It all started on an unusually usual day. It was obscenely plain save for Blackstar and Death the Kid sparring in front of the school, and even that didn't surprise anyone anymore. The outcome was always the same, Death the Kid didn't even have to try.

Sense the fall of Ashura, life had returned to a vague sort of normal: Blackstar was still trying to surpass God- he seemed to be getting close to succeeding though, the power that he was wielding was getting ridiculous-, Death the Kid was still obsessing over symmetry,Soul and Maka were almost at the half way mark in there quest to make Soul a death scythe, and it even looked like Chrona was gaining a little courage in dealing with things.

It was these students that were observing the skirmish with Kid and Blackstar, and at this point, they were rather tired of it. It was not that the two did not get along, merely that Kid was one of the most powerful people Blackstar knew, and if he could someday defeat him, then he was one step closer to surpassing God. Autumn would soon arrive, and with it, the chill of fall. The feeling of anticipation for change made everyone antsy, and so maybe that's why Blackstar was attacking with such ferocity.

Maybe that's why no one noticed the approach of two strangers.

…Or maybe it was just because these two strangers weren't particularly threatening.

They were just girls after all, and it is society's tendency to under appreciate the female population, a fact that the taller of the two resented.

Her blond compatriot nudged her and gestured to the dramatic scene going on before them. "Uh, what's this?"

She shrugged. "Welcome wagon?" She stared at the raging battle a few seconds longer before adding. "If so, I'm giving them an A for effort, but a D for the presentation."

Her friend smiled, and then began to twist one of her low set pigtails apprehensively. "Should we do something?"

"Eh, sure, why not. OY KID!" She called; unaware that this was actually his name. Despite this fact, Death the Kid did not answer. "UM, DUDE! PERSON! GUY WITH STRIPE-Y HAIR!"

Still there was no reaction.

Sighing, she undid her ponytail, smoothed down her brown hair, and then retied it again. "Maybe this school is just weirder that we thought, Reba."

The shorter girl, Reba, nodded nervously, "It does look sort of scary." She eyed the giant skulls that adorned the school.

"Hmm. I don't know about scary, but something definitely seems off."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"I mean, look, the building is perfectly symmetrical!" She held her up her hand before her and drew an imaginary line. "It's exactly the same on both sides. I've never seen a building like before, have you?"

Reba put her hand up and covered one area of the school, then held up the other. "Whoa, your right! They're mirror images of each other!"

"See? That's just weird."

It was this that finally got Kids undivided attention. In fact, he stopped mid-attack to turn and gape at them. In consequence, a surprised Black Star skidded to a halt with Tsubaki's blade only inches from Kid's chest. Kid, unperturbed, batted the weapon away from him lightly and stomped toward the person who had so offended him.

"What's wrong with symmetry?" He glowered.

The taller girl blinked blue eyes at him. Her only reaction to the finger being brandished in her face was mild confusion. "Well there's nothing really wrong with it," She said earnestly. "They say that within symmetry there is beauty."

Kid nodded resolutely, proving he agreed with that fact.

"However," She added mildly. "I think sometimes symmetry can be boring. Perfection is overrated."

This seemed to make something snap inside the young reaper. "You're overrated! What do you know about the beauty of symmetry, huh? Something as perfect as symmetry could never be understood by you! Who are you anyways?"

"They're new students." A deep voice intoned from behind him. Dr. Stein had been refereeing the fight, and upon the newcomers arrival he had moved to greet them. "Rebecca Edwards," he pointed at the tall brunette- she waved. "And Reba Edwards." He gestured at the shorter blond. She smiled timidly and began to pull at her pigtail again.

Rebecca nodded and bowed. "You must be Professor Stein. Our Aunt Cordelia told us a lot about you, it's nice to meet you."

Stein adjusted his glasses. "Did she? Tell her that I wish her well."

"I will, thank you."

"You two are sisters?" Blackstar, noticing that the attention was no longer on him, had decided to join the conversation. "You don't look anything alike." He said, and then added. "Unlike me and my uncanny resemblance to God, I get mistaken for him all the time."

"We're cousins, actually, and you don't look anything like a god." Rebecca corrected. But it didn't matter because Blackstar wasn't hearing that part anyway. He was right at his first comment though, for the two didn't look like they could possibly be related at all. Rebecca was long, tan, and athletic looking. She was equippedwith a confident grin and blue eyes. Her brown hair was pulled up in a long ponytail, and she seemed to be very fond of fishnet tights, for nearly every article of clothing she wore incorporated them; from her stockings, to her shirt, which was merely a few strips of dark purple cloth held together by black mesh. Only adding to the oddity of her outfit was a sweeping blue jacket, rolled up at the sleeves, a gray wool skirt, and knee highboots.

Reba on the otherhand was narrow shouldered, demure, and looked a tad anxious to be the focus of such a large group of people. She was quite a bit shorter than Rebecca, and she was currently swamped in a lavender sweatshirt so large it covered most of her hands and draped off one shoulder. Barely visible underneath that, were brown shorts. She had straight blond hair that she had fashioned in short pigtails at the base of her neck, and bright green eyes.

Tsubaki, now in her human form, nudged him. "Don't be rude, Blackstar."

Blackstar shrugged. "Sorry," He stuck his hand out abruptly. "I'm Blackstar, but you can call me God, if you want."

"That's the second time he's mentioned God in the first two minutes I've known him." Rebecca thought, frowning. "Some first impression he's making."

Dr. Stein quickly interjected. "You can all introduce yourselves later, I must point out the fact that both Rebecca and Reba are two hours late for school."

Rebecca laughed lightly and rubbed the back of her head. "Sorry about that sir, we weren't exactly sure when school started, so we just sorta winged it."

"I'll excuse it seeming as it's your first day, but please try to be on time in the future. Anyway, I was instructed to take you to see Lord Death as soon as you arrived, however, because of your tardiness, I'm late for a class I have to teach. Maka, Soul," He turned to the pair. "Could you take them to Lord Death in my place? I'm sure it would be beneficial if you explained how this school works to them."

"Sure!" Maka chirped.

As Stein walked away Maka turned to her friends. "So, you guys want to help me give them a tour?"

Blackstar smirked. "It wouldn't be much of a tour if I wasn't there, I know everything about anything, so I'll join you."

"Um, I'd like to come too please." Chrona said earnestly.

Maka nodded. "Of course you can Chrona."

"You coming too, Kid?" Soul glanced over at him.

Kid shook his head as if to clear it. "Oh, uh, yeah."

"YAY!" Patty cheered, and punched her fist in the air. "And we're off!"

Watching her sister skip to the front of the group and violently link arms with Reba, Liz turned to look at her miester. "You okay, Kid?"

He proceeded to bite his lip and stare at his hands before muttering, "There's nothing wrong with symmetry."

Liz sighed. "Just let it go, Kid. Just let it go."