A family gathering.

This is my second fanfiction. But yes it is my first VA one. I worked really hard on it. And hope you enjoy it. Reviews make me happy. Even if it's to give me new ideas, to complement my work, or critize it. It love them all and take them into great thought. It's a little short, but it's the first chapter, I haven't decided which direction to go in yet. So Reviews.

Summary: The attack never happened. This is what I imagine Dimitri and Roses life would be like. Kids? Friends? Rose has already met Dimitri's family and they all love each other. What would happen if they all get together to have some fun before graduation.

As I sat there, only midily listening to what Christen was saying. Something about a vacation. I couldn't think about that now. I wanted to know what this surprise was. Lisa was keeping something from me. And I wanted to know what. Was it something useful. Something bad? Was I going to be stuck with Christen for a month while she went off to Court?

I didn't know, and I really wanted to find out. Twirling my fork around on my place I just played with the spaghetti not actually eating it. I know. Rose Hathaway! Not eating! It's a crime. But I had a big lunch. And when I say big. I mean big. My normal lunch. Which included a chicken sandwhich, fries, a donought, mac'n'cheese, and whatever else they had. And I had eaten Eddie's lunch.

"-it's going to be awesome," Christen said when I toned back in.

"huh, what's going to be awesome?"

" nothing. You weren't paying attention," he said.

Lissa! Come on tell me what you guys were saying? I thought at Lisa. After the thing with Dimitri we had gotten a new bond. It went two ways now. So we could talk to each other. " fine, Rose, I have someone who wants to see you," She said. I smiled in success. She got up and threw away her tray. I followed. She lead me towards the gates.

We got there and I saw Dimitri getting out of a car. He was smiling. I wonder what got him so happy. He didn't close the door when he got out. And you will never guess who got out of the car behind him.

Viktoria, Olena, Sonya, Karoline, Paul, Zoyta, and Tamara. There was someone else who had a hoodie over her head. I could only tell it was a female by the rings on her hands and how petiete they were.

She looked up and the hood fell backwards. And there she stood. Her long curly brown hair hanging around her face, her green eyes soft and sweet. She stood there. A 5'8' of her. Riley.

She had a smile on her face. My face immediately light up. I screamed, she screamed. Running towards her my arms spread out. Ready for a hug. She opened her arms. Letting me in. wrapping my arms around her I felt tears come to my eyes.

She was here. Her arms wrapped around me, warm, sweet, and soft. My cousin. I had gotten to know her over the summer. When mom had visited(in frostbite) Riley had come with her. She was Abe's niece. ( AN: she knows Abe.) my father. It had been a shock at first but I had learned to love. And hate.

"oh, Rosie, I missed you so much," she said. she was probably the only one who I allowed to call me that. And maybe Lisa.

" oh, Ri, I missed you so much. You leave without a note goodbye, and now you're here," I said holding her at arms length. Looking over her. " come on lets get out of the cold."

As we headed back toward the commons I said hello to the Belikov's. I was happy to see them. Riley, Lisa, Viktoria, and myself stood arm'n'arm. Letting no space between us.

Oh how I had missed them. We chatted about random things. Boys, clothes, shoes, makeup, school, and all the other girl things.

When we got to the commons I noticed that the Belikov's had separated from us. Dimitri with them. Leaving us Vika. " looks like they left you Vika," I said laughing. We sat down at the table, not letting our line go. We sat shoulder to shoulder. We were the best of friends.

" so everyone this is Riley and Viktoria," I said gesturing towards them. " Riley, Viktoria, this is Adrian, Eddie, Mia, Christen, and Mason ( AN: ya I love Mason to much to have him dead.) I noticed that Viktoria couldn't keep her eyes off Adrian. He was watching her also.

And riley her eyes were on Mason. They all knew about mine and Dimitri's relationship. They understood it. And were okay with it. Mason was taking it hard though. I bet Riley could fix that. " so this was that surprise," Eddie asked. Dang it. He knew.

He had a smile on his face. Probably from getting me. Dimitri came in and took a seat across from me. " Viktoria, you'll be sharing a room with Paul," he said. Viktoria huffed.

" do I half to? The kid gets up at the crack of dawn and doesn't go to bed till two in the morning."

" you could always sleep with me or Karoline," he said. Her eyes widened.

" Paul's fine," she said shaking her head. I think she had a better chance of getting rid of Paul then of getting rid of Karoline or Dimitri.

Dimitri laughed outright. The sound of his laughter was like silk on my skin. He smiled at me and I gave him my man-eating smile. " well I'll go inform Karoline about the plans. Riley you'll be staying with Rose," he said.

" okay, see you later Dimitri," Riley said. He got up and left.

" Guys I think I'm gonna go study," I said getting up and throwing my trey away.

" what room's yours," Riley yelled.

" 34," I yelled.

I was now at a running pace. I could see Dimitri's figure on the edge of the woods. " took you long enough Roza," he said wrapping his arms around me.

" well my best friends back, and I have my sister with me now," I said kissing Dimitri's chest. The only area I could reach.

" I like the sound of that, Roza," he said kissing the top of my head. " come on, I have a surprise for you."

He led me towards his room. It hadn't been that long since I was in here last. And I had some news to tell him. He led me towards the bed, I could smell the faint scent of roses. Awe he made me a little picnic. He sat me down on the bed. My eyes were closed. I felt moist lips press against mine. " I love you Roza. I wouldn't give you up for anything," he said.

" I love you too Dimitri," I said kissing him. " I have something to ask you?"

" spit it out," he said sitting on the bed and pulling me close.

" Dimitri…I don't know how to say this…its hard and I don't understand it. But… Dimitri I'm pregnant ," I said. I opened my eyes to see his were closed.

" whose is it?"

" what?"

" who is the father of the child," he said. his eyes were still closed. And I suddenly realized he thought I would cheat on him.

" Dimitri, you're the father. By some magical way… you are the father," I said. his eyes opened.

" oh, Roza," he said pressing his lips against mine.

I pushed him away. " I can't believe you would think I would cheat on you."

" I'm sorry Roza, but it's never happened before and I just want to be careful," he said." god knows it might be Adrian's."

" your and idiot," I said. " now what did you want to ask me."

" Roza, I realize that graduation is in two months and I know how hard we try to hide our relationship. But I wanted to ask you something it'-"

" your dumping me aren't you?"

" no, no, no not at all," he said getting down one knee. He better not be doing what I think he's doing. " I have loved you since I laid eyes on you. I didn't show it for a while, and I regret that. But that's the past. Now we have a child together. And my parts already planed out. I have everything I have ever wanted. Roza will you marry me?"