was in pain, and I felt the same pain as he did. I wanted to go by his side and never leave.

When the boys were out of the room she went to her dresser to pick out a bathing suit. I took this opportunity to convince her not to go. I could persuade her to do anything.

"Carley, you know that I don't like to be in my bathing suit and I definitely don't want to be in front of Taylor! Did you see how hot that guy is?" I thought I heard Carley mumble something along the lines of 'you have no idea', but I was focused on a more important thing. She sighed.

"Stacie Ann," uh-oh, I knew she meant business when she used my middle name, "you know that you look great in anything, and you have great taste, and something tells me that Taylor would love anything you wore. Did you see the way he was looking at you? He really likes you, I can already tell," she told me with a knowing smile, like she knew what was going on. Carley and I never kept secrets from each other, so this kind of worried me, but I shrugged it off. There were more pressing issues. Carley handed me a brown tankini with small yellow hearts on it and a low v-neck. It was really cute, and it matched my eyes and hair, plus it covered my stomach. She chose her favorite pink one and we walked out of the room. I had given up on trying to get out of this.

We walked out of the room and the boys gawked at us and we both blushed. Maybe Carley was right. Seth went over to Carley and gave her a sweet peck on the cheek, probably not wanting to go in full make-out mode in front of us. They were so cute together, and I had the urge to go 'aww!', but I refrained. I really loved real life romance, and this was the epitome of it. Taylor couldn't stop looking at me, and vice versa. He was just so hot!

"Okay, everyone, lets go!" she exclaimed and ran out of the room, Seth right on her tail. I stayed back with Taylor. He cleared his throat awkwardly.

"So, um, I'm, um, Taylor," he stuttered. It was really cute. I giggled.

"Stacie Trees," I introduced myself. He beamed so bright that it rivaled the sun. I nearly swooned.

"So, you just moved here?" he asked. I smiled at him.

"Yeah, my dad got a job transfer." He looked so grateful for that fact. I was, too. After that the conversation flowed smoothly. He was so sweet and funny. I didn't have to worry about Carley interrupting me because she was having a full on water war with Seth. They were so cute together. Though, Taylor and I would look much cuter together. We flirted shamelessly, too. He was, like, perfect.

"So, Stacie, I know that we just met and everything, but would you like to go on a date with me?" he asked nervously. I just beamed and said 'yes'. He looked like he had just won the lottery. I can't wait for Saturday!