Jane Rizzoli walked into her apartment and quickly went to change into shorts and very baggy t-shirt. She walked back to her living room and collapsed on the couch, hoping to catch the highlights from the game. Ten minutes later she heard a knock on the door. She groaned and walked over to the door. She looked at the peep hole and shook her head. She opened the door.

"You see about an hour ago when you said 'I'll see you around' I thought there was going to be a larger lapse of time, Gabriel." She said as she let Gabriel Dean into her apartment. Little Joe Friday came running and started licking his hands. "Traitor." She mumbled to her dog. He bent down and patted his head.

"Well I came to a conclusion." He said as he sat on the couch.

"And that would be?" She asked as she grabbed two beers and handed one to him.

"You said you weren't ready for a guy like me but I don't think that's it. You don't like being worried about but that's going to happen regardless. I've seen Dr. Isles, Detective Frost, and Detective Korsack get worked up and worried. Even your brother worries. They worried about you like you were the only thing that mattered. All four of them would risk their careers and lives for you. What's wrong with adding one more to the list?" He asked as he held her hands. "To be honest I worried about you anyway. Even when Hoyt wasn't a problem." He added. She sat there and tried to process everything he was saying. He was right. Frankie, Barry, Vince, and Maura would and have risked stuff for her. Maura offered to shoot a gun for her, Frankie has stayed up to keep watch for her, Korsack has risked his life for her, and Frost he would do anything to help her.

"Gabe." She sighed. "You're going to get aggravated when, and I say when I go in without back up. You're going to get mad that I don't see a problem with it and will justify the hell out of it." She said. He pulled her closer.

"You're right. I am going to get mad and I'm going to beg you to wait for back up next time. But I do the same thing. You're going to get mad if you find out I went into a building with a bomb in it. You'll get pissed if I don't let you know I have to go after a terrorist, but we can make this work. This goes at your pace, but let us at least try." He said. She sighed and leaned against his chest as he wrapped his arms around her.

"Our first date doesn't have to be an autopsy right?" She asked. He laughed.

"Damn I was so looking forward to that." He said. She sat up and smiled at him.

"I'm sure I can work something out with Maura." She said. He laughed again and brushed some hair out if her face.

"Sounds like a plan. So how about we have dinner tomorrow night?" He asked. She smiled. She leaned in and kissed him.

"What about breakfast?" She asked as she kissed him again. He smiled, but shook his head.

"I think dinner is good. I don't want to rush things." He said. He looked at her and smiled. She sighed. She knew what it had sounded like when she asked for breakfast and she would have had sex with him. Yeah he was incredibly handsome and she cared for him. Sex would not have been a chore either and she was pretty sure she would thoroughly enjoy sex with Special Agent Gabriel Dean. But this time in all honesty she just wanted him there. This time with Hoyt had really scared her even more that Frankie had been involved. She could have died. Frankie could have died. Frankie's heart had been toyed with to get to her. She knew as long as Hoyt was still alive he would try and go after her. She just needed to be held tonight. But the last thing she wanted to do was look weak to him. She kissed him again. He pulled her close and shifted her so he could lay them down on the couch. They made out like a pair of teenagers. Gabriel sat up and ran a hand through his hair. Jane propped up on her elbows.

"What? What's wrong?" She asked. He sighed and stood up. He grabbed his coat, which had somehow wound up on the floor over a sleeping Joe Friday. He smiled at her.

"Nothing's wrong." He said as he kissed her forehead. "Look I don't want to do anything you'll regret." He said. He started to go for the door. She jumped off the couch.

"Wait!" She yelled. He turned around and smiled at her. "I just wanted you to stay the night. I just need you. I need to know I'm safe." She said quietly, looking down at her scarred hands. He let his head drop. He couldn't believe what he was thinking about her. He walked over to her and pulled her into a hug.

"Oh god Jane. I'm so sorry. I just assumed that you wanted to… god I'm sorry." He said. He just stood there and let him hold her.

"Oh don't get me wrong I had every intention of sleeping with you if that's what you wanted." She said with a smile. He kissed her fully on the lips.

