Four Days

Disclaimer: If Theodore Nott were a real person, I would find him and marry him.

Chapter 1: Discovery


Hermione Granger narrowed her eyes at the book on the top of the shelf in front of her. How dare it rest there, in all its mockery, while she stood there impatiently, unable to reach it?

She wasn't stupid. She'd already tried levitating it down, but the blasted thing was warded against magical attacks, not that Hermione considered Wingardium Leviosa to be an attack anyway.

She could try transfiguring herself, she supposed, so that she was tall enough to grab it. Human transfiguration was a dangerous thing, however, and Hermione endeavoured to make use of it only in the most necessary of circumstances.

All in all, this day was rapidly going from bad to worse.

As she stood there, contemplating what to try next, a hand reached up and plucked the book deftly from the shelf. Hermione turned, startled, to come face to face with one Theodore Nott.

His clear blue eyes watched her calmly, but she could only see one of them as his dark hair covered the other. His hand, the book clasped within it, stretched out towards her and offered her the prize.

"Thank you," Hermione said stiffly, accepting the book from the tall Slytherin. He merely shrugged and turned, walking back down the aisle, his shoes making no sound upon the ground.

He was absolutely silent.


Not much was known about the elusive Theodore Nott. He was a seventh year, a Slytherin, with dark brown hair and eyes the colour of the sky, and just as striking. He was thin, almost unhealthily so, and rather tall for his age. His father was a Death Eater, but he himself seemed to harbour no grudge against Gryffindors or Muggleborns.

Theodore Nott was an enigma. And that's just the way he liked it.


"You'll never guess what happened to me in the library today," Hermione said quietly later that night in the Gryffindor common room. Her eyes were focused on Harry Potter and Ronald Weasley, who were playing a game of wizard's chess, but her words were directed to Ginevra Weasley, Ron's sister and Harry's girlfriend of six months.

"You forgot your way to the library?" Ginny teased, her eyes also on the two males. Hermione rolled her eyes.

"Hardly, though it did happen in the library, now that you mention it. Theodore Nott helped me get a book down from a shelf."

"Theodore Nott, from Slytherin?"

"How many other Theodore Nott's do we know?"

"Not enough. He's frightfully attractive."

Hermione snorted. It was just like Ginny to turn their conversation into a gossip session about boys.

"I hadn't noticed."

"You've been missing out then. He can help me study any time."

Hermione didn't know what to say to that. He wasn't bad-looking, she supposed, but he wasn't really her type. Plus, she barely knew anything about him.

"That's not the point."

"What was your point? So what, he helped you get a book. What's the big deal? Maybe he's just a nice guy."

"He's not exactly known for his kindness, Ginny."

"To be perfectly honest with you, there isn't much that Theodore Nott is known for."


So what do you think? I told you I'd try and make a longer version, and I'm hoping that this is going to be it. It's going to be Hermione/Theodore, obviously, but I want to explore Theodore's personality more than anything. Why is he always so quiet? Review with the pretty button below!