Hiii everybody excuse my last stories but I just wanted to get this story out there cause its been in my head for like….ever .
What the story's about: Ikuto is a famous photographer and his work is phenomenal! But lately he can't seem to find inspiration. Amu is an incredible gymnast focused on getting to the Olympics, what'll happen when Ikuto spots her while attending his little sisters practice?
Just so you know all thoughts will be in Italic.
It was another day in Tokyo, Japan and everyone was happily traveling,chatting,or playing with their friends; for it was that time of the year,yes it was summer! It seemed that everyone was enjoying themselves without a care in the world, all except for one 21 year old man. That man was Ikuto Tsukiyomi. He was aimlessly wandering around Tokyo.
Man why can't I find anything interesting? Nothing here is worth photographing or they already have been! I really need new inspiration. Just then he felt his phone vibrate in his pants pocket. It was a text from his little sister, Utau. "what does she want?" he thought aloud. The text read " Hii ikuto! :) its been a while! I want you to come see my gymnastics practice, and don't make up some excuse that your busy cause I know your not -.- here's the adress(make something up please cause I cant think of anything and I'm too lazy .) "crap" he murmured "well,I guess I HAVE to go seeing as she knows I'm not busy." he sighed aloud.( oh yeah in here Utau is only 10 .)
He got there just on time. When he stepped inside the gym he immediately found his sister,she was on the floor doing full body stretches. He looked around for some seats and after 2 minutes he found them near the window. He sat down and his eyes slowly began to wander away from Utau. Then suddenly something pink caught his eye,he then soon realized that it was a girl who looked to be about 17-18 with thigh length bubble gum colored hair with thin creamy legs and arms,and if the striking hair wasn't weird enough she had golden amber eyes that could put the purest honey to shame. She was on the bars. She began building up speed and soon lept into the air doing a double spin before catching the higher bar. Ikuto was amazed. He gripped his camera tightly, hhe had found his inspiration!
He had been so focused on this bubble gum haired beauty that he didn't notice Utau calling his name."IKUTO!"she screamed."wa-w-….huh?" he asked clearly dazed."I was asking if you saw me do that backflip but apparently you didn't" she stated with an angry pout. She then followed his gaze. "hey Utau,whos that?" he asked. " oh her,that's Amu Hinamori, she's been here for 4 years and she basically mastered every task they gave her and now she's focusing on the Olympics. Why?" she stated. "Because" he said. "I found my new inspiration" he said with such a big grin you could hear it in his voice
VKC- well that's it for now, not long at all but I just wanted to give you guys a taste to see what you think ;) well please let me know if I should continue by clicking that button that says review :)