"Tonight I just want to hold you and let you know that no matter what, you're safe with me." He told her. She wrapped one arm around his neck while her other hand found his tie. She laughed and pulled him to the bedroom. He smiled and stumbled after her, tossing his coat on the couch.

Jane Rizzoli woke up to someone kissing her neck. She turned and smiled at the handsome face looking at her. She hadn't slept that well in god knows how long. She smiled and placed a hand on his cheek. He pulled her closer and wrapped his arms around her.

"Good morning, Beautiful." He said with a smile. She smiled and laid her head on his chest.

"So much for taking things slow." She said with a small laugh. He smiled and began to kiss her neck.

"What can I say? You're very convincing." He told her. Joe Friday jumped up on the bed and began to lick the both of their faces. They both laughed and rubbed Joe Friday. Gabriel sat up, leaning against her head board. Jane sat up leaning her head against his chest.

"Oh please like you really needed much convincing." She said. He wrapped his arm around her shoulder. "It was more like 'I don't want to rush things.' 'But I do.' 'Okay.' Yeah I really had to twist your arm." She said with a laugh. He laughed and reached over for his boxers and slid them on.

"Yeah well you're gorgeous when you're desperate." He said as got out of bed.

"Desperate?" She asked as she threw a pillow at him, which made contact with the back oh his head. He laughed and turned around. He looked at her. She was sitting up in bed, her hair was a mess, and she had the sheet wrapped around her. He kneeled on the edge of the bed and pulled her close. She easily came to him. He kissed her with everything he had. She sighed against his kiss and pulled him on top of her. She tilted her head to deepen the kiss. She had to admit the Gabriel Dean was one hell of a kisser. He flipped them so she was on top. He intertwined their fingers and gently bit her bottom lip. She moaned and broke the kiss. She grinned at him. She knew the way she affected him. She got off of him and wrapped the blanket around her. She looked at his boxers. "Now who's desperate?" She asked as she started to leave the bedroom. Gabriel jumped up and grabbed her from behind. "Gabriel!" She yelled. They both laughed as they fell on the bed. She looked at him and started to think. She hadn't had this much fun with another man ever. She wasn't even thinking about last night. Just in general the only other man she had that banter with was Frankie and sometimes, Frost. Gabriel kissed her forehead. She could get used to this, but did she want to. She looked at him and saw something in his eyes. Adoration and respect. Oh yeah, she definitely wanted to. She smiled and kissed him.

"As fun as this is I would love to make you breakfast." He said to her. She raised her eyebrows.

"You can cook?" She asked. 'Well damn.' She thought.

"I'm a single guy Jane, of course I can cook. I can do more than toast and boiled water." He said as he sat up and tossed her baggy t-shirt to her.

"You should hang out with Frankie." She called after him. She put her hair up into a messy ponytail and walked into the kitchen. She smiled when she saw The Special Agent clad in only boxers at her fridge. She walked over to the coffee maker and started the coffee.

"Is your brother really that bad?" He asked as he pulled out eggs and some vegetables she didn't remember buying. She laughed.

"Oh yeah. He burns toast and I'm pretty sure he's even burnt butter." She said. Once the coffee was being made and she could smell it, it truly was the start to her day. She sat on the counter next to her stove. "So what are you making, Iron Chef?" She asked as she leaned forward by placing her elbows on her knees. He smiled.

"I was thinking of an omelet with that cheddar cheese you have in there and some of these green peppers and tomatoes." He said.

"Wow you really do know how to cook." She said as she picked up a piece of the pepper he was cutting. "What time do you have to leave?" She asked. She knew it was coming.

"Um I'm not. I was transferred to the Boston Bureau. That's how I found out about Hoyt so quickly. I've been here for about three days." He said. She smiled. She heard a knock on the door. She sighed and jumped off the counter.

"Hold on." She said. She looked at her legs and decided she didn't need shorts since her shirt came down to her knees. She looked at the peephole and groaned. She opened the door and leaned against it.

"Hey Ma." She said. Her mom smiled. She was glad that her Janey was ok.

"Hi Jane. Are you going to let me in?" She asked. Jane looked back and saw her boxer clad FBI agent. She stepped closer to block her mother's view.

