Title: For Family
Summary: Gibbs speaks about the unspoken rule.
Disclaimer: NCIS is not mine. I'm just borrowing the concepts and characters for a little while.
Spoilers: 7.24 Rule 51; 8.1 Spider and the Fly
A/N: A few lines of dialogue from the episode written by Gary Glasberg were respectfully borrowed….
No beta. All mistakes are mine. First time writing Franks so I hope he's not too OOC.
Taking another sip of his bourbon, Gibbs mentally reviewed the conversation he'd just had with Franks.
Do what you have to for family.
What rule is that?
The unspoken one.
Franks' voice brought him out of his reverie.
"Spit it out Probie."
Apparently, thought Gibbs, Franks can still read me pretty well.
He tilted his head to the side and looked his old Boss in the eyes and said, "Did you know it was a trap?"
"Thought it might be."
Gibbs narrowed his eyes and slowly brought the glass to his lips to take another drink. Pausing with the glass hovering just before his mouth, Gibbs said, "Thanks for what you did back there."
"What're you talkin' about Probie? I was just tryin' to get a little revenge for them burning down my place!"
Gibbs only said "Mike" out loud, but his tone implied – Cut the crap.
Franks stopped his lame explanation and smirked.
Gibbs quietly began speaking, "You sprung a trap and saved a member of my family from an ambush, getting wounded and nearly killed in the process." He paused, trying to gain some measure of control over his emotions before finishing, "I owe you one."
"No. No you don't. Your Rule 44 warning saved my girls. I was just returning the favor with your boy."
Gibbs let a small smile break free as he said, "I don't think DiNozzo would appreciate being considered one of the 'women and children'."
"Nope," returned Franks with a grin as they clinked glasses together in a silent toast to family and doing what you have to for them.
The end.
A/N: Rule 44: First things first, hide the women and children.
I know. It's a bit short, but heck I'm just happy I could finally finish a story no matter its length. I've had this weird partial writer's block for months now where I've not been able to finish any of the multiple stories I've started….
Thanks for reading!