Title: The Conditions of Diving
Covert Affairs
Annie/Auggie, one-sided Jai/Annie
Because it isn't that Jai Wilcox doesn't love Annie Walker, it's that he can't. Not when she already loves someone else. Tag to 1x10. Oneshot – Complete

Disclaimer: Do not own.

He reaches the window just as Annie steps in front of Vivian, shielding the young woman from their mark's aim. He'll never admit to it, but his heart stops just then, horror seizing every muscle in his body. Jai Wilcox wants a lot of things in life, but right this minute the only thing he wishes for is a little bit less self-sacrifice on Agent Walker's part, and a little bit more selfishness. Because he knows, somewhere deep (deep, deep, deep) down in his heart that—one day—her bravery will probably be his downfall.

But then he thinks about Ben Mercer and the secrets (lots and lots of secrets) that stand between them, and he knows that he'll deserve it whenever it comes.

Jai doesn't even realize that his gun is out and firing until the recoil of the shot makes his shoulder—already stiff with tension—ache. But as the would-be shooter slumps to the ground, her fingers slack around the handle of her gun, he suddenly feels like he can breathe again, especially when he sees the relieved and appreciative expression that crosses Annie's face as she looks back up at him seconds later. And damn if this relief isn't the worst thing that has ever happened to him and his career. Because, this? This was never supposed to happen.

Jai Wilcox is not his father—he doesn't like the agents he works with, and he certainly doesn't fall for them. But in the few months that he's worked with Annie, that is exactly what has happened, and he can't quite decide if that's a good thing or a bad thing.

She thanks him on their way to the airport; doesn't so much shake his hand as she does hold it for a brief few seconds while they sit in the car, and it's right then that he thinks that maybe it's time to come clean about his little crush on her. When he gets back.

Which he does, two weeks later.

He isn't confident when he steps into the building. Actually, he's maybe a little (completely) worried (terrified), and what was he thinking, anyway? This isn't real, this isn't right. He doesn't love Annie Walker, he assures himself as he steps into the bullpen.

That's why, when he spots her in the tech room, her mouth curved with a grin and a laugh, and she settles back into the curve of Anderson's arm as he grins and speaks low in her ear, Jai's chest doesn't ache. And his heart certainly doesn't break when Annie beams up at Auggie with that endearing smile that the techie can't even appreciate.

Because it isn't that Jai Wilcox doesn't love Annie Walker, it's that he can't.

Not when she already loves someone else.

The End

Notes: Wow, what is it with my depressing endings lately? So, yeah, I watched I Can't Quit You, Baby, and then I got to the last couple of scenes, where Jai saves Annie and Vivian, and it all just sort of went downhill from there. Which leaves us here. To be honest, I'm more of an Annie/Auggie fan, but sometimes I entertain Jai/Annie thoughts, which is what happened here. Somehow it ended up being Annie/Auggie, though.