"Um now isn't the best time." She said. Her mother craned her neck to try and see what Jane was hiding.

"Why not? You're off today and I just want to check up on you." She said as she tried to step inside. Jane blocked her again.

"Ma really? Wait how did you know that I was off?" She asked.

"I called your desk and Detective Frost told me that you're Captain ordered that you take the weekend off." Angela said as she tried to look into Jane's apartment.

"Yes I am off but I'm a little busy right now. I'll call you later I promise." She said.

"Breakfasts ready Jane!" Gabriel called from the kitchen. Jane sighed and hung her head. Angela's eyebrows shot up. She peered over Jane's bowed head. She saw the half naked man tossing an omelet on to a plate.

"Who is that, Jane?" She whispered. Jane groaned and stepped out into the hall.

"Alright give me a second." She yelled back. "Alright listen he is a friend of mine and I'd really appreciate it if you didn't make a big deal of it." She said.

"I'm not going to make a big deal. Just where did you meet him, what's his name, and what does he do for a living?" She asked. Jane pinched the bridge of her nose.

"Relax Jessica Fletcher. I will answer your questions but then that is it. After that I'm going to go back inside and have breakfast and I will call you later, understood?" She said as she crossed her arms. The older Rizzoli shrugged her shoulders.

"Okay fine." She conceded

"Food's getting cold, Rizzoli!"

"Coming, Gabe!" She yelled. She looked back to her mother. "His name is Gabriel Dean, he's an FBI agent and I met him when Hoyt came after me the second time." She said. Angela smiled.

"Okay well I'll let you get back. Just remember to be safe Jane." She said.

"Oh god Ma!" She said. "Go please. Shouldn't you be checking on Frankie or something?" She asked as she made her way back into her apartment. Her mother smiled at her. Jane kissed her mother on the cheek and closed the door. She went back to the kitchen. "Sorry some crazy lady at the door." Jane said

"Crazy huh? Is she as crazy as her daughter?" He asked as he set down her plate. She looked up at him.

"You heard the 'Oh god ma'?" She asked. He laughed and sat down next to her.

"Yeah I heard." He said. "I don't know how you take your coffee so I brought milk and sugar to the table." He told her. She smiled.

"Thank you. So you're going to sticking around." She said. He nodded his head.

"Yeah and I figured I'd stick around in case you need saving again." He said with a smirk.

"And all this time I thought it was the visits to the morgue." She said before she sipped her coffee.

"That's where all the pretty girls take me." He told her.

"Oh I bet." She said. She couldn't help but smile at him. This wasn't like her. He cut a piece of the omelet and held it out to her. "Try this." He said. She bit into it and closed her eyes.

"If you ever have to leave the Bureau you can always cook." She said with a satisfied smile. He laughed and took a bit of his own.

"So how about dinner tonight?" He asked. She nodded as she swallowed.

"You can come here and I can cook." She said. He grinned. Then she remembered something. "Shit I can't. I promised Maura we would all have dinner together at the Dirty Robber. She said that we're a team and we should do something together." She said with a frown. It's not that she didn't want to have dinner with her friends; she just really wanted to hang out with Gabriel.

"Just you and Dr. Isles?" He asked. He was slightly disappointed but he did ambush her last night.

"No um it's Me, Maura, Frost, Frankie, and Korsak. You should come actually." She said with a smile. He shook his head.

"It's okay. Go hang out with your friends." He said as he took another bite of their omelet.

"No I'm serious. You should come. You're as much of this anti-Hoyt thing we have going on as we are." She said with a chuckle. He smiled.

"You sure? Detectives Korsak and Frost won't mind?" He asked.

"No. Plus I think they'll be glad to really out number me and Maura." She said. She slipped her hand into his. "Please?" She asked. He shook his head again and chuckled.

"Okay fine. I'll be there. You want me to pick you up?" He asked. She took a big sip of coffee.

"Actually I would love that. I asked Frankie to pick up Maura. Get his mind off the crazy lady who duct tape him in my bedroom." He said as she put her head in her hands. Gabriel got up and walked up behind her. He put his hands on her shoulders and began to massage them. "Why didn't I notice anything?" She mumbled.

"Hey it's not your fault. She knew what she was doing. She needed Frankie and she was going to get him. And apparently the way to a Rizzoli is through their stomach." He said as he turned her head to look at him. She gave him a small smile.

"And man could she cook." She said. He pulled her up and hugged her.

"Please stop blaming yourself. Frankie doesn't blame you." He told her. She slumped against him.

"I know, I know." She pushed herself off of him. "I was actually kind of hoping Maura would jump in and help with Frankie." She said. She scrunched her face when she realized what she said. Gabriel smiled and leaned against the refrigerator.

"Something you'd like to share with the rest of the class?" He asked as he crossed his arms in front of him. She screwed her eyes shut and sighed.

"Okay fine. Just promise not to mention anything to Maura or Frankie." She said.

"Scout's honor." He said as he lifted his left hand.

"Wrong hand, wiseass. Okay so Maura has a thing for Frankie. She put on a good face when he talked about 'Lola'." She said the girl's name with disgust. "But when he left, the two of us walked to her office and she broke down. She was so upset that Frankie doesn't see her like that. It broke my heart to see my best friend like that." She said as she ran her left hand through her hair. Gabriel laughed.

"So are you trying to play match maker?" He asked. She shrugged.

"Maybe. Well the point is she's goofy, but he understands her. He thinks she's funny when I think she's stressful. She thinks he's 'endearing' when I think he's a pain in the ass." She said as she threw her hands up in the air. "I swear it's an episode of 'General Hospital' the police edition." She said. He laughed.

"So we sit them together, we get them talking." He said as he reached for his coffee mug.

"We? Oh no we are not going to toy with them tonight." She said. She picked up his mug and passed it to him as she leaned against the fridge with him.

"Now is the best time. Unfortunately he's upset right now. She is very caring she'll try and make him feel better."

"He's vulnerable right now. I don't want him to use Maura." She said. He put an arm around her shoulders.

"He's not going to use her like that. He's going to see that she has always been there for him." He said.

"Do you moonlight as a matchmaker between your missions?" She asked. He laughed.

"No, I just have three sisters." He said. She leaned against him.

"Okay, Okay." She said. "You should get going because I have to go running with Maura." She said after she took a long sip of her coffee.

"Alright." He said. He set his mug down and helped her clear the table. They worked in a comfortable silence and it occurred to her how domestic this felt. They worked without bumping into each other and silently passed stuff to each other. She smiled and moved some hair out of her face. He dressed in his clothes from the previous night and she dressed in shorts and tank top. She called up Maura.

"Hey I'm ready when you are." She said. "Yeah I'll meet you at the park." She said. She hung up and smiled at Gabriel.

"So I'll meet you here at what time?" He asked he leaned against the door. Joe Friday was pulling on Gabriel's jacket, which was being held in his hand. She leaned against him.

"I'd say seven. We can get there and spy on them a little." She said. She just liked being held, by the FBI agent.

"Sounds like a plan. Maybe if everything goes right you and I can sneak to the morgue." He said with a wink. She slapped his chest.

"You're sick. I hope you know I'm not sleeping with you in Maura's morgue." She said.

"Damn." He mumbled against the side of her head with a chuckle. "You know I don't care about the sex, right?" He said seriously.

"Oh I am so keeping you around." She said as she opened the door.

"Well it's that and my charming face." He said.

"Oh yeah that's gotta be it. Girls dig guys who track serial killers." She said as they walked down the stairs.

"Got you didn't it?" He asked as they stopped on her stoop.

"Figured me out." She said. "Well what got you about me?" She asked in a teasing tone.

"It was the tackle." He answered with an 'aw shucks' attitude. She laughed out loud.

"I knew it. It was that and my sunny disposition." She said with a laugh.

"Oh yeah you were a real peach." He said. He pulled her close and kissed her fully on the lips. She kissed him back. She broke the kiss and smiled.

"I gotta go meet Maura." She said with a small smile. He grinned.

"Alright I'll pick you up at 7." He said as he walked to his car. She shook her head and jogged to meet her friend. He was going to be the death of her, but what a way to go, right?